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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I'm not arguing with you. I asked a question regarding evidence for occasions when May has personally attacked Corbyn, but as yet have not been provided with an answer.


---------- Post added 07-07-2018 at 22:53 ----------



Have you got a link? It would depend on what she actually said as to whether that you be considered a 'vicious personal attack' or not.


Don't you think calling someone a terrorist sympathiser is a bit vicious Robin?

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Prior to the election, are you denying the Tories didn't call Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser?


Again, that's not what I asked.


I asked specifically when May has viciously attacked Corbyn personally.


The accusation was then that she called him a terrorist sympathiser, I'm asking when that was exactly, and proof of that - merely saying 'before the election' without giving any actual evidence isn't proof.


Corbyn was singled out in previous comments for praise because he doesn't resort to personal attacks, and it was suggested that he deserves respect for that. Nobody has suggested that all Labour MPs are the same, and don't resort to quite nasty and vicious attacks themselves (which we of course know isn't true).


I'm therefore not arguing that no Tory has ever called Corybn a terrorist sympathiser, as that isn't relevant to point (unless you're arguing that no Labour supporter or MP has ever said anything personal about a Conservative). I am asking specifically about May.

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I'm not sure what you mean with your last comment, but I must admit that I'm beginning to think you have to fight fire with fire to come out even, and the Tories can be really nasty and vicious.


However, do I want Corbyn to be equally vicious? No, not really, he's just not like that. He wants fairness. He can fight perfectly well with argument but rarely goes in for personal assassination. I think he deserves respect for that, (and I think he credits people with being able to see beyond it.) But his refusal to resort to 'tit-for-tat' is too often 'spun' as weakness.


Meanwhile Corbyn's policies, or his arguments, rarely get an airing, let alone a fair hearing.


The Tories rule by fear, (of what would befall us if Labour were in charge.) Yet Labour have achieved great things when in office - not least the creation of the NHS.

The Tories at the top of society really do believe themselves entitled to rule, and say so loud and often. The class system still permeates our society, and we, as a nation, still seem to have an innate deference for Toffs and are easily gulled by them. If we want any sort of equality, and a fair chance, that has to change.


That's why he does nothing whilst countless politicians from his own and other parties are threatened with rape and cancer by momentum (his attack dogs)?


It's been going on since he became leader so it can only be that Corbyn is either weak or approves of this behaviour.

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Again, that's not what I asked.


I asked specifically when May has viciously attacked Corbyn personally.


The accusation was then that she called him a terrorist sympathiser, I'm asking when that was exactly, and proof of that - merely saying 'before the election' without giving any actual evidence isn't proof.


Corbyn was singled out in previous comments for praise because he doesn't resort to personal attacks, and it was suggested that he deserves respect for that. Nobody has suggested that all Labour MPs are the same, and don't resort to quite nasty and vicious attacks themselves (which we of course know isn't true).


I'm therefore not arguing that no Tory has ever called Corybn a terrorist sympathiser, as that isn't relevant to point (unless you're arguing that no Labour supporter or MP has ever said anything personal about a Conservative). I am asking specifically about May.


Have you been on the port this evening Robin? The head of old pontificators school for boys would have given you three lashes of the cane for such a poor spelling mistake.

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Have you been on the port this evening Robin? The head of old pontificators school for boys would have given you three lashes of the cane for such a poor spelling mistake.


A typo. I don't drink Port, nor am I old enough to have ever gotten the cane, thankfully.


Now, to address my actual point...

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A typo. I don't drink Port, nor am I old enough to have ever gotten the cane, thankfully.


Now, to address my actual point...


A mistake, May didn't accuse Corbyn of being an IRA sympathiser

but the party she leads did accuse Corbyn of refusing to condemn the IRA.

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When has May been vicious and personally attacked Corbyn?


I'm not sure I ever accused Mrs May by name, but seeing as you ask, do you not watch PM's questions 12.05pm Wednesdays? Hardly a week goes by without her having a personal pop at him. Mind you, I suspect it's all been written for her by some backroom script writer, she doesn't do 'off the cuff' very well.


Tories have called him a 'Terrorist sympathiser,' 'an apologist,' an anti-semite,' 'a traitor,' 'that he 'sold secrets to the communists' (he sued and won £100,000 damages from Tory MP Ben Bradley for that one, which he gave to charity,) and worse, all heavily reported with glee in the press, and remembered by the public, (although when refuted with evidence it somehow doesn't make it into the news.)


Not to mention a plethora of personal ridicule and abuse, ('stupid,' 'a joke,' 'a mutton headed mugwump'...


Jeremy (and Labour) are watched continuously, like hawks, for the slightest blip which can be blown up into a great smear story. While Theresa May, arguably the worst PM ever, has problems but gets a relatively easy, and more importantly, a respectful ride.











Edited by Anna B
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