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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Lovely lady:


Labour MP Fiona Onasanya is appearing in the dock at the Old Bailey at 2pm today, today facing charges of two counts of perverting the course of justice. She was elected as MP for Peterborough in 2017 with a majority of just 607.


In a Chris Hunesque affair, Fiona and her brother Festus are alleged to have tried to blame someone else for driving in two counts of speeding last July and August. The Sun has reported that Onasanya kept her arrest and charge secret while she was serving as a Labour whip.


Pleaded not guilty, trial set for November.



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I couild have sworn it was Neil Kinnock who took Neil Kinnock down ..things could only get better and swanning about on Brighton beach.. :) "We're alright!"


It was much more than that. I had to do an essay on it! Why did Labour lose the 1992 election. And the Tories were in slightly better shape then than at the last election in my view.

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But that would also apply to Major. Cameron and May. So why don’t they get the same treatment from the press?


May is crap and gets plenty of stick. I wouldn't say Major or Cameron were to any great extent.


Major came in for some serious ribbing on Spitting Image, the press was a different beast back then.

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as no one knows what the actual repecussions are of leaving on the general public.

Ask me in 2022 and i might have formed a view by then. For anyone to say that they would vote Labour in the next election if their policy was to go back into the EU and declare it now based on zero experience highlights the "i'll vote because Labour says this or because its how i voted always" and is what is wrong with voter apathy.



We now have a very good idea of what will happen if we leave the EU and anyone who says that this will not be the main battleground in the next election is deluded.


What else would you be voting for, given that pretty much every traditional election promise will depend on the state of the economy after March 2019?

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If Tony Blair put forward the same set of policies, he would have faced exactly the same onslaught that Corbyn has.


We will never know whether he would have survived it, but we do know that so far Corbyn has, and this has strengthened him.


But they arent attacking his policies, theyre attacking the company he keeps. I know we keep getting patted back with a Labour straight bat but he hasn't got Israeli photo opportunities, he's got an antisemitism problem in his party. He's happy to talk to the IRA but not really get involved in things like remembrance day. If he's going to be seen as being even handed with both sides he needs to be seen with both sides. Others have.

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We now have a very good idea of what will happen if we leave the EU and anyone who says that this will not be the main battleground in the next election is deluded.


What else would you be voting for, given that pretty much every traditional election promise will depend on the state of the economy after March 2019?


Im not saying that it will be the main "battleground" but some people on this thread are saying it is the only debate in the election. That's not possible to say at present, we dont know what will happen (for example a year ago we were worried about Korea launching nukes at the West, woudl a political party's view on that make a difference)


I've given my opinion as to why i vote the way i do. Let me ask you a question


If Labour decided their policy was to stay out of the EU but the Tories turned round and said "We acknowledge we made a mistake and want back in" - Would you vote Conservative?


Its a straight yes or no answer

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Still not backing up your original post or would you like to retract it?


I vote at each election based on what the prospective candidates


a) Offer the local electorate

b) Interaction with the local electorate


And thats it. I dont vote for a party blindly because they are Labour, Tory, UKIP, Lib Dem, Green, etc. I vote for my local MP who will put my local area forward and support the local area that i live in. Not what May, Corbyn, Cable et al decide are the party policies.

An MP is a person who is supposed to work for their area. Not at national level, that is what the senior party members are for. I have voted for different parties before because i supported what was proposed by the potential MP.

They may not have won but at the time i felt i couldn't support the party i had voted for before.


Your question is useless TBH. We had our vote on whether to stay or remain ni the EU. I voted to leave and the result matched that. We will be out by the time the next election happens. If you had worded your question as "Would I vote Labour at the next election if they pledged to take us back into the EU" then i would respond with


that is not the only thing that would influence my vote (despite others on here saying Brexit will be the ONLY thing that the election is decided on) in fact, no one can say that this would decide their vote here and now as no one knows what the actual repecussions are of leaving on the general public.

Ask me in 2022 and i might have formed a view by then. For anyone to say that they would vote Labour in the next election if their policy was to go back into the EU and declare it now based on zero experience highlights the "i'll vote because Labour says this or because its how i voted always" and is what is wrong with voter apathy.


I dont care about national policy because guess what, Labour win my seat every single time so it makes no difference what i vote in reality. I cast my vote at a local level based on local issues and local candidates.


When it came to the Brexit vote i voted based on my opinion of the current position and understanding of what might happen in the event of leaving or staying. I didnt care what the political parties were saying (even the parties were split). Same as the mayoral elections. I voted for who i considered would be the best candidate for the area that i vote in regardless of political alliance.


IMHO anyone who just votes blind regardless of the party has been manipulated by the party as much as people on here are saying the media are trying to manipulate others.


to answer your quesiton directly - it wouldn't influence my decision in an election at all at present or in the future as Labour will win my seat regardless but i will cast my vote to the party i see fit to.


That's a fair comment, probably best I've read this week, well played sir :cool:

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If Labour decided their policy was to stay out of the EU but the Tories turned round and said "We acknowledge we made a mistake and want back in" - Would you vote Conservative?


Its a straight yes or no answer


If it was stay out of the EU as in no customs union, no partaking in EU bodies then yes, I'd vote Conservative.

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