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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Nowt to work out ,other than who could lead Labour to victory cos its as plain as day it wont be Corbyn . And talking about having head in the sand you keep voting labour ,in a town run by labour which oversaw one of the biggest scandals this century and did Nothing

Edited by hackey lad
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Nowt to work out ,other than who could lead Labour to victory cos its as plain as day it wont be Corbyn


Whether you like Corbyn or not does not matter, what does matter is your complete lack of awareness that our democracy is being eroded away. something that you are totally oblivious to..

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Whether you like Corbyn or not does not matter, what does matter is your complete lack of awareness that our democracy is being eroded away. something that you are totally oblivious to..


How is our democracy being eroded away exactly?

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Oh dear...I'm not even going to waste my time


That is a very poor answer.


If you genuinely want to show how the Tories are eroding our democracy and how voting for Jeremy would save us from that, I would suggest you explain it.


If you are unwilling to do that it indicates that either you don't really know and made it up, or you don't really care.

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Whether you like Corbyn or not does not matter, what does matter is your complete lack of awareness that our democracy is being eroded away. something that you are totally oblivious to..


Whether I like Corbyn or not is neither here nor there . Whats more important is the electorate don't like him ,hes already failed once against the weakest bunch of tories in years

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The Labour Party except that some sections within it are anti-semitic. I don't accept this is a smear campaign but a genuine concern. If anyone holds anti-Semitic views they should be expelled from the party.


I agree, and I think there is always a danger that anti-Zionism and the criticism of Israel either gets used as cover for anti-Semitism or leads some people to develop an anti-Semitic mindset. I agree that the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli state is often dreadful and that the state of Israel has some features of apartheid, but I'm not sure why the Left is so obsessed by the issue. But obsessed it is, and I think that's where the potential problems come from. It should be pretty straightforward to be critical of the Israeli state while being vehemently opposed to anti-Semitism, and those who can't manage this (such as Ken Livingstone) should be booted straight out. Corbyn missed his chance there and needs to do a better job in future or he will lose a lot of support.


In balance, I should say that it really doesn't help when you get this sort of crap https://www.jns.org/opinion/barack-obamas-anti-semitic-un-act/ because I think it dilutes what anti-Semitism really is and that blurs the lines very unhelpfully.

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