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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Not seen anything much in the media about Jeremy lately. -Well, I suppose it makes a change from seeing him constantly slagged off. Never seen anything good about him though, and when they need a Labour person for 'political balance' on shows, they always seem to get mischief making Blairites on, even when they're no longer in office. Alistair Canmpbell last week for example! Tony seems to be on TV more often than Jeremy. All Yesterday's men. Labour has moved on. But where are the Owen Jones types (good communicator, that one) to explain Labour policies when you need them? Not invited, that's where.


Meanwhile Theresa May is still getting a favourable press, in spite of her, and her team of total incompetants cocking up one thing after another. I don't think I can remember a worse government.


Is that the media that constantly pulls Jeremy down ?:confused: What fun they could have with Jeremy and Venezuela , but they haven't :confused: . Please don't come on here and say there is a media bias against Jeremy

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Is that the media that constantly pulls Jeremy down ?:confused: What fun they could have with Jeremy and Venezuela , but they haven't :confused: . Please don't come on here and say there is a media bias against Jeremy


It's insidious, but it's there. Today's DM front page:


"Home Secretary's fury at anti-police shop window campaign by Lush stores (owned by a Corbyn backer)"


See? Any chance to associate him directly with anything they see as negative.


Also this:


'Labour is busy exploiting the NHS's 70th birthday this year, by launching a barage of attacks about Tory "mishandling" of the nation's healthcare system.

This deeply cynical campaign contrasts unfavourably with the dedicated work of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who this week boldly explored a new approach to funding........etc etc.


You really don't have to look far to see the biased language.


(And incidently, having just spent the last two days at the sharp end of the NHS, (Northern Gen A&E) I've witnessed personally the chaos, with ambulances stacked up in the carpark, patients on trolleys in corridors, hours and hours of waiting, machines that don't work, and a wonderful but worn out staff working incredibly hard trying to hold it all together, I'd say that Labour is right to be concerned.)

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It's insidious, but it's there. Today's DM front page:


"Home Secretary's fury at anti-police shop window campaign by Lush stores (owned by a Corbyn backer)"


See? Any chance to associate him directly with anything they see as negative.


Also this:


'Labour is busy exploiting the NHS's 70th birthday this year, by launching a barage of attacks about Tory "mishandling" of the nation's healthcare system.

This deeply cynical campaign contrasts unfavourably with the dedicated work of Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who this week boldly explored a new approach to funding........etc etc.


You really don't have to look far to see the biased language.


(And incidently, having just spent the last two days at the sharp end of the NHS, (Northern Gen A&E) I've witnessed personally the chaos, with ambulances stacked up in the carpark, patients on trolleys in corridors, hours and hours of waiting, machines that don't work, and a wonderful but worn out staff working incredibly hard trying to hold it all together, I'd say that Labour is right to be concerned.)


So you can't disagree with anything Labour says or does without being biased. Right..

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So you can't disagree with anything Labour says or does without being biased. Right..


Yes you can, but this isn't about disagreeing with Labours policies with a coherant argument, it's all in the language, and often nothing to do with politics. Constantly snide, belittling, disparaging, ridiculing, and by association, with the flimsiest links to all things negative. And with pure untruths, usually, (and carefully) just this side of being libellous.


Hardly a day goes by without a these sorts of attacks. It's relentless, it's insidious, and it works. Drip, drip, drip poison long enough and JC's popularity rating's drop.

When an election is called, rules come into play, Jeremy has to get a fair hearing and his popularity goes up. Unfortunately by that time a lot of permanent damage has been done.

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Yes you can, but this isn't about disagreeing with Labours policies with a coherant argument, it's all in the language, and often nothing to do with politics. Constantly snide, belittling, disparaging, ridiculing, and by association, with the flimsiest links to all things negative. And with pure untruths, usually, (and carefully) just this side of being libellous.


Hardly a day goes by without a these sorts of attacks. It's relentless, it's insidious, and it works. Drip, drip, drip poison long enough and JC's popularity rating's drop.

When an election is called, rules come into play, Jeremy has to get a fair hearing and his popularity goes up. Unfortunately by that time a lot of permanent damage has been done.


There are articles about the Conservative Party that use similar language - you just don't notice because you agree with them.

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No there aren't. Certainly not every day, and certainly not dripped into other articles which have nothing to do with him, and certainly not character assassination. I think I've demonstrated in post 4664 how it works.


It's not just me that thinks it. As has been said before, impirical evidence has proved the bias.



Let me ask you this, have you ever seen a DM newspaper article praising Jeremy Corbyn? Or even telling you something good about him? (There's plenty good I assure you.)


Don't you think that's strangely unbalanced reporting?


And, bye the way, they've already done Jeremy Corbyn and Venezuela to death. http://www.cityam.com/264174/jeremy-corbyns-beloved-venezuela-sinking-further-into

Where've you been...?

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No there aren't. Certainly not every day, and certainly not dripped into other articles which have nothing to do with him, and certainly not character assassination. I think I've demonstrated in post 4664 how it works.


It's not just me that thinks it. As has been said before, impirical evidence has proved the bias. https://www.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/research/pdf/JeremyCorbyn/Cobyn-Report-FINAL.pdf


Let me ask you this, have you ever seen a DM newspaper article praising Jeremy Corbyn? Or even telling you something good about him?


Don't you think that's strangely unbalanced reporting?


If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed, this is as true today as it was over 100 years ago. I don’t recall the Daily Mirror doing handstands over Margaret Thatcher’s premiership, what’s so special about Corbyn and the Daily Mail? :huh:

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If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed, this is as true today as it was over 100 years ago. I don’t recall the Daily Mirror doing handstands over Margaret Thatcher’s premiership, what’s so special about Corbyn and the Daily Mail? :huh:


Have you read the LSE Reprt?


Do you want our 'free democratic process' politics decided by the likes of Lord Rothemere and Establishment propaganda?http://www.albionmill.org.uk/?p=1476


Time was when newspapers were supposed to report the news, not make it up.

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Have you read the LSE Reprt?


Do you want our 'free democratic process' politics decided by the likes of Lord Rothemere and Establishment propaganda?http://www.albionmill.org.uk/?p=1476


Time was when newspapers were supposed to report the news, not make it up.


Corbyn is loving it, he came from zero to hero whilst never expecting to be made leader, best to be insulted than ignored comes to mind, a bit like this forum, don’t you think?

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Corbyn is loving it, he came from zero to hero whilst never expecting to be made leader, best to be insulted than ignored comes to mind, a bit like this forum, don’t you think?


what an utterly ridiculous post, how can he be loving it? i think he would love it if they gave him a fair report, one that gave his good points and bad points, not denigrate the man on a near daily basis, what utter drivel

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