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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I don't know what you earn or where your taxes go. Do you want t tell me?


If you are not willing to critically think about what the numbers may mean then you are just jumping on the bandwagon and grandstanding as I've said...


How about a little critical thinking on what that might me then. I'll give you some numbers.


Last month I billed two clients for work. One of these is billed daily at a day rate of £575 a day. Thats generally how the work has been for them for the last six months and will carry on for another nine months. Bearing in mind I only get to bill them for days worked so no BH etc.


Second client is an hourly rate as and when needed. They get billed at £70 an hour in quarter hour increments. I suspect I average about 30 hours a month to them.


So, thats money coming into my limited company. I'm the sole shareholder. Now make a guess at what amount I make and the tax I pay. I well inside that 1% you harp on about - lets see what you know about it. I make use of all the legal ways there are of avoiding tax so lets see what you think.


---------- Post added 17-05-2018 at 12:55 ----------


Yet you're suggesting they don't pay their fair share? If you don't know how much they pay how do you know whether it's a "fair share" or not? Genuine questions Anna


Details are above... :) Want to have a go yourself? I suspect this could be interesting....


---------- Post added 17-05-2018 at 19:43 ----------


......tumbleweed from Anna....

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They could start by getting the seriously rich / Corporations etc to pay their fair share of taxes properly. That alone would fund it - if they can collect it.

Unfortunately when dealing with the rich and powerful, they have systematically rigged the system in their favour, and none of the current government has the will to change it.


Jeremy Corbyn has said he will make this a priority, and I believe he will.


He also wants to start a National Investment Bank. (Quantatitive easing for the people.) Cutting out the middle man (the Banks) scares the **** out of them. It doesn't fit into their agenda at all, they would lose their stranglehold, but sound economic minds think it would work. Read this: ,



Ah the old labour trick of higher taxation , what next , borrowing money for their schemes ?

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They could start by getting the seriously rich / Corporations etc to pay their fair share of taxes properly. That alone would fund it - if they can collect it.

Unfortunately when dealing with the rich and powerful, they have systematically rigged the system in their favour, and none of the current government has the will to change it.


Jeremy Corbyn has said he will make this a priority, and I believe he will.


He also wants to start a National Investment Bank. (Quantatitive easing for the people.) Cutting out the middle man (the Banks) scares the **** out of them. It doesn't fit into their agenda at all, they would lose their stranglehold, but sound economic minds think it would work. Read this: ,



Worked really well in France didn't it..

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Latest polling has Theresa May as preferred PM with Don't Know in second place, with Jeremy Corbyn coming third in the two horse race.


Labour should be crushing it against May's hapless government, which just goes to show how utterly awful most people's think Corbyn would be as PM. It's time to get rid of him before Labour end up in the wilderness for another decade.

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Keep the faith folks, lots of Tory trolls about.



What a ridiculous post. :loopy:


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 08:20 ----------


What Labour needs is a John Smith moment.


But unfortunately, despite being a Hamas sympathiser, Jeremy Corbyn doesn't eat enough kebabs.


A leader/pm with a sense of humour would be a good start, folk respond to personalities, something both May and Corbyn are devoid of. Labour continues to be the anti Tory party, whilst the Tories appear to have gone backwards, I’m beginning to fear that May thinks that she is Churchill when dealing with the leaders of other nations.


Nowt we can do, we’re stuck with a far right government and a far left opposition, with bog all in the middle, Vince Cable couldn’t run a tap, let alone a political party, woe are us. :confused:

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What a ridiculous post. :loopy:


---------- Post added 20-05-2018 at 08:20 ----------



A leader/pm with a sense of humour would be a good start, folk respond to personalities, something both May and Corbyn are devoid of. Labour continues to be the anti Tory party, whilst the Tories appear to have gone backwards, I’m beginning to fear that May thinks that she is Churchill when dealing with the leaders of other nations.


Nowt we can do, we’re stuck with a far right government and a far left opposition, with bog all in the middle, Vince Cable couldn’t run a tap, let alone a political party, woe are us. :confused:


If you think the current Conservative party are ‘far right’ then you’re devoid of reality.

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