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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Labour's renationalisation to cost every family £6,500



Buying National Grid would cost £38bn. The six power networks and four gas networks – separately owned entities that look after local power and gas – are valued at £60bn. Nationalising 32 water companies in England and Wales will also be costly. The water regulator, Ofwat, puts the capital value of the industry at £69bn.


Where's the money coming from to buy them?9


Would UK public officials likely prove more efficient at running the trains than the patchwork of companies (many of them ultimately controlled by foreign governments) that do the job at the moment?


Would our civil servants be superior at operating water companies than the private managers that currently perform the task?


Considering the previous track record of UK civil servants, and how their jobs and roles are protected whenever there's a scandal - never any sackings but "lessons will be learnt".


I think not.


Doesn’t Labour’s Shadow Chancellor state that the money will come from increasing Corporation Tax to 28%? Albeit every time there has been a CT raid it reduces the amount collected due to companies opting for places with friendlier taxation rules.

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Doesn’t Labour’s Shadow Chancellor state that the money will come from increasing Corporation Tax to 28%? Albeit every time there has been a CT raid it reduces the amount collected due to companies opting for places with friendlier taxation rules.


Wouldn't be enough.. CT only raised 56 billion in the year to April 2017..adding another 50% ish wouldn't buy very much of the privatised utilities

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Labour's renationalisation to cost every family £6,500



Buying National Grid would cost £38bn. The six power networks and four gas networks – separately owned entities that look after local power and gas – are valued at £60bn. Nationalising 32 water companies in England and Wales will also be costly. The water regulator, Ofwat, puts the capital value of the industry at £69bn.


Where's the money coming from to buy them?


The same place the money for WAR comes from..

£365 billion for one Trident replacement in 2020? £1 million plus for every missile used etc. etc. etc.

£2.4 billion a year to run Trident?

Would UK public officials likely prove more efficient at running the trains than the patchwork of companies (many of them ultimately controlled by foreign governments) that do the job at the moment?


Public officials don't run the trains they only manage the funding.

The people will Manage and 'run' the trains.


Would our civil servants be superior at operating water companies than the private managers that currently perform the task?


Maybe not, given their track records? lol. They would have to be removed and more efficient Managers put in place.


Considering the previous track record of UK civil servants, and how their jobs and roles are protected whenever there's a scandal - never any sackings but "lessons will be learnt".

I think not.


So, what are you saying? We are beaten before we start so don't bother? Just let the Greedy Conglomerates keep fleecing us whilst providing an even worse service?

Sounds like a plan to me?

Edited by catpus
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So, what are you saying? We are beaten before we start so don't bother? Just let the Greedy Conglomerates keep fleecing us whilst providing an even worse service?

Sounds like a plan to me?


Why would renationalisation be a good thing? Genuine question...

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Why would renationalisation be a good thing? Genuine question...


I will get back to you later.. have to go out now.

Do a bit of research whilst I am out and then we can have a proper discussion.

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No he just gave support and comfort to the terrorists scant days after they tried to assassinate the leaders of the country in 1984...


Corbyn has never been a terrorist supporter, but a mediator...

Knowing full well that the only road to peace is conversation and compromise and definitely not confrontation.

That was the way Mo Mowlem solved the Irish problem...

The minority Orange men believed it was their right with the backing of the British Government, to rule the Catholics.

Their methods were brutal and antagonising.

I wonder how you would feel if every year you had to be barricaded in your home with a Police guard whilst the Orangemen paraded and postured through 'your designated' streets.

It was the protestants who segregated them and treated them like dogs. Catholic children were forced to walk around the Protestant areas to get to school, and were harangued. And the rest...

Just tell me - how would you have coped with this?


The troubles were capitalised on and brought to a head, thanks to the intervention of MI5 and the British Government of the time - Thatcher.

Open and read this: https://www.prisonplanet.com/news_alert_mi5terror_7.html


I'm presuming that you watched Peaky Blinders? That programme went a long way to explaining HOW the Government and it's agents get involved with 'terrorism.' But maybe you missed that point?


I do know the History of Ireland.. I am descended from Irish Catholics and proud of it. Though I am no longer a Catholic, because I realised some years ago that Religion is the root of all the evil in the world.

I haven't got the space or time to go into the whole history, but would suggest you take the time to research yourself before posting any more guff.


Corbyn had no business dealing with the IRA. He wasnt a member of the govt and should keep his nose out - they fact that he treats and deals with them, he supported them, even went to their funerals and symnpathised with them, let alone his freinds in Hamas and Hezbollah..


Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser and should be proscuted for supporting proscribed organisations.

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No, its because policies are only really mentioned at election time.


Corbyn's policies were made public at the time, and ridiculed IIRC.


---------- Post added 08-05-2018 at 10:12 ----------



So are you saying Campbell is wrong?


On this specific issue, yesterday the polling organisation Britain Thinks published research where they asked voters opinions about some of Labour's key business policies (except they omitted to mention that he policies were Labour's). The Conservative voters were generally enthusiastic about the policies, until they found out they were in fact policies of the Labour Party.

Interesting research - it was reported in yesterday's Financial Times.

And the findings are at odds with what you recollected.

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On this specific issue, yesterday the polling organisation Britain Thinks published research where they asked voters opinions about some of Labour's key business policies (except they omitted to mention that he policies were Labour's). The Conservative voters were generally enthusiastic about the policies, until they found out they were in fact policies of the Labour Party.

Interesting research - it was reported in yesterday's Financial Times.

And the findings are at odds with what you recollected.


Anyway we can get to that? ..it's behind a paywall

Edited by truman
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Corbyn is equal 8th longest serving MP and has been one for 35 years. It's ridiculous to claim he's not a career politician.

By 'career politician' I think Catpus means the sort of politician who would sell his soul to the devil for career advancement.


Corbyn has been returned in every single election he has fought for the last 35 years (and his Islington constituency, where he also lives, is an interesting mix of rich and poor,) so he must be getting something right. He is noted for being extremely hard working.


Nor has he been just a quiet back bencher, has been seen speaking on TV since the early 1980s campaigning for various causes. He has also headed up / chaired a lot of important committees, including foreign affairs. He worked closely with Tony Ben on a number of projects. In 2013 he won the Gandhi International Peace Award which recognised 'Consistent efforts over a 30 year Parliamentary career to uphold the Gandhian values of social justice and non-violence.'

He was also honoured in the same year by the Grassroot Diplomat Initiative for his 'ongoing support for a number of non-government organisations and civil causes, and in September 2016 he was one of three recipients of the Sean McBride Peace Prize for his 'sustained and powerful political work for peace and disarmament.'

And let's not forget his winning 'Parliamentary Beard of the Year' 6 times...

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