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Universal Credit: Labour says Esther McVey should resign



Ha ha, how about getting your own house in order first?


The whole Universal Credit saga has been a disaster from start to finish, along with PIP and various other Tory ideas to make cuts to the most vulnerable.

But it's hardly the fault of Esther McVey, she inherited a failing system. It is up to her however to try and put it right, which seems to be a near impossible task.

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The whole Universal Credit saga has been a disaster from start to finish, along with PIP and various other Tory ideas to make cuts to the most vulnerable.

But it's hardly the fault of Esther McVey, she inherited a failing system. It is up to her however to try and put it right, which seems to be a near impossible task.


Been in the middle of the PIP debacle I have to agree with Anna B. The Tory Universal Credit saga, the DLA to PIP nonsense has done nothing but punish the poor, ill and disabled in our society.

I would love to hear Labours "cure" for this attack by the Tory's on our most vulnerable if they ever got back into power. (God forbid)


I find it damn near impossible to give my vote to any of the inhabitants of Westminster at this time. I might now call it a day and refrain from voting again, something I have not done before.



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Been in the middle of the PIP debacle I have to agree with Anna B. The Tory Universal Credit saga, the DLA to PIP nonsense has done nothing but punish the poor, ill and disabled in our society.

I would love to hear Labours "cure" for this attack by the Tory's on our most vulnerable if they ever got back into power. (God forbid)


I find it damn near impossible to give my vote to any of the inhabitants of Westminster at this time. I might now call it a day and refrain from voting again, something I have not done before.





It would never have happened in the first place under Jeremy Corbyn's Labour.


He has spoken out loud and clear many times about what he considers to be a very iniquitous system deliberately targeting the poorest and most vulnerable people in society, that urgently needs reform. These are the sort of people he believes we should be protecting and helping.


When he first got into office he made every single Labour MP, (some of which were still Blairites,) to watch 'I Daniel Blake;' a very clear and succinct film about what can (and does) happen under PIP and Universal Credit. Just to force the point home. More powerful than any number of memos, debates and white papers.

Edited by Anna B
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It would never have happened in the first place under Jeremy Corbyn's Labour.


He has spoken out loud and clear many times about what he considers to be a very iniquitous system deliberately targeting the poorest and most vulnerable people in society, that urgently needs reform. These are the sort of people he believes we should be protecting and helping.

When he first got into office he made every single Labour MP, (some of which were still Blairites,) to watch 'I Daniel Blake;' a very clear and succinct film about what can (and does) happen under PIP and Universal Credit. Just to force the point home.


Pretty much sums up Corbyn's failures perfectly.


Forget the hard graft of getting to the facts of an issue. Forget actually looking behind the populist headlines to get the truth. Forget about actually putting in the hard work of looking at the bigger picture. Forget about coming up with a realistic and deliverable solution to the problem. Forget about having the balls for sometimes having to make unpopular but necessary actions to ensure ALL parts of running the country are maintained - not just the fancy and popular bits the wider public only focus on.


Oh no, not our Jezza.


Instead he takes the populist easy route of showing some biased fictional piece of work to his MPs and treat is a absolute facts which all must obey. A piece of work (lets not forget) produced by long time party member, socialist chum and aquaintence of said leader. An aquaintence who also happened to endorse said leader, produce a filmed interview with him and even get involved in his election campaign videos.


Christ, no wonder Jezza worked so hard selling his film to all and sundry.


35 years that waste of space has been in parliament. Coming up 3 years as "leader" of the opposition and he has achieved what exactly? Its claimed we have the most shambolic and polarised government in history and he still can't break out in the public polling.


Nothing but a professional protester. Always was. Always will be.


I'm still convinced to this day that he didn't really want leadership and has no genuine desire to be PM. Waste of time for everyone.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Pretty much sums up Corbyn's failures perfectly.


Forget the hard graft of getting to the facts of an issue. Forget actually looking behind the populist headlines to get the truth. Forget about actually putting in the hard work of looking at the bigger picture. Forget about coming up with a realistic and deliverable solution to the problem. Forget about having the balls for sometimes having to make unpopular but necessary actions to ensure ALL parts of running the country are maintained - not just the fancy and popular bits the wider public only focus on.


Oh no, not our Jezza.


