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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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it WAS in london i posted that yesterday morning, and the map...think banjo just forgot the london bit in his haste

I'm not claiming anybody else made the same mistake.


banjo just cut and pasted it without checking. It makes you wonder how much of the rest of the stuff he copied has similar inaccuracies. In any case, if anyone's going to accuse others of being inaccurate or misleading they'd better make sure they've got their facts straight or it will make people think they are guilty of what they accuse others of.

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I'm not claiming anybody else made the same mistake.


banjo just cut and pasted it without checking. It makes you wonder how much of the rest of the stuff he copied has similar inaccuracies. In any case, if anyone's going to accuse others of being inaccurate or misleading they'd better make sure they've got their facts straight or it will make people think they are guilty of what they accuse others of.


yup you can bet your bottom dollar if you accuse somebody of bad spelling you will spell badly in the post lol

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Labour 1762

Con artists 1200

Lap dogs 429

Green 33

Others 142


Therefore Labour WON a resounding victory... Despite all the best efforts of Murdoch's empire and friends the A.Z.C.

Almost as many as ALL the other parties put together....



Of course they lost BARNETT.. Who would have expected anything else?

The unusually large Jewish population of Barnett were not 'swayed' by Corbyn’s ultra-conciliatory attitude. Only his abdication would have sufficed..... At least that was the plan. Why did they decide to start this libel... 6 YEARS after the event?

Like most ethnic minorities they take direction from the Leaders of their community, who are solidly AZC and fear the advent of JC might be the harbinger of a return to socialism in the Labour Party.


For all the confused on this thread, you really must stop watching the British Brainwashing Corporation and 'specially 'edited' MSM'.


Trust your gut instinct!


Like you Anne.. I was always a Liberal voter until I realised that they were only interested in feathering their own nests, and had no real interest in the Proles.

Cleggy is now a Lord thanks to his 'services' to the Conservatives?

And one of the things I am not thrilled about, is Dianne Abbott. Who although she is very dedicated to the people, does have a very unfortunate delivery. Which is more my problem than hers?

And the Back Stabbers, who have really got up my nose...

The first person I would have throw out of the Labour Party would have been Paratrooper Dan Jarvis - your new Mayor - who was secretly raising money from previous labour party members for his cause..... And people voted for him like muppets without even researching him????? I actually wrote to him and said I knew exactly who he was and what he was about.. guess what - he didn't reply.

And don't get me started on Hilary Benn and the Kinnocks...

Kinnock junior, Stephen, telling Wales Online "Questions will have to be asked about Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership if Labour fails to hit “ambitious” targets in the May elections."

Kinnock senior, Neil, was leader of the Labour party from 1983-1992.

So how come he was given nine years with poor election results and Corbyn has to shine in eight months and against a backdrop of deceit, backstabbing and undermining?

Like so many Labour backstabbers Kinnock junior's news report came by way of the Huffington Post and a podcast.

Open this link and really inform yourself, and spread the word among your friends unless you are happy with the status quo of course.

As another posters said:

"None of the back stabbers support the actual Labour party or they would be totally behind Jeremy, and working towards a win in the 2020 election. They have no interest in removing the Tories and are simply in it for what they can get, fame, fortune and position, just like Blair who lied, manipulated and conned his way into our lives. Why the backstabbers apply for the positions and accept the jobs Jeremy offered them, if they didn't like the man or his policies? If they were in the slightest bit sincere, then they would stop the backstabbing and get on with the job in hand."

Just as in Greece of old, Career Politician should be outlawed completely, that is the only way we will ever get a Government we truly deserve.


THESE people are the only reason the Labour party didn't do 'even better'..... Nothing to do with Jeremy, but everything to do with their greedy ambitions.

I would ask Mel, what is so wrong about being cautious, calm and intelligent?


At least the Labour party don't rely on Nepotism to stay in power.

Christ we even have Joe Johnson in the mix now, coming up on the outside and tipped to be the next PM. Another Bullingdon boy familiar with swine abuse practices? And a Deutsche boy to boot, from the same stable as Javid. So his cards are lining up nicely... You just couldn't make this up.


And sister Rachel will do her bit, she has opinions on just about everything - and is doing her best to normalise this very dysfunctional family. She is never off the TV, and is forever rooting for them in the background as is Stanley and Leo..


I trust you will get the picture after reading and researching my post??? Or not.

Edited by catpus
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Labour 1762

Con artists 1200

Lap dogs 429

Green 33

Others 142


Therefore Labour WON a resounding victory... Despite all the best efforts of Murdoch's empire and friends the A.Z.C.

Almost as many as ALL the other parties put together....



Of course they lost BARNETT.. Who would have expected anything else?

The unusually large Jewish population of Barnett were not 'swayed' by Corbyn’s ultra-conciliatory attitude. Only his abdication would have sufficed..... At least that was the plan. Why did they decide to start this libel... 6 YEARS after the event?

