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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Cuba is expensive though compared to it's hemispheric neighbours. Not only do they charge more money, but the food, and customer service, on the all inclusive dollar resorts is said to be rubbish compared to neighbours such as the firm historic US ally Dominican Republic. People, especially Canadians, do go to Cuba just to sock it to the United States.


Just got back from Cuba, may be off topic, Beaches, weather nice but that it, many better places to go. Not good value for money.

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Looks like St Jeremy has some explaining to do. I await his response. Maybe he will call on the Liebour Party's master of oratory skills Diane Abbott to defend Liebour's position on this sacking, standing down or whatever they will call it.


Debbie Abrahams is not best pleased, I wonder who's back she will stick the proverbial knife in.



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John McDonnell’s “fisherpeople” comment amused me, all this male and female person rubbish really annoys me, or am I just a sexist bigot?




I didn't know about that. I've just Googled it and LOL, isn't it pathetic really. :hihi:

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John McDonnell’s “fisherpeople” comment amused me, all this male and female person rubbish really annoys me, or am I just a sexist bigot?




Speaking of sexist bigots..




"The Labour MP Karl Turner, a shadow transport minister, is alleged to have said “I couldn’t help myself” when challenged after allegedly smacking the women’s bottom at his constituency office in 2015."

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