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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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8 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

The government in turmoil? hahaha thats one way to describe it, they cant make party policy unless they consult the DUP first...lol

I have said it a million times, but i will say it again, Corbyn doesn't get a fair representation, you only had to see what the supposedly impartial Fiona Bruce did to Abbott on question time, and this is from the BBC, if he was treated fairly then i am sure the labour party would be polling higher, that is assuming the polling is accurate..

You only have to look at the one sided media coverage over the Venezuela  sage to see  how people can be easily manipulated

What would you have liked the BBC to cover that Corbyn has said or has done recently that they haven't? The fall in support is down the Corbyn's position on Brexit (both leavers and remainers are disappointed with Labour's stance). What could the BBC have done to change this? 

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14 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

What would you have liked the BBC to cover that Corbyn has said or has done recently that they haven't? The fall in support is down the Corbyn's position on Brexit (both leavers and remainers are disappointed with Labour's stance). What could the BBC have done to change this? 

Exactly. Same as it always been. Labour has had press against them on the past. Nothing different now.

Labour needs to step up  and look in the mirror, not finger point.

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11 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

What would you have liked the BBC to cover that Corbyn has said or has done recently that they haven't? The fall in support is down the Corbyn's position on Brexit (both leavers and remainers are disappointed with Labour's stance). What could the BBC have done to change this? 

In my opinion, he is not shown in the same light as May, a lot of the articles they show on the BBC have an anti corbyn slant, please dont waste your time saying i am bias and i will not hear anything said against saint Jeremy ...yada yada yada...

but you only had to look at how Abbott was treated on QT, they were even making jokes about her to the audience before the show started...

this video explains it perfectly..


4 minutes ago, woodview said:

Exactly. Same as it always been. Labour has had press against them on the past. Nothing different now.

Labour needs to step up  and look in the mirror, not finger point.

We cant let the media decide who should lead the labour party, we cant pick someone like Blair again just so the media will like him and see him as Tory lite, no we have to strive for a fair media  representation..

Can i ask you one question, you agree that the Tory party is in a mess, why do you never say anything against the Tories on the Tory thread, why only voice you anger on a labour party thread when they are not even in power?

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15 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

In my opinion, he is not shown in the same light as May, a lot of the articles they show on the BBC have an anti corbyn slant, please dont waste your time saying i am bias and i will not hear anything said against saint Jeremy ...yada yada yada...

but you only had to look at how Abbott was treated on QT, they were even making jokes about her to the audience before the show started...

this video explains it perfectly..


We cant let the media decide who should lead the labour party, we cant pick someone like Blair again just so the media will like him and see him as Tory lite, no we have to strive for a fair media  representation..

Can i ask you one question, you agree that the Tory party is in a mess, why do you never say anything against the Tories on the Tory thread, why only voice you anger on a labour party thread when they are not even in power?

Banjo, you defend DA that takes some front , she should not be an mp. Its ok to say she was voted in etc but same as here,if you put a red rosette on a greyhound it would be elected. The tories are in a bad place and will be for some time to come but a Corbyn government? can't see it happening. We desperately need a credible party to stop this crap two party system we are stuck with.

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31 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

We cant let the media decide who should lead the labour party, we cant pick someone like Blair again just so the media will like him and see him as Tory lite, no we have to strive for a fair media  representation..


Why can't we have someone like Blair again.


He is the most successful election winner the party ever had. Admitedly he went a bit potty at the end but that happens to all politicians. The trick is to pension them off before they get too mad.


The answer of a failed left wing manifesto, isnt a more left wing manifesto in the hope you will reach some sort of place where you are so left wing people will vote for you.


Labour tried that in the 80s and that wasn't really a great success. 


Whether you like it or not, this is a pragmatically centre-right country. That doesn't mean they wont support a centre left government because they will and do so with pleasure but they need a reason too.





Edited by andyofborg
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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

In my opinion, he is not shown in the same light as May, a lot of the articles they show on the BBC have an anti corbyn slant, please dont waste your time saying i am bias and i will not hear anything said against saint Jeremy ...yada yada yada...

but you only had to look at how Abbott was treated on QT, they were even making jokes about her to the audience before the show started...

this video explains it perfectly..


We cant let the media decide who should lead the labour party, we cant pick someone like Blair again just so the media will like him and see him as Tory lite, no we have to strive for a fair media  representation..