Like most ethnic minorities they take direction from the Leaders of their community, who are solidly AZC and fear the advent of JC might be the harbinger of a return to socialism in the Labour Party.


For all the confused on this thread, you really must stop watching the British Brainwashing Corporation and 'specially 'edited' MSM'.

A - i got the same result by you and i was following the BBC

B - you dont half sound anti semitic in your jewish comments, something thats currently not helping labour Oo

C - oh and ask me about what? Oo

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Labour 1762

Con artists 1200

Lap dogs 429

Green 33

Others 142


Therefore Labour WON a resounding victory... Despite all the best efforts of Murdoch's empire and friends the A.Z.C.

Almost as many as ALL the other parties put together....



Of course they lost BARNETT.. Who would have expected anything else?

The unusually large Jewish population of Barnett were not 'swayed' by Corbyn’s ultra-conciliatory attitude. Only his abdication would have sufficed..... At least that was the plan. Why did they decide to start this libel... 6 YEARS after the event?

Like most ethnic minorities they take direction from the Leaders of their community, who are solidly AZC and fear the advent of JC might be the harbinger of a return to socialism in the Labour Party.


For all the confused on this thread, you really must stop watching the British Brainwashing Corporation and 'specially 'edited' MSM'.


Trust your gut instinct!


Like you Anne.. I was always a Liberal voter until I realised that they were only interested in feathering their own nests, and had no real interest in the Proles.

Cleggy is now a Lord thanks to his 'services' to the Conservatives?

And one of the things I am not thrilled about, is Dianne Abbott. Who although she is very dedicated to the people, does have a very unfortunate delivery. Which is more my problem than hers?

And the Back Stabbers, who have really got up my nose...

The first person I would have throw out of the Labour Party would have been Paratrooper Dan Jarvis - your new Mayor - who was secretly raising money from previous labour party members for his cause..... And people voted for him like muppets without even researching him????? I actually wrote to him and said I knew exactly who he was and what he was about.. guess what - he didn't reply.

And don't get me started on Hilary Benn and the Kinnocks...

Kinnock junior, Stephen, telling Wales Online "Questions will have to be asked about Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership if Labour fails to hit “ambitious” targets in the May elections."

Kinnock senior, Neil, was leader of the Labour party from 1983-1992.

So how come he was given nine years with poor election results and Corbyn has to shine in eight months and against a backdrop of deceit, backstabbing and undermining?

Like so many Labour backstabbers Kinnock junior's news report came by way of the Huffington Post and a podcast.

Open this link and really inform yourself, and spread the word among your friends unless you are happy with the status quo of course.

As another posters said:

"None of the back stabbers support the actual Labour party or they would be totally behind Jeremy, and working towards a win in the 2020 election. They have no interest in removing the Tories and are simply in it for what they can get, fame, fortune and position, just like Blair who lied, manipulated and conned his way into our lives. Why the backstabbers apply for the positions and accept the jobs Jeremy offered them, if they didn't like the man or his policies? If they were in the slightest bit sincere, then they would stop the backstabbing and get on with the job in hand."

Just as in Greece of old, Career Politician should be outlawed completely, that is the only way we will ever get a Government we truly deserve.


THESE people are the only reason the Labour party didn't do 'even better'..... Nothing to do with Jeremy, but everything to do with their greedy ambitions.

I would ask Mel, what is so wrong about being cautious, calm and intelligent?


At least the Labour party don't rely on Nepotism to stay in power.

Christ we even have Joe Johnson in the mix now, coming up on the outside and tipped to be the next PM. Another Bullingdon boy familiar with swine abuse practices? And a Deutsche boy to boot, from the same stable as Javid. So his cards are lining up nicely... You just couldn't make this up.


And sister Rachel will do her bit, she has opinions on just about everything - and is doing her best to normalise this very dysfunctional family. She is never off the TV, and is forever rooting for them in the background as is Stanley and Leo..


I trust you will get the picture after reading and researching my post??? Or not.


Stop it now . You are making yourself look silly :loopy: Or have I been brainwashed ?:)

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Here is an article showing just how desperate some people were, and who paid them/pulled their strings. Read here exactly what Jeremy Corbyn has been up against even 'before' he was elected leader.



What were they so afraid off?

That he would actually focus on what the people needed and not the big fat cat Corporations and their profits?

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Yes its obvious isn't it :hihi: I know certain people talk about Tweets :gag: .What do those people think about David Lammys recent lying Tweet ?

i dont know i dont follow tweets (i only follow SWFC on twitter and thats annoying enough) is it more lying than Mr Orangeheads 1001 tweets a minute?

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Here is an article showing just how desperate some people were, and who paid them/pulled their strings. Read here exactly what Jeremy Corbyn has been up against even 'before' he was elected leader.



What were they so afraid off?

That he would actually focus on what the people needed and not the big fat cat Corporations and their profits?


" Mr Allam is used to getting his own way for a price . He has already been defeated in his quest to change the name of Hull City " :hihi: Do you read what you post or just post from sites you like ? :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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