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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Where can I find confirmation of that? Because surely if that's the case labour would have gone in hard with a remain ticket at the last election?


they tried to campaign with nuance and to be honest they were quite successful with it.


with the northern oinks, they said you, the people have spoken. We are leaving the EU and that's it. You can rely us to be fair about the whole business, look after you, the British people, and be far more trustworthy than the Tories.


but elsewhere, they put the dampers on that message to the point where it suddenly became totally inaudible.


in London, where Labour did especially well and where they knew full well that they couldn't campaign in Rotherhithe like they did in Rotherham, there was none of that. They didn't mention BREXIT at all. They didn't mention BREXIT to anybody not only not to the London metropolitan poncies, but not to anybody else either. Not even the London oinks.

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More pressure on Corbyn!


"Brexit: Labour 'must listen' to members on new vote, says Tom Watson"





I have to laugh because..it also states

His views are important because - like Jeremy Corbyn - he has a mandate from the membership.

I am pretty damn sure he only got elected off the back of Corbyn, if he had to stand for re election, he would be out on his ear

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I have to laugh because..it also states

His views are important because - like Jeremy Corbyn - he has a mandate from the membership.

I am pretty damn sure he only got elected off the back of Corbyn, if he had to stand for re election, he would be out on his ear

Regardless of your views on Watson, the point of this is Corbyn has made a big thing about involving the membership more in Labour party decision making. Whilst he might have done this with the aim of reducing the influence of Blairites on the party, having made such a big thing about empowering the membership, it's going to look very bad if Corbyn starts ignoring them if they start disagreeing with him.

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I have to laugh because..it also states

His views are important because - like Jeremy Corbyn - he has a mandate from the membership.

I am pretty damn sure he only got elected off the back of Corbyn, if he had to stand for re election, he would be out on his ear


if you don't get the right answer lets vote till we do. Worked in Ireland, did it not? When we did not get a vote. Mm who was in power then?

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Regardless of your views on Watson, the point of this is Corbyn has made a big thing about involving the membership more in Labour party decision making. Whilst he might have done this with the aim of reducing the influence of Blairites on the party, having made such a big thing about empowering the membership, it's going to look very bad if Corbyn starts ignoring them if they start disagreeing with him.


The Labour leadership has confirmed that they will back a second vote if the membership want one at the conference.

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Regardless of your views on Watson, the point of this is Corbyn has made a big thing about involving the membership more in Labour party decision making.


I am surprized that Watson is not the favourite to be the next leader, a new man after his loss of weight, Emilly Thornbury seems to be the favourite.

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