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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Alastair Campbell said Labour should be demolishing the Conservatives by now.


I would not have much faith in this chaps warblings. I think I can remember some of his last advice to the LIEbour cause, it wasn't very accurate to say the least.



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i know, if you were following the anti semetic talk in this very thread you would see that i think exactly the same, it is "jewish" lobby groups putting pressure on to get "debate" and "criticism" shut down, but just to talk about jews and jewishness to me plays right into their hands.


Please, don't tell me we agree on something? :confused:


I have gone back through my posts to lay to rest the question you asked me.

In my post 4242 was a response to you saying Corbyn was ''Too quiet - hides away - doesn't seize on things, and is a thinker not a doer''.

To which I asked 'what was so wrong with being cautious, calm and intelligent'. If you look at the link I posted earlier about Corbyn you will see that he has always been the same.. He is a team player who is totally focussed on what is best for you and me, and refuses to take part in the baying and barking that the Tories do. That sits well with me and shows me that he will appeal to other world leaders.. though not those set upon a course of world domination... Which are a small minority of the world as a whole. That he is a Socialist or even a Communist (which he is not) matters not one jot... It is only a word.. what matters are the deeds. EQUALITY and FAIRNESS for all men.

In 4342 You intimated that I was antisemetic which I object strongly to.... which is precisely what the non tax paying owners of the MSM and their presstitues did to Corbyn, who has never uttered an antisemetic sentiment in his life. As I said, they brought up an incident from 2012 when a street artist complained to Jeremy Corbyn that his 'mural' depicting Vampire Bankers playing monopoly (getting rich) on the backs of broken people impoverished by debt...was going to be whitewashed over, to which Jeremy answered that ''Why, you are in good company.'' Which I believe meant 'Why are you upset, many young graffiti artists had their work painted over and went on to be famous, like Banksy.

Nothing in that mural said Jews... I actually thought 'New

World Order', which encompass whole range of unsavoury characters. Only the Jewish Lobby pointed out that they were 'meant' to represent jews....

There was NO outcry at the time... so why now?


Blow this out of all proportion, but remember to close our ears and avert our eyes from the Tory scum that actually said Asians were like dogs....


Or Bozo the clown who said the Queen would like to see piccaninnies with water melon smiles.


Or Prince Philip and his slitty eyes comment.


Rabbi calls for genocide of the Palestinian cockroaches

Even Jewish soldiers themselves are sick of it. Are they antisemetic?

Incidentally, my Jewish friends are of exactly the same opinion as these young men.


It makes my blood boil, to see all that blatant racism virtually ignored against Arabs, Asians, Black and Chinese, and these inbred Tory cretins get away with it.

The Jews appear to have cornered the market on being offended, and no one else has the right. What I am most afraid of is that wolf will be cried once too often and people will ignore it....

But it is just going to get worse before it gets better unless we all speak out about injustices...


''What we actually need is a great big melting pot,

Big enough to take the world and all it's got.

Keep it stirring for a hundred years or more,

And we'll have coffee coloured people by the score.''

This is the only way we will be free of abhorrent racism.


You posted that I ''was saying Jewish this and Jewish that''...

I simply stated a FACT in 4325 that' Barnet is predominantly Jewish', so in view of the rumbling hatred against Corbyn and refusal to accept his apology.. it was quite obvious that they would be voting Tory.

There was only ONE Jewish in that post and ONE A.J.C.... which is the go to authority for all things Jewish and antisemetic?


I'm glad we cleared that up, and hope that in future we can move forward with more understanding.

I do believe that we are actually singing from the same hymn sheet.

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I simply stated a FACT in 4325 that' Barnet is predominantly Jewish', so in view of the rumbling hatred against Corbyn and refusal to accept his apology.. it was quite obvious that they would be voting Tory.


According to the last census (2011) just over 15% of the population of Barnet described themselves as Jewish - so Barnet being predominantly Jewish isn't a fact.


Data can be downloaded from here;



Edited by Longcol
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According to the last census (2011) just over 15% of the population described themselves as Jewish - so Barnet being predominantly Jewish isn't a fact.


Data can be downloaded from here;




That data is wrong , catpus "stated a FACT " and put it in capitals . So your data is wrong and catpus is right , ok :)


---------- Post added 06-05-2018 at 23:40 ----------


If you want character and integrity then Jeremy Corbyn must surely be your first choice. That's what makes him different from most other politicians. Also why they go to such lengths to besmirch his good name.


So he has got so much integrity yet he threw Marc Wadsworth out of the party for , basically nothing ? Or was it to kow tow to momentum ?

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All this ‘Semite’ , ‘Jewish’ rhetoric just goes to prove how much the existence of the children of Abraham worry the Labour faithful. I don’t notice any other major political party being filled with hatred and fear over circa 300,000 men, women and children, who are members by birth of the oldest recognised religion on the planet. Both Christianity and Islam recognise it along with it’s prophets, what is Labour’s problem?

Edited by Calahonda
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All this ‘Semite’ , ‘Jewish’ rhetoric just goes to prove how much the existence of the children of Abraham worry the Labour faithful. I don’t notice any other major political party being filled with hatred and fear over circa 300,000 men, women and children, who are members by birth of the oldest recognised religion on the planet. Both Christianity and Islam recognise it along with it’s prophets, what is Labour’s problem?

you aint looked very closely to the tories, ukip and bnp then? Oo

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you aint looked very closely to the tories, ukip and bnp then? Oo


I hadn’t considered either UKIP or the BNP to be a Major political party, neither do I consider the Tories to be anti Semitic, obviously you do. :rolleyes:

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All this ‘Semite’ , ‘Jewish’ rhetoric just goes to prove how much the existence of the children of Abraham worry the Labour faithful. I don’t notice any other major political party being filled with hatred and fear over circa 300,000 men, women and children, who are members by birth of the oldest recognised religion on the planet. Both Christianity and Islam recognise it along with it’s prophets, what is Labour’s problem?

A: it tolerates only people who agree with all its policies and its leader.

It denies everyone else any freedom to differ.

It manages not to expel or bar racists.


Note: UKIP bars ex-members of BNP/NF/etc. Labour doesn't.

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A: it tolerates only people who agree with all its policies and its leader.

It denies everyone else any freedom to differ.

It manages not to expel or bar racists.


Note: UKIP bars ex-members of BNP/NF/etc. Labour doesn't.


Meanwhile the Tories have an ex ira member working for their council

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