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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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I'd totally agree with that Anna. From the Parliament website:


Do MPs have to live in their constituency?


MPs do not have to live in their constituency. In fact, there is no residency qualification at all - an MP could even live outside the UK. There are, however, nationality and age qualifications and a number of other disqualifications for MPs.


Two-thirds of Tory MPs had no previous link with their constituencies



I remember a big thing was made of former Tory Shaun Woodward who was parachuted into a safe Labour seat, under the promise he'd live in a terraced house in his constituency in St Helens and be a people's champion.


He never did, he never was.


Millionaire MP has still not moved to constituency



But I think there's more to it these days. Luciana Berger was parachuted into a constituency in Liverpool, is doing a great job, but still hated by many locals for not being local.


Then over the water you have lonstanding MP Frank Field - massive majority, but people want him out, replaced by a parachuted candidate because some see him as a Tory collaborator!


And I think we'll see more of this under Labour as they alter their shortlists like I mentioned in post 6200.


There was a backlash when a local was overlooked to take over Andy Burnham's seat for a Corbyn supporter from Scotland.


This is a good read on the topic:


MPs are much less local than they would have us believe


Edited by alchresearch
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Realistically, what are Labour supposed to do about Brexit? It's an insoluble problem that they didn't cause. All they can do is basically keep their heads down and hope to make some political capital when it all goes Pete Tong.


They had chance to have a say when Article 50 was voted on in parliament.... just saying..

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Like I say, it's not their problem. Who called the referendum in the first place?


At the time of the Article 50 votes, it was down to the Tory remainers to show some backbone, not Labour.


If Labour disagreed with it they should have voted against it...or are you happy we have an ineffectual opposition..?

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I for one was not impressed by Corbyn wearing an anorack with a hood for the Cenotaph commemoration this morning. Shades of Michael Foot when he was Labour leader wearing a donkey jacket. all the ex Prime Ministers wore black overcoats and showed respect, and showing respect is what it's about.

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I for one was not impressed by Corbyn wearing an anorack with a hood for the Cenotaph commemoration this morning. Shades of Michael Foot when he was Labour leader wearing a donkey jacket. all the ex Prime Ministers wore black overcoats and showed respect, and showing respect is what it's about.


is it really ?


So Tony Bliar can wear black, and wear a big poppy, and look sad for an hour or two, and we will all forget his lying to Parliament and sending thousands of British troops to be killed and injured in the Middle East ?

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I for one was not impressed by Corbyn wearing an anorack with a hood for the Cenotaph commemoration this morning. Shades of Michael Foot when he was Labour leader wearing a donkey jacket. all the ex Prime Ministers wore black overcoats and showed respect, and showing respect is what it's about.


Is that what you call an anorak without a hood?

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I for one was not impressed by Corbyn wearing an anorack with a hood for the Cenotaph commemoration this morning. Shades of Michael Foot when he was Labour leader wearing a donkey jacket. all the ex Prime Ministers wore black overcoats and showed respect, and showing respect is what it's about.


I'm not sure wearing an anorak (at least it didn't the north face splashed all over it I suppose) says he isn't showing respect but I did have a little chuckle to myself when I saw it. Spare a thought for his PR team. "Jeremy it's sodding anorak!!!" "I thought it might rain" "well none of the other polticians are wearing one" "it is black though. And if it rains can I put the hood up?"


---------- Post added 11-11-2018 at 18:05 ----------


is it really ?


So Tony Bliar can wear black, and wear a big poppy, and look sad for an hour or two, and we will all forget his lying to Parliament and sending thousands of British troops to be killed and injured in the Middle East ?


Yeah, I'm surprised that the poppy Blair puts one doesn't shrivel up into a black blob in shame. He doesn't need to be there any more.

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