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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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This could really damage Labour.


At the moment they can't criticise the government because they effectively have the same policy on Brexit as the Conservatives. Nobody believes the 'move over and we can get a better deal' nonsense. Any deal is governed by economic reality, not by who is negotiating it.


I think that they are being badly advised. We keep hearing that Labour fears losing 25-30% of their voters if they came out against Brexit. The more realistic figure is around 10% and because we have a first past the post system, that doesn't equate to losing 10% of seats as those leave supporting Labour voters are concentrated in a few seats. Now that UKIP are out of the frame, disillusioned Labour voters are only left with the Conservatives if they want to vote right. Now that May is seen as a remainer and her government's handling of the negotiations is a mess, I doubt whether many Labour voters desperate for Brexit would vote for another Conservative  government. So yes, Labour undoubtedly would lose votes in places like Dewsbury and Sunderland but may well hang on to the seats with reduced majorities due to a non turn out of Labour voters who support Brexit.


Against that, there are many Conservatives and Lib Dems and Greens who hold such strongly held views on the matter that they would even vote for a Corbyn Labour Party if it meant remaining in the EU. And for the first time in my life I have had life long Labour voters tell me that they would now vote Conservative if it meant remaining in the EU.


Remain is where the votes are now and Labour needs to realise that if it is ever to win another election. 

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41 minutes ago, melthebell said:

They should be telling people what THEY would do with brexit, instead you get comrade corbyn standing there at PMQs childishly just poopooing everything May says, but not adding anything of sorts for their own plans, manifestos etc etc

How do you win an election by being invisible?

I caught a bit of the sunday politics this week from Lincoln, they had John Mann (bassetlaw Labour) on. He was quite honest and spoke a lot of sense. He just came out and basically said stop whining and give an alternative instead of just moaning about the current deal because its going to happen regardless. 9-14 minutes



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16 hours ago, sheffbag said:

I caught a bit of the sunday politics this week from Lincoln, they had John Mann (bassetlaw Labour) on. He was quite honest and spoke a lot of sense. He just came out and basically said stop whining and give an alternative instead of just moaning about the current deal because its going to happen regardless. 9-14 minutes



I think out of the 650 Parasites in Westminster John Mann stands head and shoulders above them. I wish he was my MP and even though he is Labour I would vote for him. (unless Nigel starts a new UKip,  model 2).



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HE has was honest and spoke freely even against the party line, i would vote for him but no doubt the momentum lot want him out

Nice to see saint Jez is happy with having the tories in power or just doesnt have the balls to call a no-confidence in the governemnt. Even the SNP and DUP think he's useless now

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Can someone explain to me what Corbyn's private vote of no confidence means and if it has any weight behind it? 


I watched the news last night and this morning and still don't understand the point of it.  


News presenters seem quite bemused by it and interviewed Labour politicians just keep repeating the same old rhetoric that the government is in a mess.

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Saint Jez wanted to have a vote of no-confidence in the PM (not the government) before Xmas. unfortunately he is that inept that he left no time for it to be debated and the govt has no legal requirement to do so. 

Tories and DUP have come out and said that they will support May so the tories may put it through for a vote knowing they will win. Especially since the SNP have effectively turned round and said "what are you playing at you useless git, call for a no confidence in the govt instead or haven't you the balls"


Essentially hes said "i dont like you but i know i cant do anything about it so i will make this gesture in the full knowledge that nothing will happen"


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To be honest can Corbyn look any weaker? He's sat doing nothing, propped up by an Trotsky entryist organisaition who appear to be doing a Corbett with him.


Thing is if he grew a pair and said that Labour were strong remain I suspect the Conservative vote would split down the middle in seconds...

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Guest makapaka
58 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

^^^^^^^^^ That's precisely what I thought. 


But I thought that such a move would just harm Corbyn and make him look even more weak than he is.


Is he trying to avoid taking power?  Has he realised he's nothing more than a backbencher or that its a poisoned chalice? 

There needs to be a General Election for him to take power.


Amazing that whilst the Conservative government continues with their wanton destruction of the UK people still find time to moan about the opposition leader.

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14 minutes ago, makapaka said:

There needs to be a General Election for him to take power.


Amazing that whilst the Conservative government continues with their wanton destruction of the UK people still find time to moan about the opposition leader.

Thing is though, there doesn't. He just needs to take a stance that will mobilise the center. Let's be honest here, most MPs are centrist, it isn't complicated. Bar the sad fact of course that the challenge facing him and May and all other parties is extremely complicated and beyond the ability of the HoC to deal with. 

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