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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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If anyone wants to see what Derek Hatton was like try and catch up with the 1991 series, G.B.H. starring Michael Palin and Robert Lindsay as Michael Murray. Michael Murray loosely based on Derek Hatton. Spot on. It is bad enough having Corbin and McDonnell but now Derek Hatton, beggars belief.

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4 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yeah yeah...  

Its all media bias init.   Its all so unfair.    Its all the bad press.  He would be PM by now if it wasn't for the 'establishnent'   why can't they all stop picking on him.


....Blah blah blah.  Yawn.


God sake when are you Corbynites going to sober up and face facts.


30 years on the back benches doing sod all.  A professional protester thrust into the top job by some cultish campaign group.  A bully and a pig headed dinosaur who is a complete turn off to the wider electorate.


A man who despite the so-called worst government ever is still only managing to scrape level at best.  A hypocrite, a reactionary, a weak leader and an incompetent fool who chucks out the easy soundbites from the opposite bench but hides away when the heat is on himself. 


Enough already with the excuses.  He's a failure and needs to go.  

'Corbyn's Secret Link To Pregnant Jewish MP's Tormentor' - The 2" front page headline in this week's Sunday Mail.


This sort of thing (and far worse) on a Daily basis. It'd be funny if it wasn't so desperate don't you think?

Especially when considering it's the the Conservatives who actually wield the power at the moment, and are making a total hash of it. Hardly a word about them and their many, multiple failings.


(PS. Today's 2" front page headline: 'Leader who's lost the plot' and a full page picture of Corbyn carrying veg on his way home from his allotment...

Relentless persecution.

Might be a good idea to report things like what Mrs May's been up to.)


Edited by Anna B
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19 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I'm not sure that quoting from posts on a facebook page (or twitter for that matter) helps your argument.

What "argument"?  I'm not arguing for or against Hatton.  Just pointing out how yesterday people were up in arms at Berger being too "tory lite" for the people of the city, yet Hatton is too far left.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

'Corbyn's Secret Link To Pregnant Jewish MP's Tormentor' - The 2" front page headline in this week's Sunday Mail.


This sort of thing (and far worse) on a Daily basis. It'd be funny if it wasn't so desperate don't you think?

Especially when considering it's the the Conservatives who actually wield the power at the moment, and are making a total hash of it. Hardly a word about them and their many, multiple failings.


(PS. Today's 2" front page headline: 'Leader who's lost the plot' and a full page picture of Corbyn carrying veg on his way home from his allotment...

Relentless persecution.

Might be a good idea to report things like what Mrs May's been up to.)


Yes, how dare a newspaper report on one of the biggest political upheavals to the Labour Party in a generation. 

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I've changed my mind totally over the last couple of days.

I think the Tories have done a fantastic job since 1979.

In 2019 we have almost full employment. The wages are better than they have ever been. I now trip over a Policeperson on almost every street corner almost every 8 years. The number of homeless people doesn't raise cause for concern. (There are none at all in my area) The wage gap has risen quite fairly over the last 40 years. Companies are making massive profits year on year. The drug and homeless problem has been all but eradicated. There's a new Billionaire created every 2 days. They don't create or manufacture anything useful, but they're raking it in, so what the Hell? It's great for our economy and also the 'Rich list' entries that we can flaunt all over the World.

Foreign car makers are moving out in their droves so that we can start building fine, solid British cars like wot we yoost too. Manufacturing is booming. Order books are now back to 1960's levels. The crime rate is so low that we now only need 10 Police personnel in Sheffield. The parks and gardens run by the Council are all in pristine condition. The roads are swept every 10 years to reduce the chances of windscreen damage. Private housing rents are very reasonable. Some dwellings only cost 80% of  the 'real' average wage, but I thinks plans are in place to raise that, so Landlords will, at last, be able to break even. Very reasonable parking charges are in place to guarantee a bustling City centre. The Pub Companies rents and other charges are so reasonable that only 8 pubs a week are closing (compared with only 8 a week last year, and only 8 a week the year before that)

Diesel fuel has remained very cheap for the motorist. It's only 10p a Litre more than petrol now. Praise the Government for their considered input.

The local High Street is bustling with Vape shops and Nail and Beauty boutiques.

If the recently made redundant hadn't been able to acquire these badly needed services, I don't know what we'd have done. Our local shopping street has been swamped with take away shops. Another Tory success story. Before they moved in, we had local people running Greengrocery shops, butchers shops, florists and that kind of thing. Thank God the large Supermarkets moved in and trashed these unknown tiddlers and confined them to the bin. Despite local protests, the Council did the right thing and allowed the residents to be trampled on by the big national companies. The correct decision in my opinion.

So, as you can see, the people who matter are doing a lot better than the minnows, and for that, we should be eternally grateful to this Government for guiding us in the right way for 40 years.

Everybody's happy, prosperous, well fed, well clothed (and most of the waged workers will probably be on holiday in the Seychelles as I speak)

What do you mean you haven't been the the Seychelles?     

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Anyone notice how there was a big uproar which went on for days about when Corbyn was supposedly called  May a stupid woman, but only yesterday when Angela Smith was talking about racism refereed to certain people as having a dark tinge to them......well, our media is not really bothered about it because it suits their agenda to downplay it

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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

Anyone notice how there was a big uproar which went on for days about when Corbyn was supposedly called  May a stupid woman, but only yesterday when Angela Smith was talking about racism refereed to certain people as having a dark tinge to them......well, our media is not really bothered about it because it suits their agenda to downplay it

It was in the media. Unlike Corbyn she admitted what she said and almost immediately apologised. 


If Corbyn had done that, it would have been a similar non story. Instead, Corbyn claimed he didn't say it, despite video evidence which strongly suggested he did. 

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