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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Have you ever read a positive story about Jeremy Corbyn in the mainstream media?




The Mirror, today (Aug 22nd)


Does this bash Corbyn?


Or this, also from today?




What are you expecting? A seven page supplement in full colour telling people to vote for him?

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The Mirror, today (Aug 22nd)


Does this bash Corbyn?


Or this, also from today?




What are you expecting? A seven page supplement in full colour telling people to vote for him?


I'm afraid I couldn't get your first link to work properly (wouldn't scroll down on my computer.) The second was a piece of straightforward reporting, neither for or against, just informative. Fair enough, that's reporting as it should be, allowing the reader to make up their own mind about the information. But this was the Guardian which is a better newspaper but with a relatively small readership.


No, I don't expect a 7 page colour supplement telling people to vote for him, but then I don't think dedicating 16 pages in one edition of a newspaper, (Daily Mail - the Newspaper with the biggest readership,) slagging him off and telling people not to vote for him, using ridicule insults and lies, is fair either.

And this was followed up all the following week by continuing coverage, of never less than a full page, and up to 6 pages a day, including editorials, comment pages and cartoons, generally assassinating his character, and using crass bigotry against him.


Meanwhile, where was Theresa? She didn't get a mention and neither did most of her team, or her policies, which are generally ruining this country and making it a nightmare to live in.


Let's have less bias and more balance please. Then I might be abe to shut up.

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but then I don't think dedicating 16 pages in one edition of a newspaper, (Daily Mail - the Newspaper with the biggest readership,) slagging him off and telling people not to vote for him


Sigh. How many more times Anna. This is what the DM does, with countless pictures and infographics to bulk up a story and please their gammon readers, especially during a quiet period.


At the weekend they also recycled an old story from January about how the police are going to start fining people for going 1mph over the speed limit.


Why do you continue to pretend to be naive about the newspaper business?


They've nailed their political colours to their masts for generations. Its nobody's fault if Labour's friendly ones have lower readerships. I'm sure you'd be nice and quiet if the DM was against May (which it actually is when it comes to her handling of Brexit), just like you are when it comes to the Daily Mirror.

Edited by alchresearch
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Speaking at the Alternative Taggart Lecture in Edinburgh this morning he (Corbyn) will say: "The BBC could lead the way by setting best practice with complete transparency on the makeup of its workforce by publishing equality data, including for social class, for all creators of BBC content, whether in-house or external."


Ministers have already forced big companies like the Beeb to release the gender pay gaps in their organisation, which has shown a distinct lack of women at the top.


But critics said the Labour boss's plans could divide society even more - and spark more abuse of journalists like Laura Kuenssberg.


What will be next?


Does he want certain 'classes' of people to be easily identified, say by having a tattoo, or wearing a badge? Maybe a six pointed star in yellow?



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What will be next?


Does he want certain 'classes' of people to be easily identified, say by having a tattoo, or wearing a badge? Maybe a six pointed star in yellow?




The sun.."Corbyn will say".....did he say it then?

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Sigh. How many more times Anna. This is what the DM does, with countless pictures and infographics to bulk up a story and please their gammon readers, especially during a quiet period.


At the weekend they also recycled an old story from January about how the police are going to start fining people for going 1mph over the speed limit.

Why do you continue to pretend to be naive about the newspaper business?



They've nailed their political colours to their masts for generations. Its nobody's fault if Labour's friendly ones have lower readerships. I'm sure you'd be nice and quiet if the DM was against May (which it actually is when it comes to her handling of Brexit), just like you are when it comes to the Daily Mirror.


I am not naive about the newspaper business, far from it, but unfortunately, a lot of people still are, especially older people who arguably vote more than younger ones.


They still believe what they see and read in the media, and their perceptions about party allegiances are wrong - the Sun, Mirror etc are 'working class, ie Labour.' When they see Corbyn being rubbished in a paper that is supposed to represent their views, it has added weight.


Its influence should not be underestimated. If it wasn't influential why would it bother to fill 16 pages with anti-Corbyn crap? Having hate mail pushed through your door every day would not be acceptable, and neither is this.


When the media is fair to both parties, and informs rather than lies, I will stop ranting about it.

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I am not naive about the newspaper business, far from it, but unfortunately, a lot of people still are, especially older people who arguably vote more than younger ones.


They still believe what they see and read in the media, and their perceptions about party allegiances are wrong - the Sun, Mirror etc are 'working class, ie Labour.' When they see Corbyn being rubbished in a paper that is supposed to represent their views, it has added weight.


Its influence should not be underestimated. If it wasn't influential why would it bother to fill 16 pages with anti-Corbyn crap? Having hate mail pushed through your door every day would not be acceptable, and neither is this.


When the media is fair to both parties, and informs rather than lies, I will stop ranting about it.


Are the Daily Mail or Sun newspapers pushed through your door everyday?!

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I am not naive about the newspaper business, far from it, but unfortunately, a lot of people still are, especially older people who arguably vote more than younger ones.


They still believe what they see and read in the media, and their perceptions about party allegiances are wrong - the Sun, Mirror etc are 'working class, ie Labour.' When they see Corbyn being rubbished in a paper that is supposed to represent their views, it has added weight.


Its influence should not be underestimated. If it wasn't influential why would it bother to fill 16 pages with anti-Corbyn crap? Having hate mail pushed through your door every day would not be acceptable, and neither is this.


When the media is fair to both parties, and informs rather than lies, I will stop ranting about it.




If Labour had a credible PM waiting in the wings Anna, I think Saint Jeremy would be toast. In that scenario, who would you replace St Jeremy with, or do you think he is irreplaceable.



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If Labour had a credible PM waiting in the wings Anna, I think Saint Jeremy would be toast. In that scenario, who would you replace St Jeremy with, or do you think he is irreplaceable.




They have a credible leader, the members overwhelmingly voted for him, they wanted a socialist leader and now they have one,... the members had been denied any real choice for decades, they only let Corbyn on the ballot for a laugh, and now bitterly regret it, the members have spoken now they are given a voice

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They have a credible leader, the members overwhelmingly voted for him


Sadly "the members" aren't the be all and end all. You also have the voting public and many Labour MPs who don't think he's credible, and that's why the party is split and will remain split for some time until there's another leadership challenge or Labour defeat.

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