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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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32 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

As Corbyn has never talked to either the IRA or Hamas, whether he asked for preconditions or not is pretty irrelevant! 😂😅😂

Corbyn is not fit to be in Parliament, never mind be PM.


"Yet, for many reasons, Corbyn is uniquely unsuitable to be prime minister. This is someone who accepted money from Iran to present on the government-affiliated channel Press TV and who invited Linda Quigley and Gerry MacLochlainn, both convicted of activity connected to the Irish Republican Army, to Parliament just two weeks after the IRA had killed five people and almost assassinated the British prime minister in the 1984 Brighton bombing."


Source FP News.   https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/03/jeremy-corbyn-has-a-soft-spot-for-extremists-ira-hamas-hezbollah-britain-labour/

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16 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Corbyn is not fit to be in Parliament, never mind be PM.


"Yet, for many reasons, Corbyn is uniquely unsuitable to be prime minister. This is someone who accepted money from Iran to present on the government-affiliated channel Press TV and who invited Linda Quigley and Gerry MacLochlainn, both convicted of activity connected to the Irish Republican Army, to Parliament just two weeks after the IRA had killed five people and almost assassinated the British prime minister in the 1984 Brighton bombing."


Source FP News.   https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/03/jeremy-corbyn-has-a-soft-spot-for-extremists-ira-hamas-hezbollah-britain-labour/

Thousands of his local electorate disagree with you.

And the overwhelming majority of this country also agree that no UKIP member is fit to be in parliament.

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14 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

As Corbyn has never talked to either the IRA or Hamas, whether he asked for preconditions or not is pretty irrelevant! 😂😅😂

Hasn't he?

FactCheck: Corbyn on Northern Ireland



It’s no secret that the Labour leader has long supported the end of British rule in Ulster, and that he met the leaders of Sinn Fein and other Republicans in the 1980s and 1990s, when the Provisional IRA was still bombing and shooting people.

So it was Sinn Fein.  Two sides of the same coin.


Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell's close IRA links



It can be disclosed that for seven years running, while the IRA “armed struggle” was at its height, Mr Corbyn attended and spoke at official republican commemorations to honour dead IRA terrorists, IRA “prisoners of war” and the active “soldiers of the IRA.”


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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Hasn't he?

FactCheck: Corbyn on Northern Ireland


So it was Sinn Fein.  Two sides of the same coin.


Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell's close IRA links



I'm certainly not a supporter of terrorist organisations, but in some ongoing conflicts dialogue with the enemy shouldn't be ruled out. 


After all, how else would a peace agreement have been reached, without the dialogue that eventually put an end to the IRA bombing campaign?  It would still be going on is the answer. 





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3 hours ago, alchresearch said:

 it was Sinn Fein.  Two sides of the same coin.


Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell's close IRA links



You do know that government ministers and politicians met Sinn Fein politicians on many more occasions than Jeremy Corbyn ever did?


In fact on many occasions during the '70s and '80s Conservative politicians and ministers actually met serving members of the IRA!

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