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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Yawn, change the Thatcher bashing record will you?


Or do you need a reminder of the years Labour were in power from 1997 where house prices went through the roof and they did nothing to stabilise them or to build affordable or council housing.


As for free education, ahem:





You forgot to say New Labour, sorry to mention Mrs T again but she did refer to Blair and New Labour as her greatest achievement.



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Yawn, change the Thatcher bashing record will you?


Or do you need a reminder of the years Labour were in power from 1997 where house prices went through the roof and they did nothing to stabilise them or to build affordable or council housing.


As for free education, ahem:





I'll maybe stop the Thatcher bashing when Jeremy Corbyn gets a fair hearing and the media bashing him stops.


We are where we are thanks to a near 40 year run of Toryism (I include Blair's 'New Labour' in that, - they were Tory light, you couldn't get a credit card between them, and is the reason Corbyn wanted to give the public a real choice.) I also include Thatcher's 'light touch' banking regulation which has turned UK finance into one giant casino and a mecca for corruption, croneyism, tax evasion, and money laundering to name but a few. Since the financial crash (which could be seen coming a mile off,) and the massive quantatitive easing programme the chickens have been well and truly coming home to roost.

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Never argue politics with a Labour supporter, they will drag you down to their hypocritical level and then beat you with experience.


My apologies to Mark Twain for the plagiarism.


It was the politics of envy in an earlier post and now we're all hypocrites?

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Anna, I can’t recall the Labour Party ever being of any help to me. I was well brought up on two council estates in a working class environment, none of my family were work shy. I did well in private sector employment, but soon realised that if I wanted to be the master of my own destiny that I had to do it myself, which I did, I’m a capitalist with a small c, I’m not greedy, am very independent, and don’t need my hand holding by the likes of Corbyn, Abbott or McDonnell, at least the Tories don’t pretend to care about me, which in my case is mutual.




Congratulations on making it big with no help from the state, the NHS, local government or any other public service you care to mention.

Don't the Tories pretend to care? Have you not heard of 'compassionate conservatism', or do you think, like Theresa May, that they're the nasty party?


---------- Post added 19-03-2018 at 18:36 ----------


But if you read back you will note that I’m not a Tory, now do try to catch up dear, or is anyone who does not vote Labour a Tory?


It's the patronising use of the word 'dear' that gives it away.

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Congratulations on making it big with no help from the state, the NHS, local government or any other public service you care to mention.

Don't the Tories pretend to care? Have you not heard of 'compassionate conservatism', or do you think, like Theresa May, that they're the nasty party?


Well as I was born prior to formation of the NHS they can’t claim me as one of theirs. My wife and I had medical insurance for donkeys years, and no, I haven’t heard of ‘compassionate concervatism’, but if I had I wouldn’t have believed it, why don’t you guys extract your heads from your rears, I’m not a Tory for the nth time.


---------- Post added 19-03-2018 at 18:44 ----------


Congratulations on making it big with no help from the state, the NHS, local government or any other public service you care to mention.

Don't the Tories pretend to care? Have you not heard of 'compassionate conservatism', or do you think, like Theresa May, that they're the nasty party?


---------- Post added 19-03-2018 at 18:36 ----------



It's the patronising use of the word 'dear' that gives it away.


So you’ve not bothered to read back then, a bit hypocritical don’t you think?

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