Can i ask you one question, you agree that the Tory party is in a mess, why do you never say anything against the Tories on the Tory thread, why only voice you anger on a labour party thread when they are not even in power?

Because to change something, you have to offer a better alternative.

I've voted Labour most times.

Also, I'm pragmatic, and dislike people and organisations who can only point out negatives. I want people who can say 'this is what we can offer, this is what we can do'.

I'm not seeing that.

Most people know what the Tories are. They also don't want what Labour is offering.

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20 hours ago, woodview said:

Because to change something, you have to offer a better alternative.

I've voted Labour most times.

Also, I'm pragmatic, and dislike people and organisations who can only point out negatives. I want people who can say 'this is what we can offer, this is what we can do'.

I'm not seeing that.

Most people know what the Tories are. They also don't want what Labour is offering.

Andy of Borg - "Whether you like it or not, this is a pragmatically centre-right country. That doesn't mean they wont support a centre left government because they will and do so with pleasure but they need a reason too."


At last discussion of  ideas (almost) and not personalities or media bias. Banjo's defence is so disappointing trying to fight fire with fire, May's crap,  cons are greedy and self seeking. It won't work that way. 

Andyof Borg is mistaken , imo, we are a centre left country with our support of the NHS, a yearning for a nationalised rail network, the national trait of an aspiration to do the right thing and many other socalist  solutions. But, the magic word is PRAGMATIC .  Corbyn will never be that.


Labour need to to do as much as they can when they can in a pragmatic way. They don't harp on about abolishing the monarchy because there is no appitite for that.


First things first -  they need a pragmatic policy to square the circle of the EU.  Yes it is a protection system but its also the best we have in protection against global capitalism and all that means for workers rights, and health and safety of the people  (and of the world!). Labour and Corbyn  needs throw himself into a campaign that retains left ideals and measures - with a remain message. 

Edited by Flanker7
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I'm Labour through and through, a Socialist with a capital 'S', but Diane Abbot is one very good reason why Labour aren't doing too well in the Polls.

What with her inane ramblings and Corbyn's shilly shallying, it's no wonder Labour aren't surging on to power.

That said, does Corbyn really want to be Prime Minister of a country that is this deep in the doo doo?

I've long wanted Tom Watson or John McDonald to snatch the reins from Corbyn and drive Labour forward.

Corbyn has his place as number 2 (or 3) in my opinion, his intentions are favourable, but his actions are so namby pamby. He's not the stuff of leaders, but he does the other things very well indeed.

Abbott must be removed from the frontline of Labour. She does far more harm than good in my opinion.

As to an earlier reference about Blair's Premiership? No, Blairs Government was a light blue shade of Government. He was as Labour as John Major. His bowing to Privatisation and the private profiteering in our NHS tells me all I need to know about him. I'm told he came in to power worth around £2m and left worth around £25m. A Prime Minister's salary doesn't pay that much. I wonder where the 'windfall' came from?


Right wing, and Centre Right parties are the popular choice of many World countries.

When you consider that a large proportion of those Countries are struggling, I can't believe that people continue to support a system that is failing all over the shop.

The quest for profit and 'growth' is grinding the man and woman in the street in to the ground.

We're told to fend off Socialism and/or 'detractors' at all costs.

Global businesses, and the press that support them would say that wouldn't they?


Around Europe, the men and women in the street have been trashed by the EC and the Euro, and many would leave Europe tomorrow.

Unfortunately, their Governments won't have any of it.

I predict now that the EC will collapse fairly shortly.

The Italians don't want it, the Greeks don't want it, the Portuguese don't want it and the French and Germans, without us, cannot afford it.  


Edited by Hotmale 1954
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While I agree that Corbyn is a crap leader and won't be any good as PM, if you think the EU is going to fall apart you're abit deluded.


I'd bet my house and everything I own that they are still here in ten years time.  There is a very real danger that we end up as a warning to other counties about the perils of leaving.

Edited by geared
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9 minutes ago, geared said:

While I agree that Corbyn is a crap leader and won't be any good as PM, if you think the EU is going to fall apart you're abit deluded.


I'd bet my house and everything I own that they are still here in ten years time.  There is a very real danger that we end up as a warning to other counties about the perils of leaving.

I agree with you about the future of the EU. They have only to see the mess we're in now with probably worse to come in the future to realise how fortunate they are.

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