Instead he takes the populist easy route of showing some biased fictional piece of work to his MPs and treat is a absolute facts which all must obey. A piece of work (lets not forget) produced by long time party member, socialist chum and aquaintence of said leader. An aquaintence who also happened to endorse said leader, produce a filmed interview with him and even get involved in his election campaign videos.


Christ, no wonder Jezza worked so hard selling his film to all and sundry.


35 years that waste of space has been in parliament. Coming up 3 years as "leader" of the opposition and he has achieved what exactly? Its claimed we have the most shambolic and polarised government in history and he still can't break out in the public polling.


Nothing but a professional protester. Always was. Always will be.


I'm still convinced to this day that he didn't really want leadership and has no genuine desire to be PM. Waste of time for everyone.


I couldn't disagree more.


Showing a film in no way means he has neglected 'the hard graft' and the other things you mention. Why would you assume that? Where's your evidence?


The film is in addition to those things, and a way of explaining the difficulties of a failing system in a more powerful and direct way than any number of constituents coming to an MPs surgery with examples can do. Any teacher could tell you that it is an accepted part of educating.

I think Ken Loach did quite well with his film actually (Bafta and Palme d'Or) without needing any help from Jezza...


There is plenty of evidence however, that the Tories way of doing things are an unmitigated disaster on several fronts.


As for his 35year political career, you certainly don't seem to know much about him or his campaigning. To call him a 'waste of space' shows a total lack of understanding and knowledge about his achievements. He has been active and involved at a high level for many years and has more experience than most, winning awards and prizes for his outstanding work. His refusal to compromise his principles and do what does not sit well with his conscience has perhaps kept him off the front benches, and made him a thorn in the side of Blairite Labour, but has also earned him the respect of many.


Most telling of all is your assertion that he didn't want the leadership of the party. During his early leadership troubles it would have been so easy for him to resign in the face of a public mauling that would have floored a lesser man, but he held on with a tenacious grip against all the odds and triumphed, coming out even stronger. He has slowly turned the party ethos round and made it a party for the people. He has got the Tory party and the Establishment so worried of losing the election that they have actually had to adopt some of his policies and soften their stance to try and stay in with a chance.


Jeremy Corbyn is the outsider with big ideas who could end up being the making of this country in a brave new world. In case you hadn't noticed the world is changing fast and is not the same place it was 10 years ago. Every country is searching for radical new answers to problems old and new. Jeremy Corbyn might just be the person we need to guide us through a different and fairly perillous future. `

Edited by Anna B
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I couldn't disagree more.


Showing a film in no way means he has neglected 'the hard graft' and the other things you mention. Why would you assume that? Where's your evidence?


The film is in addition to those things, and a way of explaining the difficulties of a failing system in a more powerful and direct way than any number of constituents coming to an MPs surgery with examples can do. Any teacher could tell you that it is an accepted part of educating.

I think Ken Loach did quite well with his film actually (Bafta and Palme d'Or) without needing any help from Jezza...


There is plenty of evidence however, that the Tories way of doing things are an unmitigated disaster on several fronts.


As for his 35year political career, you certainly don't seem to know much about him or his campaigning. To call him a 'waste of space' shows a total lack of understanding and knowledge about his achievements. He has been active and involved at a high level for many years and has more experience than most, winning awards and prizes for his outstanding work. His refusal to compromise his principles and do what does not sit well with his conscience has perhaps kept him off the front benches, and made him a thorn in the side of Blairite Labour, but has also earned him the respect of many.


Most telling of all is your assertion that he didn't want the leadership of the party. During his early leadership troubles it would have been so easy for him to resign in the face of a public mauling that would have floored a lesser man, but he held on with a tenacious grip against all the odds and triumphed, coming out even stronger. He has slowly turned the party ethos round and made it a party for the people. He has got the Tory party and the Establishment so worried of losing the election that they have actually had to adopt some of his policies and soften their stance to try and stay in with a chance.


Jeremy Corbyn is the outsider with big ideas who could end up being the making of this country in a brave new world. In case you hadn't noticed the world is changing fast and is not the same place it was 10 years ago. Every country is searching for radical new answers to problems old and new. Jeremy Corbyn might just be the person we need to guide us through a different and fairly perillous future. `


JC needs to work harder..even with the Tories the shambles they are Labour are dropping back in the polls..




I spuppose you'll say it's media bias?

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