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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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i accept your findings but unless the Poll was set out to find a representative of the political spectrum based on existing seat representation then that theory is incorrect or at based skewed. The poll base must have been set out with the first question been "what is your political affliation" and we dont know that unless the poll questionairre is available online. 

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8 hours ago, sheffbag said:

I voted leave and i voted Labour in 2015. happy to be in the minority.



I don't think you are. A significant proportion, whether equal or therabouts, Labour voters voted Leave. It will vary by constituency too of course. Labour know this and hence their current inability to commit to a clear opinion.

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Apparently, st jezza is still well on board to deliver brexit should May be stupid enough to call a general election (as he hasn't got the conkers or votes to push through a no confidence vote). Somehow, he thjnks the EU will listen and happily renegoiate another deal despite them refusing May another go at it.


Delusion or staggering arrogance?

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50 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Apparently, st jezza is still well on board to deliver brexit should May be stupid enough to call a general election (as he hasn't got the conkers or votes to push through a no confidence vote). Somehow, he thjnks the EU will listen and happily renegoiate another deal despite them refusing May another go at it.


Delusion or staggering arrogance?

Or both. 

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48 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Apparently, st jezza is still well on board to deliver brexit should May be stupid enough to call a general election (as he hasn't got the conkers or votes to push through a no confidence vote). Somehow, he thjnks the EU will listen and happily renegoiate another deal despite them refusing May another go at it.


Delusion or staggering arrogance?

I think it must be time for Corbyn to go now.


His €uroscepticism is an outdated, ultraleft position which is completely pointless in 2018. His greatest chance of power is a Labour Party standing on a united anti-Brexit ticket, shedding reactionary Labour votes but gaining a sizeable number of progressive Tory votes and pretty much all Lib Dem votes.


Some mainstream Tory voters would never vote for a Corbyn Labour Party but neither will they vote for a pro-Brexit Tory Party under whatever leader. The most important repercussion of an anti-Brexit Labour victory is that far from seeing the predicted run on the pound, Sterling and the markets would surge on news of the cancellation of Brexit, giving the incoming Labour government all the liquidity it needs to carry out a radical programme.


A radical Labour government is closer to power than at any time in its history and it is being jeopardised by Corbyn's outdated student politics position on Europe.


Time to go Jezza!

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2 minutes ago, Jonny5 said:

All Labour has to do is get rid of Corbyn, bring in Starmer or Umanna with a pledge for a 2nd referendum, and they would topple the government and win a General Election.


Why is this not happening?



and the cult of corbyn ;)

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1 minute ago, Jonny5 said:

Why is this not happening?

The membership, who have the greatest say in any Labour leadership contest, will not elect a candidate from the right especially after their collusion with Zionists against Corbyn this summer..


Corbyn's successor would have to be from the left of the party.

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