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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:

If you sat down with pen and paper you just could not make this up. My opinion is that Hatton is a bad egg and it's doubtful a bad egg could ever be made into a good one.



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17 hours ago, banjodeano said:

I am not sure if I get your point, but If you think I was happy having people like her in the party that just sowed division, then not at all, we need a few more to go as well, then we can all continue as a united force to fight the tories..no enemy within

my point was that you were happy that they obtained seats in parliament under the Labour banner preventing the Conservatives from increasing their majority further. 

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15 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Commenting on the news, a Labour source said:


“Only three days into its existence and the Independent Group is already a shambles. They’re refusing to report who their donors are, they’ve registered as a private company to avoid doing so, and now there might be evidence of data theft. They embody everything that’s broken in the politics of the past.”

And from the pro labour website that you are referring to 

"We have become aware of attempts to access personal data held on the party’s systems by individuals who are not authorised to do so"


nowhere in the article does it say it is any of the 7 former MPs and the "independent group" are quoted as saying  "The Labour Party has not contacted The Independent Group concerning this issue. If the Labour Party has a specific allegation they should come forward."


so the proof that it is them is....where? 


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2 hours ago, sheffbag said:

my point was that you were happy that they obtained seats in parliament under the Labour banner preventing the Conservatives from increasing their majority further. 

but that is probably down to them flying under a labour banner, not probably because of who they are...

in response i would say i am more happy that they have left than if they had stayed, so that somewhat disputes what you are saying..

and as i said, i would prefer one or two more to go as well..then we will have a team that is fighting the tories not themselves

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Presumably the Labour Party IT people know exactly who tried to log in but chose not to name them.

Then if it was a breach of data security and theft of data, they should make the accusation and/or give details to the police. Not post it in a vague quote and when its nowhere to be seen on the labour website

I'll believe it when its evidenced, until then its like a feature in Closer or Chat magazine " a source said"

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30 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

George Galloway wades into the antisemitism argument on Sky TV, and in typical Galloway fashion gives it to them straight, he was saying he had not been invited onto Sky for years, i guess they will not be having him back for a while more...

The guy is a complete knob with a massive ego but the most annoying thing about him is that he is almost always right.


When you look at all the effort that is expended in looking at Russian state interference in UK and US political affairs and yet virtually no one mentions the Israeli government's interference in UK domestic politics. Joan Ryan was caught bang to rights discussing a £1 million donation from the Israeli government and have we seen it on TV? When she joined the Independent Group on Tuesday there was absolutely no mention of it. Galloway is absolutely right when he says that if film existed of Jeremy Corbyn being offered money by the Russian government it would be shown endlessly on the major news programmes.

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14 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The guy is a complete knob with a massive ego but the most annoying thing about him is that he is almost always right.


When you look at all the effort that is expended in looking at Russian state interference in UK and US political affairs and yet virtually no one mentions the Israeli government's interference in UK domestic politics. Joan Ryan was caught bang to rights discussing a £1 million donation from the Israeli government and have we seen it on TV? When she joined the Independent Group on Tuesday there was absolutely no mention of it. Galloway is absolutely right when he says that if film existed of Jeremy Corbyn being offered money by the Russian government it would be shown endlessly on the major news programmes.

That is all true TCH, that is when you know that the media in this country is 100% bias, as you say, its all there, all on film, but they dont want to talk about it...and if it was Corbyn it would be played on a loop for the rest of Corbyn's life

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On 19/02/2019 at 18:57, WiseOwl182 said:

Awesome. What did Labour do to resolve all these things during their THIRTEEN YEARS in government? From memory, they bought a load of votes by creating benefit dependency, opened up the floodgates to EU immigration, started an illegal war, sold off the gold reserves and ran up a huge deficit to leave the Tories with at the end of it all.

Thirteen years?

They perpetrated Tory values under Tory Blair.

Thank God we didn't have Blair a minute longer than we actually had him.

Better than the Tories?

Yes, by 00000000000.0000000001 %

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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