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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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JC needs to work harder..even with the Tories the shambles they are Labour are dropping back in the polls..




I spuppose you'll say it's media bias?


Polls aren't to be trusted (we know that now!!)


That said at this point in a term the opposition should be comfortably ahead in the polls. Factor in the shambles of the current government and the opposition should be absolutely decimating the Tories in the polls.


Labour need to sort themselves out, get a proper capable leader and shadow cabinet and start doing their job being a effective opposition.


At the moment it's just one big ego trip for Corbyn/McDonnell/McCluskey and Lansman.

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What a waste of money.


Labour has put together a mock hamper including a "sticking plaster" and "packet of fudge" for ministers to take to Chequers today as they attempt to reach agreement on Brexit.



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What a waste of money.


Labour has put together a mock hamper including a "sticking plaster" and "packet of fudge" for ministers to take to Chequers today as they attempt to reach agreement on Brexit.




I doubt it cost that much but you Tories always know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

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What a waste of money.


Labour has put together a mock hamper including a "sticking plaster" and "packet of fudge" for ministers to take to Chequers today as they attempt to reach agreement on Brexit.




Should have just got them an Uber app:rolleyes:




A cabinet out of control needs more than sticking plasters.

Edited by Rhyno
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Well a jobcentre manager couldn't possibly be biased about a film that criticises jobcentre managers could he....:roll:


In the same way that a Labour supporting film director and screenwriter couldn't be biased against the policies of a Conservative government?


That job centre manager works in the public sector, he's more likely than not a Labour voter.

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In the same way that a Labour supporting film director and screenwriter couldn't be biased against the policies of a Conservative government?


That job centre manager works in the public sector, he's more likely than not a Labour voter.


Why don't you take alook at some of the posts in the disability section on SF to find out what real people think about PIP and Universal credit...

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Why don't you take alook at some of the posts in the disability section on SF to find out what real people think about PIP and Universal credit...


Actually I thought you might respond to the claim of bias I countered your post with rather than telling me to look in a thread elsewhere.


UC is a good idea - the streamlining of forms, benefits and general confusion into a single benefit can only be seen as a good thing unless you are a fan of bureaucracy. The execution however is performed in the usual way the public sector approach a task - it's crap, expensive and late and it affects people's lives.


As for PIP, my mother had to deal with PIP and she suffers with MS. She was told she didn't qualify for it when they moved her from the existing benefit. So I know about PIP. Again a sensible idea executed badly. Like any public sector project.

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