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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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There's some for even less. £48,000 for a 2 bedroom terrace:




But sadly people don't want to start on the bottom rung of the property ladder anymore, they want to start half way up.


---------- Post added 25-09-2018 at 16:49 ----------


Just been watching their conference - waving Palestine flags at every opportunity.


Or wearing "I Love Jeremy" T shirts, or carrying "Love Corbyn" bags. And people say its not a cult!

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On one of the News channels they interviewed Labour people outside of the conference, who were not happy that there should be any remain option, if there was another referendum.



That must have been one of the 14% who support Brexit. The other 86% of delegates want all options on any ballot paper!


Labour getting itself into a mess with their Brexit stance again


It's called democracy and having a diverse range of opinions.


You can't accuse Labour of being a Stalinist party with Momentum pulling the strings behind the scene then carp on about delegates putting forward a whole range of different opinions. :suspect:

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That must have been one of the 14% who support Brexit. The other 86% of delegates want all options on any ballot paper!

You're deluded if you think only 14% of Labour voters support Brexit. The actual delegates only make up a small fraction of Labour voters. You're addicted to quoting statistics.

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This 'Labour' movement under comrade Corbyn are dangerous.

They need to be kept out of government.

Just been watching their conference - waving Palestine flags at every opportunity. If only they could wave the Union flag with such passion.

They wave the same flag out side Sheffield Town Hall it does not take much imagination to see where the Anti Semitism comes from in Labour ranks .

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They wave the same flag out side Sheffield Town Hall it does not take much imagination to see where the Anti Semitism comes from in Labour ranks .


This is why Comerade Corbyn is such a dangerous man. Imagine how some these people would behave with Corbyn at No.10 ?


Labour hate Israel. Love Palestine - always have.

This Labour Conference has brought it home to me how 'far' Left they are (or have become) under Corbyn.

I cant believe that in the past I have voted for Labour.

Never again.

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