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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

This is the final warning we are going to give about bickering, name calling etc. If a post breaks the forum rules, report it. Any further and accounts will be suspended.

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Where do you suppose these countries get their information from?


I find these deliberate personal barbs in people's comments (Corbyn lover etc) unpleasant, unworthy and unnecessary


But you have no problem when people accuses others of being Sun readers/Tories/Uneducated etc.


It works both ways. But then Corbyomics is all about our way or the highway so no wonder you think it's ok to hand it out but not take anything back.


---------- Post added 12-05-2018 at 15:05 ----------


It's a shame that those dishing out these nasty comments, can't summon up the wit or wherewithall to support Theresa May and the government with the same vigour and determination.

I wouldn't take it personally Anna; I think the comments say more about them and their mindset, than they do about Corbyn, the Labour Party or you.

You are better/smarter than this.

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Theres already been more than one warning on this thread about posting in a civil manner.


If you cant have a discussion without resorting to personal comments then unless you want your accounts suspending I suggest you dont post.


Thank you.

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I don’t understand the almost god like adulation that Jezza receives from his followers, what has he done other than to lose two general elections? Even May, who must be the worst Tory leader/prime minister since Eden, has won one, and that was against him. :huh:

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Where do you suppose these countries get their information from?


What would you recommend as an impartial source if not a complete third party?


I find these deliberate personal barbs in people's comments (Corbyn lover etc) unpleasant, unworthy and unnecessary


I don't think calling someone who is blatantly a massive Corbyn supporter a Corbyn lover is a barbed comment. Are you really sinking to going down that route when you yourself have suggested that if people don't support Corbyn they must be so stupid that they are brainwashed by the media.


Stop and think for a second which is the worst of the two above examples.

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I don’t understand the almost god like adulation that Jezza receives from his followers, what has he done other than to lose two general elections? Even May, who must be the worst Tory leader/prime minister since Eden, has won one, and that was against him. :huh:

I know about the 2017 one, which was the other?

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I don’t understand the almost god like adulation that Jezza receives from his followers, what has he done other than to lose two general elections? Even May, who must be the worst Tory leader/prime minister since Eden, has won one, and that was against him. :huh:


I agree but you've not been chipping in on the Conservative thread about this for some reason?

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What would you recommend as an impartial source if not a complete third party?




I don't think calling someone who is blatantly a massive Corbyn supporter a Corbyn lover is a barbed comment. Are you really sinking to going down that route when you yourself have suggested that if people don't support Corbyn they must be so stupid that they are brainwashed by the media.


Stop and think for a second which is the worst of the two above examples.


'Corbyn supporter' will do just fine thankyou.


As far as I'm aware I've hardly mentioned people being brainwashed, in fact in post 4443 I particularly stated that you were not brainwashed, in response to Hackney's (tongue-in-cheek) accusation. However it is sometimes used as a shorthand for people whose minds are closed to new ideas and who fail to do look any deeper into what they are being told.


Which brings me to point number 1. It's very difficult these days to get an impartial opinion on anything, particularly now that the internet also feeds self-supporting propoganda, fake news etc to it's clients. So it's important to use a wide number of sources and check out their sources too. (It gets ever more complicated.) Personally I would think going to the horse's mouth is the most reliable source, but even that needs to be taken in context.


As you probably know I've been to see Corbyn at one of his rallies, and got the chance to meet him and chat to him afterwards. (How often can you say that about other politicians?) and was very impressed by what he had to say, and also by the measure of the man. Very impressed indeed.

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Quite right, I had actually forgotten about Mr Ed, so what has he done, other than to lose one general election against a very weak Tory leader?

I was just pointing out your error. Though compared to how Labour were widely predicted to do in 2017, he did much better than expected. He's got a long way to go though - Blair and Cameron both had about a 15% lead over the opposition in the local elections the year before they first won and Kinnock had a 2% larger margin over the Tories than Corbyn did the year before he lost. Corbyn's fans need to get some perspective - they need to convince the people who switch between Tory and Labour (like Blair did) not just the left of the Labour party.


You'll have to get one of his fans to sing his praises though, I'm not one of them.

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Blair was the right man at the right time, when the country was doing well, and 'we were all middle class now.'


Sadly that's no longer true, and a lot of the things people took for granted as being permanent fixtures, (and were very hard won over many years,) have all but disappeared. Free Education, health care and dentistry, social care etc and then there are the things under serious threat, like housing, decent jobs, training, crime fighting, welfare, libraries, investment in infrastructure and so on.


We need to rethink where we are now, and what we want to do about it. The Tories have cut all these things and we are on a downward path, productivity and exports down, stress and worry up. Only Labour will work to restore them.

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