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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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You say the truth cuts through, but is it the truth or a carefully orchestrated social media campaign?


You say the mainstream media is under Tory influence, I would propose that Labour has more influence on social media, simply due to the demographic.


When you promise free tuition, you get the young, social media generation on your side. Luckily for Jeremy, the Labour Party, and, more importantly the country, even that level of bribery didn't work.

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You say the truth cuts through, but is it the truth or a carefully orchestrated social media campaign?


You say the mainstream media is under Tory influence, I would propose that Labour has more influence on social media, simply due to the demographic.


When you promise free tuition, you get the young, social media generation on your side. Luckily for Jeremy, the Labour Party, and, more importantly the country, even that level of bribery didn't work.


The mainstream media is owned by tax dodgers with a lot to lose. Social media is a platform where at least the truth gets through & people can find out what Corbyn believes. The under 50s voted Labour 2 to 1 over conservatives btw, not just about free tuition fees.

Edited by chakademus
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despite Uri Avnery's undoubted status as a peace campaigner with impeccable left-wing credentials,and who really did work for decades in a very dangerous place to promote co-existence between Arabs and Jews, don't expect a peep out of Jeremy Corbyn, John Mcdonnell, or any other of the Labour frontbench, upon Uri Avnery's passing.



Uri Avnery was a Zionist Jew.


Indeed, not a peep:rolleyes:


Source chosen deliberately:



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I am not aware that he has even a apologized, please post a link then we can discuss what he is supposed to have done or said.


This is him saying he regrets using the words friends with regard to a meeting held at parliament which featured Bollah but not Hamas



And this is the footage from the day before the meeting at a labour group ( i assume given the reaction he gets and the G20 poster in the background) where he calls both Hamas and Bollah "friends" but the Isrealies "the Isrealies". Now given that on various interviews Corbzs has said that he uses the term "friends" to describe everyone it seems a little odd that eh was recorded using it for the Palestinian groups but not the isrealies.


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If he is a man of peace why does he only attend the wreathe laying for the Palestinian dead and not the dead of Israel ? Just asking because the other day an Israeli woman was asking the same question


Because, he wouldn't be welcome and he'd be accused of being an anti-semite or just doing it for publicity. Can't win really.

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This is him saying he regrets using the words friends with regard to a meeting held at parliament which featured Bollah but not Hamas



And this is the footage from the day before the meeting at a labour group ( i assume given the reaction he gets and the G20 poster in the background) where he calls both Hamas and Bollah "friends" but the Isrealies "the Isrealies". Now given that on various interviews Corbzs has said that he uses the term "friends" to describe everyone it seems a little odd that eh was recorded using it for the Palestinian groups but not the isrealies.


Thanks for the links...

yeah he now probably realises that referring to Hamas as friends was not wise, even though his intention was to start the dialogue in a good atmosphere, but what MP has not made a statement that they later regret?

as for the second clip, yeah it does seem odd that he does not refer to the Israelis also as friends, perhaps it was an oversight, perhaps it was deliberate, it would be interesting to know if he has ever refereed to the Israelis delegates as friends in the past,

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dont know what you are talking about, holding what ? the wreath? this was because it was in memory of the people killed, not in support of Hezbolla, but again that was a misrepresentation by the media to fool the masses, which usually works..

But i was asked by Blake why Corbyn regretted what he had said, and i wasnt aware that he had regretted it, so lets see a link to what Corbyn has purported to have said, then i can give my views on it


---------- Post added 22-08-2018 at 05:21 ----------



which they usually are


Glad you agree that they usually are denied by Jeremy fans


---------- Post added 22-08-2018 at 16:01 ----------


Thanks for the links...

yeah he now probably realises that referring to Hamas as friends was not wise, even though his intention was to start the dialogue in a good atmosphere, but what MP has not made a statement that they later regret?

as for the second clip, yeah it does seem odd that he does not refer to the Israelis also as friends, perhaps it was an oversight, perhaps it was deliberate, it would be interesting to know if he has ever refereed to the Israelis delegates as friends in the past,


Yes it probably was an oversight :)


---------- Post added 22-08-2018 at 16:03 ----------


Because, he wouldn't be welcome and he'd be accused of being an anti-semite or just doing it for publicity. Can't win really.


The point being if he had tried, then he could say that he had tried

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His deluded followers certainly think he is. Man could murder puppies in front of infants and his merry band would support him.


Absolute cult.


Its the Trump effect happening on our own shores. Get enough drinking the kool-aid, push the biased media agenda hard and fast, spin spin, twist information, bring in the 'alterntive facts' and before you know it, you become the chosen one. The one who can never do wrong in the eyes of your disciples.


Same was said about Thatcher in the 1980s, a messianic leader who rejoiced that she had an 'ism' named after her; and the gutter snipes in the press at the time were nick named the 'hallelujah chorus'.

There's plenty of criticism of Corbyn from within the Labour Party itself - it's just that his critics from outside the party are using this line of attack. Possibly motivated by the politics of envy because their preferred candidate, Theresa May is in a god awful mess and many of her backbenches are stabbing her in the front as well as the back.

Edited by Mister M
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