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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Who cares?


I didn't say that he wouldn't mention Palestine, just that I doubted that he would. Apparently he spoke for over an hour so probably spoke about everything!

He spoke about a lot of things, including racism, anti-Semitism, and Brexit.


In my view much of his speech was inspiring and moving, and though I still have some reservations about him as a possible future Prime minister, I was very impressed.

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I’m not sure that he cares too much. They would find something to gripe about anyway.


In any case, once Bone, Johnson, Rees-Mogg et al get going next week, nobody will remember a thing about the Labour conference.


But if he wants to win an election he might be better advised to keep his gob shut over bits of foreign policy that will get him shot down in flames. Johnson, is quite the opposite throwing out dog whistle, populist clap trap that get the crowds going which is why he's probably more likely to get to number 10 than corbyn is.

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Johnson, is quite the opposite throwing out dog whistle, populist clap trap that get the crowds going which is why he's probably more likely to get to number 10 than corbyn is.


I'm not so sure.


Apart from the fact that it is very unlikely that BoJo will ever lead the Tories, Corbyn did look more confident and less awkward today than I've ever seen him. There may be a lot of folk who will cheer any populist slogan but I suspect that there are even more folk looking for change, and Corbyn does seem to strike a chord with many of them.


It could well be that surviving the summer anti semitism campaign may well have backfired badly.


Looks like Nietzche was right! :D

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Don't if this is true or not but …. one of the Comrades, made a 'point of order' requesting the 'Chairperson' on duty not to call delegates to the Podium by there gender, EG, that lady over there, or the man in the green coat etc.

How the person wanted them to be addressed I don't know.

Sure it will be on YouTube before long if true.

Sounds very feasible.

Dangerous crowd this Labour Party under Corbyn.

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