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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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Yes, probably because they were the party in power, it would have been their job and responsibility.   Its thanks to the sterling work of Mo Mowlam and John Major that we had peace.  


I'll repost Obelix's comments in case you missed them:



You dont do that as a nonentical backbencher from the opposition.


You certainly don't do it a few days after the IRA nearly assassinated the PM.


You also don't attend and speak at official republican commemorations to honour dead IRA terrorists, IRA “prisoners of war” and the active “soldiers of the IRA.


And all this is nicely coming back to bite him in the backside, because he was just a career backbencher.


Edited by alchresearch
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44 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Yes, probably because they were the party in power, it would have been their job and responsibility.   Its thanks to the sterling work of Mo Mowlam and John Major that we had peace.  

The fact that he was advocating a negotiated end to the conflict a decade before others realised that was the only viable solution, makes him a more capable politician rather than less.


And the Queen not only attended a Commemoration ceremony in Dublin  in 2011 but she also laid a wreath in Remembrance of all those who died fighting British rule in Ireland, the majority of them IRA volunteers.


Trying to use this as a stick to beat Corbyn with makes you look ill-informed and desperate.

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24 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

So why won't such an advocate for dialogue, and reaching agreement even with enemies, meet with the PM to help resolve the Brexit fiasco?

Because he is a participant and all participants set preconditions.


Think of it as the DUP refusing to engage in dialogue with Sinn Fèin until the IRA had started to decommission its arms.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The fact that he was advocating a negotiated end to the conflict a decade before others realised that was the only viable solution, makes him a more capable politician rather than less.

It's well documented that Thatcher was negotiating before Corbyn even became an MP. I'm not aware of a shred of evidence that Corbyn, as a backbench MP from the opposition made the slightest bit of difference to the conflict. In fact, like there is no evidence he's made a difference to any conflict unless it's at constituency level. I have no idea why he is portrayed as some sort of master negotiator.

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30 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Because he is a participant and all participants set preconditions.


Think of it as the DUP refusing to engage in dialogue with Sinn Fèin until the IRA had started to decommission its arms.

What preconditions did he set when he wanted to talk to Hamas and Hezbollah? 

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22 hours ago, Mister M said:

Thousands of his local electorate disagree with you.

And the overwhelming majority of this country also agree that no UKIP member is fit to be in parliament.

I can see no problem in a Ukipper fitting into Parliament. There are 650 self indulgent wazoks there already, another one will make no difference to any one. 



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54 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Because he is a participant and all participants set preconditions.


Think of it as the DUP refusing to engage in dialogue with Sinn Fèin until the IRA had started to decommission its arms.

See Robin_H's reply - he beat me to it. I wonder if you can answer?

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29 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

It's well documented that Thatcher was negotiating before Corbyn even became an MP. I'm not aware of a shred of evidence that Corbyn, as a backbench MP from the opposition made the slightest bit of difference to the conflict.

Thatcher never negotiated publically with the IRA. She hid behind MI6.


Nobody is saying that Corbyn played any part in the negotiations, what I am saying is that far from making him an unsuitable PM, the fact that he was publically advocating an open, negotiated political solution a decade before any Conservative or Labour minister did so, gives him more, not less credible as a politician.

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Thatcher never negotiated publically with the IRA. She hid behind MI6.


Nobody is saying that Corbyn played any part in the negotiations, what I am saying is that far from making him an unsuitable PM, the fact that he was publically advocating an open, negotiated political solution a decade before any Conservative or Labour minister did so, gives him more, not less credible as a politician.

I'd quite like to see a source for that claim...

Edited by Robin-H
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