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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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54 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

John McDonnell accused of 'hatred' after saying he would never be friends with a Tory



Stubborn to the end. 

In the article he says:

“I go back to my constituency and I’ve never seen human suffering life this, in all the times I’ve been an MP and in the 40 years I’ve lived in my constituency.


From the quick search I've done, it's not an affluent area, but you would have thought a senior Labour MP would be aware of human suffering greater than that in his west London borough.

Silly comment and that makes you wonder where some peoples minds are at. Prejudice takes many forms, he needs to take a look at himself. Lots of traditional Labour supporters wonder where the party is going / gone.

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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Oh dear, what's Clive Lewis, Shadow Treasury Minister up to?


MP Clive Lewis 'mocking suicide' in Commons sparks row


Think the barrel is being scraped on that one though. I can take exception to lots of stupid comments, but I think that this one would be joining the 'looking to be offended' crowd.

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13 hours ago, woodview said:

In the article he says:

“I go back to my constituency and I’ve never seen human suffering life this, in all the times I’ve been an MP and in the 40 years I’ve lived in my constituency.


From the quick search I've done, it's not an affluent area, but you would have thought a senior Labour MP would be aware of human suffering greater than that in his west London borough.

Silly comment and that makes you wonder where some peoples minds are at. Prejudice takes many forms, he needs to take a look at himself. Lots of traditional Labour supporters wonder where the party is going / gone.

That's pretty much what the UN Inspector said too. He said the Government's austerity measures were a disgrace that had lead to 'Social calamity and economic disaster,' and that Tory policies had replaced 'British compassion' with 'a punative, mean spirited and callous approach' to the poor.


Not good..

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's pretty much what the UN Inspector said too. He said the Government's austerity measures were a disgrace that had lead to 'Social calamity and economic disaster,' and that Tory policies had replaced 'British compassion' with 'a punative, mean spirited and callous approach' to the poor.


Not good..

If John McDonnell has never seen human suffering in 40 years, like he sees in West London, then he is either telling porkies, or he has never travelled, or watched TV. Either way, the comment and his 'tory friend' comment diminishes my opinion of him, and consequently the party is is senior within. He's just hammering more nails in. The country needs a decent opposition, they are failing us.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's pretty much what the UN Inspector said too. He said the Government's austerity measures were a disgrace that had lead to 'Social calamity and economic disaster,' and that Tory policies had replaced 'British compassion' with 'a punative, mean spirited and callous approach' to the poor.


Not good..

Its amazing how much he supposedly uncovered from just a 12 day whistle stop tour around the UK at selected small locations of deprivation, and concluded that its national.


Its also interesting to hear that he himself claims his work is not reviewed or checked before it is published.


He also uses figures from Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, both of which have misled with statistics in the past and discussed on here.

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3 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Its amazing how much he supposedly uncovered from just a 12 day whistle stop tour around the UK at selected small locations of deprivation, and concluded that its national.


Its also interesting to hear that he himself claims his work is not reviewed or checked before it is published.


He also uses figures from Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, both of which have misled with statistics in the past and discussed on here.

In other words he's independent and not commited to any particular party or point of view. I believe a large part of his assessment was from visiting actual places and meeting people and calling it as he saw it.  As for his use of statistics, it's all very well to dismiss them, but you (and I) will also use them when it suits.


I really don't know how much proof people need that things are very bad for large sections of the population. Homelessness, food banks, diminishing services, (including the police) and growing poor mental health are all indicators of  decline. There are plenty more and they will no doubt increase greatly with the roll out of Universal Credit in Sheffield this December.


The Tories' 'Austerity' choices have indeed had dreadful effects on many, but of course we are not 'all in it together' and those lucky enough to have dodged the current problems may well find they catch up with them when they need help only to find it isn't there. To deny it is happening is to really have your head well buried in the sand.


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5 hours ago, sheffbag said:

Not denying it Anna, whats Labour's plan to reverse it or stem the tide?

Feel free to cost it and then say how much will be left to provide the service

This information is easily accessible on their web site,  and has been made clear by Jeremy Corbyn who has spelled it out clearly on several occasions, (but not had media coverage.)  But in brief they intend to end austerity, which was always a choice for the Tory party, but unlike the Tory party, they will actually do it, (not just talk about it,) and reverse many of the changes that have been foisted on the most vulnerable in society.  It will be paid for by  taxing the super rich and corporations (also claimed by the Tory party, but not done,) and by founding National banks using quantatitive easing for the people. They also intend to invest in services, infrastructure, research and development, and proper jobs to get the economy moving again.


For a fuller picture please read their fully costed manifesto, and remember that the only things you will see in the media will be detrimental to the Labour party, its politicians and its image, or nothing at all.  

Edited by Anna B
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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

This information is easily accessible on their web site,  and has been made clear by Jeremy Corbyn who has spelled it out clearly on several occasions, (but not had media coverage.)  But in brief they intend to end austerity, which was always a choice for the Tory party, but unlike the Tory party, they will actually do it, (not just talk about it,) and reverse many of the changes that have been foisted on the most vulnerable in society.  It will be paid for by  taxing the super rich and corporations (also claimed by the Tory party, but not done,) and by founding National banks using quantatitive easing for the people. They also intend to invest in services, infrastructure, research and development, and proper jobs to get the economy moving again.


For a fuller picture please read their fully costed manifesto, and remember that the only things you will see in the media will be detrimental to the Labour party, its politicians and its image, or nothing at all.  

Costed by massive and completely unsustainable borrowing.  


Total bill is about £1 trillion I believe..

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