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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Apologies if I pre judged. It's just that there have been so many posters on here over the years espousing every hackneyed cliché under the sun about how they had to pull themselves up by their bootstraps; that they had started life with nothing; how others has 'made their own bed'; how they resented being part of the 'client state'; that they became wealthy through their own endeavours; they weren't 'envious' or 'greedy', but that the Labour Party epitomised the 'politics of envy'. When questioned a little further, they were definitely not part of the Tory Party....and even referred to others on here as 'dear' or 'old chap'.

I must've mistook you as one of those posters.



Don’t forget the : «* i’m not racist but.....you can get 20 years in jail just for being English these days.....do gooder.....*» cliches


---------- Post added 27-03-2018 at 08:31 ----------


Owen Smith sacked, gone against official LIEbour Party Policy by demanding another vote on the EU


At least Saint Jeremy has grown a pair. It irks me to say that he has done the right thing, well done him. Now if he retains his pair and keeps his eye on the rest of the remoaners, well, from small acorns and all that.






How odd. You keep excelling’ yourself ANGELFIRE :hihi:

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He did this by repeating an anecdote that he heard about the fact McVey should be lynched, and he thought that this was a funny and appropriate anecdote to get some laughs during his speech.



You are repeating it now :)


I believe she was out of favour with the electorate, but is now back as an MP and is Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

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You are repeating it now :)


I believe she was out of favour with the electorate, but is now back as an MP and is Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


Which is why I said he wasn't merely repeating the anecdote to raise awareness, or to denounce such a vile remark, for example. That would of course have been acceptable - it would be madness to suggest that nobody can repeat anything unpleasant for any reason.


It is of course an entirely different matter to using the anecdote as a 'witty remark' to get some laughs. It is entirely clear from listening to his audio the context in which is was repeating it.


Is her being out of favour with the electorate an excuse?

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I believe she was out of favour with the electorate, but is now back as an MP and is Secretary of State for Work and Pensions


She lost by a mere 400 votes in a constituency that has a very equal number of Labour and Tory voters, so its always pretty close.

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