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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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He's the most dangerous man in British Politics and should be kept away from No.10.

Anybody who thinks Corbyn, Abbott, Mc.Donnell and Co could run a country needs to get a dose of reality from somewhere / somehow.

This man is dangerous, delusional and im being generous with that as its a family forum.


And yet, May, Johnson, Rees Mogg, Bone, Hunt and Truss are totally competent and can be trusted to govern.:rolleyes:


A bunch of charlatans and swivel eyed loons.

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A very succcessfull, satisfying and statesmanlike speech from Jeremy Corbyn today at the Labour Party Conference.


Policies clearly defined, challenging, but exciting and achievable.


Here is a man with his finger on the pulse, and an exciting vision for the future of Britain.




Too bad he failed to do that during his election campaign.


As for achievable.... Hmmmm.

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He's the most dangerous man in British Politics and should be kept away from No.10.

Anybody who thinks Corbyn, Abbott, Mc.Donnell and Co could run a country needs to get a dose of reality from somewhere / somehow.

This man is dangerous, delusional and im being generous with that as its a family forum.


Another regurgitated soundbite with no knowledge to back it up. I think I read it too..


I take it you didn't listen to Jeremy's actual speech then?


But no, you wouldn't have would you, 'cause you already know all about him from the tripe in the media...

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Another regurgitated soundbite with no knowledge to back it up. I think I read it too..


I take it you didn't listen to Jeremy's actual speech then?


But no, you wouldn't have would you, 'cause you already know all about him from the tripe in the media...


You realise you provided a link to Corbyn's speech from the media. So is that tripe too?

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You realise you provided a link to Corbyn's speech from the media. So is that tripe too?


Poor old Anna, she can’t win. If she provides no link, the hordes descend on her. When she provides a link, she gets criticised.


Why not talk about the speech itself?


I watched it and turned off halfway through because it was the usual mix of fantasy and self-congratulation. I’m not expecting anything different from Mrs May next week.

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I remember when party conferences were boring affairs where you'd get the odd quirk like a

talking, or


But now we have a woman praising the Trotskyist group Militant taking over Liverpool council and breaking the law, threats of general strikes if Labour doesn't get their own way of an election, so-called teachers (was he an actor?) saying that we should be teaching children not to be Tories, Palestinian flag waving, and splits between speakers over Brexit and second referrendums.


They're certainly not doing much to make themselves look responsible and electable.

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