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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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On 11/02/2019 at 11:32, Hotmale 1954 said:

Some individuals have enough personal money to make Africa far more comfortable.

Mr Amazon for instance? How much has he got stashed?

Murdoch? Oil Barons? Arms dealers? Drug Cartels?  Drug companies?  McDoogles?

Need I go on?

I think the official figure is something like 30 people in the world control 85% of the money.

That's a few billion people who 'rely' on what the 30 say and do.

Scrap HS2 and save enough money to 'sort' a good few other countries out.

Why should we help other countries they cry???  LOOK AFTER OUR OWN PEOPLE FIRST!!!!!!!

The reason we should all help each other one way or the other, is because we're all human. We start with nowt and we die with nowt.

 Rattling cans to get machines for Cancer Hospitals, Cancer Research, Children's  Hospitals The homeless, The disabled etc etc.

It's funny how funding for these things mainly comes from the people in the streets pockets?

The world is swilling in money.


This country and many others are sliding downhill year after year. They're clinging on to what work they can. The GDP of Germany is dropping like a stone.

Ours is poor and has been for decades. (Don't believe Tory figures).

Italy is in deep recession. The USA is beginning to feel the pinch. France is about to burn.

And still big business, raging Capitalism and Governments continue down what they say, is 'the right way'.


2008 proved to everyone with even half a brain, that 'their way' isn't the best way.

It clearly wasn't.


What amazes me is, after a very slow recovery, our leaders are keen to go down the same path again as quickly as possible!

It failed badly in 208 and it will fail again.

In the meantime, those  who've already got it, will get a stack more of it and couldn't give a stuff.





Football players on £400,000 a week.  Doubtful if these guys vote for St Jeremy.



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9 hours ago, Obelix said:

Well if you work out how many people control 85% of the worlds wealth it's a much much larger number than thirty... so yes it's unreasonable. Also the figures about people being able to fund all of Africa comfortably - again thats laughable and risible.


So yes, expect to see this sort of thing called out and it is only damaging to the underlying argument.




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On 11/02/2019 at 20:19, WiseOwl182 said:

Absolute rubbish. You've just made up these stats. 30 people have 85% of the money?! Give me a linked source please. You won't find one.



PS. Amazon boss Jeff Bezos is worth 131 billion dollars. Even if that was all liquid (it isn't, most of it is on paper) then the 1.216 billion population of Africa would be given a whopping 107 dollars each. 

I was careful to say 'I think' ...........................................


My thinking must be rubbish.


Typical Tory retort. Give 'em a quid each! 


131 billion dollars for infrastructure in Africa would improve the Continent a thousand fold, but you don't believe in  improving things for everyone do you?

You'd like Mr Africa to have 130 billion dollars and the filth to have what's left.


Enough said about your outlook then int it?

On 11/02/2019 at 20:28, Anna B said:

I've read a similar statistic. 


Found this link, the figures are slightly different, but you get the point.  '26 richest billionaires own as many assetts as 3.8 Billion people who make up the poorest half of the planet's population.'



Thanks Anna!

Some people won't have any of it.

They think the world is being run fantastically by clever, fair, unselfish people.

I fear that the exact opposite is true.

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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18 hours ago, Anna B said:

In spite of being 'slightly different' I don't think it takes anything away from Hotmale's original post, and it certainly doesn't qualify as 'absolute rubbish.' I still think the facts are pretty mind boggling, never mind 'extremely hyperbolic.'


Just 26 individual people own as much wealth as all 3.8 Billion people put together . . . .   Don't you find that fact difficult to even get your head around? 

Some people will think 26 people having most of the money is quite acceptable'

I know it stinks.

9 hours ago, Obelix said:

Well if you work out how many people control 85% of the worlds wealth it's a much much larger number than thirty... so yes it's unreasonable. Also the figures about people being able to fund all of Africa comfortably - again thats laughable and risible.


So yes, expect to see this sort of thing called out and it is only damaging to the underlying argument.



Who said 'fund the country'?

I said 'sort'.

As someone said earlier, it's slightly different.


Give someone a fish and they'll have a meal.

Teach someone to fish and they'll have food for ever.


The article states 'a new billionaire was created every two days'.

Maybe Africa would have enough now and we could look to improve someone else's life somewhere else?  

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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2 hours ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Football players on £400,000 a week.  Doubtful if these guys vote for St Jeremy.



Stranger things have happened. There are people on this forum who earn £16,000 a year who quite happily vote for Mother Theresa May.

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34 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Stranger things have happened. There are people on this forum who earn £16,000 a year who quite happily vote for Mother Theresa May.

Yes, very true.

They may have a few bob more than their neighbours and they think they qualify to be a tad 'superior'.

A mate of mine on £9 an hour wouldn't vote anything but Tory.

It's not the only subject he's a bit dim on.

Bless him, he'll never learn.


In 2016 the number of billionaires having the bulk of the money was 61.

Now, it's 26.

In twenty years it'll probably be 2, unless we find some way to stop them.

Can't some people see the danger of  this madness?!?!?!!

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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22 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

A mate of mine on £9 an hour wouldn't vote anything but Tory.

It's not the only subject he's a bit dim on.

Bless him, he'll never learn.

I don't know about now but certainly in the old days, switching your vote from Labour to  Tory was seen as part of social advancement, regardless of whether you would be better off or not (usually not), under a Conservative government.


It is a particularly English thing which I'm sure is rooted deeply in our class system and history as an imperial power.

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6 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I don't know about now but certainly in the old days, switching your vote from Labour to  Tory was seen as part of social advancement, regardless of whether you would be better off or not (usually not), under a Conservative government.


It is a particularly English thing which I'm sure is rooted deeply in our class system and history as an imperial power.

It's exactly that.

It was commonly called 'two bob millionaires'.

If you smoked No 6 you voted Labour, if you smoked Embassy or Bensons it gave you a feeling of superiority.

Some read 'The Sun' and 'The Times' and voted Tory.

It made them feel all 'superior'  

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7 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

It's exactly that.

It was commonly called 'two bob millionaires'.

If you smoked No 6 you voted Labour, if you smoked Embassy or Bensons it gave you a feeling of superiority.

Some read 'The Sun' and 'The Times' and voted Tory.

It made them feel all 'superior'  

Ironic really considering the former owner of said publications famously hated elitist snobbery and the whole concept of the British class system.


Maybe Labourites need to face facts about why their party has lost its appeal and stop blaming every tom dick and harry for its failures.   The world has moved on.  We are not small backward mining communities all living under the great supreme being of the trade unions anymore.  Labour need to drag themselves back into the 21st century. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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