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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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5 hours ago, Jonny5 said:

For what its worth I think he's saying "people", in response to the baying crowd.

I agree,  he did appear to say 'people'. 


Also when confronted about what he'd  said he denied saying "stupid woman' and I believe him because he may not be perfect but I don't think he's the type of person to blatantly lie about what he'd said. 




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9 hours ago, Mister M said:

Oh come on, 'stupid woman' might be considered unparliamentary, but we're not in parliament. Anyway it's fun to see all these people whose eyes roll out of their sockets going on about political correctness suddenly turn all snowflakey. 


Its by the by because I'm sure he said people.


And yes it is relatively tame.


But its interesting to know that you have no trouble with intolerance as long as its the right kind of intolerance.



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9 hours ago, janie48 said:

I agree,  he did appear to say 'people'. 


Also when confronted about what he'd  said he denied saying "stupid woman' and I believe him because he may not be perfect but I don't think he's the type of person to blatantly lie about what he'd said. 




He's a politician, it's part of the job, they all lie

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12 hours ago, Anna B said:

Because I do. May's body language, stance, stridency in her voice, contorted face, attempt at ridicule, attitude etc, IMO far more offensive. Considering the hole she's in, the pig's ear she's made of everything, and her refusal to have the democratic vote she promised just because she knows she'll lose, I also find offensive and an affront to the house.


I watched the whole thing live on 'Politics Live' (BBC2) and there were many interesting things to discuss. This isn't one of them. 

Double Standards Anna yet again.


You've often said how nasty PMQs is.  But Jeremy does something wrong in it and its excusable.

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9 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

What do you think saint Jeremy would have got if he asked?

But that is comparable to someone setting off on a 10,000 mile journey and not checking the oil and water, and then when they break down asking for help, and then saying "what would Corbyn do"?

she has negotiated this shambolic deal, its all down to her, no one else, she has been the one to have been proved incompetent time and time again, its down to her and no one else that we are in this mess, she has agreed a deal that even her own MP's dont accept, why did she do that?

so to ask "what would Corbyn do"? is a little unfair, i believe he wouldnt have got us into this mess to start with, and i know there are a lot of Corbyn haters on here, but surely even those have to agree he would have negotiated a better deal than this..she negotiated a deal, agreed upon it, then went back cap in hand to change it..Pathetic

14 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Double Standards Anna yet again.


You've often said how nasty PMQs is.  But Jeremy does something wrong in it and its excusable.

erm, but he hasnt done anything wrong?

looks clear as day to me that he said people, but hey, lets talk about that instead of the shambolic brexit deal, and people living on the streets at Christmas and surviving off food banks

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3 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

so to ask "what would Corbyn do"? is a little unfair, i believe he wouldnt have got us into this mess to start with,

perhaps, but here is where we are, he seems to be wanting a change of government either via a general election or a minority government in the current parliament 


so maybe a better question is "what would he do to fix this mess"?


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It just gets better. 


Diane Abbot, well known champion against hate towards women and racists, and has probably been called a stupid woman and worse for her counting skills. 


Only yesterday she said "Twitter must act over abuse targeting black women".


But today:


Diane Abbott defends Jeremy Corbyn after he denies calling PM 'stupid woman' in PMQs row




You can try and blame the Tories and the media for making a big fuss of this.  But it wouldn't be happening if Corbyn thought before he spoke.

Edited by alchresearch
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16 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

perhaps, but here is where we are, he seems to be wanting a change of government either via a general election or a minority government in the current parliament 


so maybe a better question is "what would he do to fix this mess"?


a change of government is probably the way to go, perhaps a new person trying to negotiate is what we need, Maybot hasn't exactly rubbed them up the right way.....

but at the end of the day, she has agreed a deal, that can not be got away from, how does he fix this mess?? i dont have a clue..lol

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