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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Is Jeremy the new messiah ? He says something but he didn't say it , he attends meetings but he wasn't there , hes on photo shoots but the photo is wrong . Im beginning to think he is the second coming


His deluded followers certainly think he is. Man could murder puppies in front of infants and his merry band would support him.


Absolute cult.


Its the Trump effect happening on our own shores. Get enough drinking the kool-aid, push the biased media agenda hard and fast, spin spin, twist information, bring in the 'alterntive facts' and before you know it, you become the chosen one. The one who can never do wrong in the eyes of your disciples.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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so would any other Leader of the Opposition, no matter who they were, and no matter what the polls were saying.


the next Prime Minister cannot be the current one can it? It can either be the Leader of the Opposition, which right now is Corbyn, or any one of about half-a-dozen Tories.


the party which Corbyn leads, Labour, are NOT 'odds-on favourites' to actually form the government after the next election although at the moment they are doing the best in bookies' terms than they've done for well over 10 years - currently they are about Evens.


---------- Post added 21-08-2018 at 21:06 ----------



I see, So did Corbyn say he regretted that what he said was 'twisted around and taken out of context' or did he actually apologise when it was pointed out to him, by his own office and somewhat forcefully, that calling terrorists, terrorist sympathisers, crackpot antisemite conspiracy theorists, and holocaust deniers, 'friends', is a very bad idea for anybody in frontline politics?

I am not aware that he has even a apologized, please post a link then we can discuss what he is supposed to have done or said.

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I am not aware that he has even a apologized, please post a link then we can discuss what he is supposed to have done or said.


Don't you think that is the point, what was he holding?. I guess you have to remember thou, this is before he had a makeover. Then he was just him the true him. Him we would get as a PM., to be honest, I've been a Labour supporter all my life. Then we got Blair which we thought great then realised not and now we got the opposite.

Edited by phil752
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Don't you think that is the point, what was he holding?. I guess you have to remember thou, this is before he had a makeover. Then he was just him the true him. Him we would get as a PM., to be honest, I've been a Labour supporter all my life. Then we got Blair which we thought great then realised not and now we got the opposite.


dont know what you are talking about, holding what ? the wreath? this was because it was in memory of the people killed, not in support of Hezbolla, but again that was a misrepresentation by the media to fool the masses, which usually works..

But i was asked by Blake why Corbyn regretted what he had said, and i wasnt aware that he had regretted it, so lets see a link to what Corbyn has purported to have said, then i can give my views on it


---------- Post added 22-08-2018 at 05:21 ----------


Waste of time people posting links/ reports . They will be denied as fake news or the mainstream media conspiracy


which they usually are

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His deluded followers certainly think he is. Man could murder puppies in front of infants and his merry band would support him.


Absolute cult.


Its the Trump effect happening on our own shores. Get enough drinking the kool-aid, push the biased media agenda hard and fast, spin spin, twist information, bring in the 'alterntive facts' and before you know it, you become the chosen one. The one who can never do wrong in the eyes of your disciples.


Absolute rubbish.

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a genuine leftwing hero, Uri Avnery, died earlier this week in Tel Aviv age 94.


like a considerable number of other Israelis in the second half of the 20th century he had a truly remarkable political career and which career straddled both journalism and politics to an extent unrivalled by just about anyone else.


Avnery was a genuinely remarkable figure who makes John Pilger look like a pipsqueak whining adolescent.


founder of peace movements, revolutionary progressive publications, and like Corbyn a backbench left wing MP for years similarly sidelined and ridiculed if not totally ignored for his 'far-out- beliefs, it was something of a miracle Avnery managed to avoid assassination and live the long life he did.


He aroused the enmity of right-wing Israelis to an enormous extent from the early 1950s onwards, and there must have been two or three dozen serious conspiracies to kill him over the years. The Israeli religious people also had it in for him. They hate secularists, like Avnery. Avnery was the first Israeli to meet and speak with Yasser Arafat, which only served to increase the number of other Israelis that wanted to shoot him and which caused his own mother to disinherit him.


despite Uri Avnery's undoubted status as a peace campaigner with impeccable left-wing credentials,and who really did work for decades in a very dangerous place to promote co-existence between Arabs and Jews, don't expect a peep out of Jeremy Corbyn, John Mcdonnell, or any other of the Labour frontbench, upon Uri Avnery's passing.



Uri Avnery was a Zionist Jew.

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His deluded followers certainly think he is. Man could murder puppies in front of infants and his merry band would support him.


Absolute cult.


Its the Trump effect happening on our own shores. Get enough drinking the kool-aid, push the biased media agenda hard and fast, spin spin, twist information, bring in the 'alterntive facts' and before you know it, you become the chosen one. The one who can never do wrong in the eyes of your disciples.


80% of mainstream media is against Corbyn, smearing the guy at every opportunity. Despite this Corbyn is still in the race, truth cuts through.

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