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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Well it's all kicking off the labour ranks this evening - rebellions, resignations.


Brexit: MPs reject bid to stay in EEA amid Labour revolt http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44474661


I am very happy you posted this because if I had posted it ,as a tory supporter , I would've been accused of muck raking . People talk about the tory party being split but they are no where as bad as the split in the labour party

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I am very happy you posted this because if I had posted it ,as a tory supporter , I would've been accused of muck raking . People talk about the tory party being split but they are no where as bad as the split in the labour party


The Tory party operate in private. The Maybot bullies and blackmails her collection of halfwits into whatever she wants..............or hopes she does. The Torys are malignant, they are destroying every vital element of society. Just like a cancer works. On the other hand, Corbyn is a fence sitter. He is leader of the worst opposition we have ever had. When will he start to actually OPPOSE ?? Abstaining isn't good enough, he never actually declares his stance on anything. In the meantime, the Torys lie, rob and cheat all of us and Labour just sit drawing their salaries.........for nothing.

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The Tory party operate in private. The Maybot bullies and blackmails her collection of halfwits into whatever she wants..............or hopes she does. The Torys are malignant, they are destroying every vital element of society. Just like a cancer works. On the other hand, Corbyn is a fence sitter. He is leader of the worst opposition we have ever had. When will he start to actually OPPOSE ?? Abstaining isn't good enough, he never actually declares his stance on anything. In the meantime, the Torys lie, rob and cheat all of us and Labour just sit drawing their salaries.........for nothing.


Well this is a democracy and given that the people rejected a PR system, voting anything other than Tory or Labour is a waste of time.

People tend to vote for the party that represents the least worst option for themselves and over the years the evil Torys have had the most votes.

Explain that if you can.

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Well this is a democracy and given that the people rejected a PR system, voting anything other than Tory or Labour is a waste of time.

People tend to vote for the party that represents the least worst option for themselves and over the years the evil Torys have had the most votes.

Explain that if you can.


Ah, but people didn't reject a 'Proportional Representation' system did they? They rejected the 'Alternative Vote' system; a more complex system which they didn't understand, didn't want and had never asked for.


The Tories always give the impression they have a God given right to rule, and they have the vast and powerful Establishment behind them in charge of all the things that count to make sure it happens. They constantly attack anything that threatens their status quo by frightening people into thinking that anybody but then in charge will bring about nothing but doom and disaster.

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