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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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50 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Is Corbyn actually being invited to talk on these programmes, (genuine question,) or is it just the anti-Corbyn lot? 

He was on sky for 15 minutes on Friday, got the hump over the questions ie they didn't ask the questions he wanted them to. Did a speech on Saturday to the faithful  about how the media arent giving him a fair crack. They all cheered.

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54 minutes ago, melthebell said:

He obviously loves the party more than Corbyn and will do anything to make it better? 

The antisemitism allegations are doing great damage to the party and as deputy leader he should be defending the party's anti racist credentials rather than siding with those behind the allegations.

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33 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

He was on sky for 15 minutes on Friday, got the hump over the questions ie they didn't ask the questions he wanted them to. Did a speech on Saturday to the faithful  about how the media arent giving him a fair crack. They all cheered.

To be honest,  although I could never see myself voting for Labour while Corbyn is in charge because I think the polices he'd try to impose on the UK would put us back into the red long after Labour under him,  would be long gone but  as man of conviction, I can't fault him. 


He's never hid his beliefs, policies or the associations with those of the Far-Left; groups & individuals who many see as threats to the UK or terrorist organisations. 


The ones I don't trust are those now acting in the shadows, throwing their weight behind Corbyn,  who see any kind of criticism of Corbyn or hard Left dogma / policies & any attempt to discuss, (or water down such matters to appeal to the wider electorate),  in Labour circles as an afront, such as the Momentum organisation. 


Surely what is happening now with the Labour Party is that it is realigning its policies to what it used to be but what the UK has long forgotten, Left-wing; as it used to be, just as you'd expect the Tories to be more Right-wing in past decades before all politicians became all touchy-feely, media savvy & all the main parties tried to fight for the middle ground

Edited by Baron99
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Corbyn’s vision of Brexit is worse than May’s 


Well dome to Watson for calling it out


One thing about Corbyn is he thrives on being the little guy up against it. To him a Labour Party with 100 MPs railing against a post-Brexit U.K. love-in with the USA would be like a dream


Hes still fighting a 70s battle on behalf of the left

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56 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

Corbyn’s vision of Brexit is worse than May’s 


Well dome to Watson for calling it out


One thing about Corbyn is he thrives on being the little guy up against it. To him a Labour Party with 100 MPs railing against a post-Brexit U.K. love-in with the USA would be like a dream


Hes still fighting a 70s battle on behalf of the left

As I've stated above, I do admire him for his convictions.  I'd rather spend an evening having a drink down his allotment than spend half an hour in the company of Blair at one of his Islington chattering classes drinks do's.


However someone his raised an interesting point in today's letters page in the 'i' newspaper.


Corbyn has called for those MP's who have jumped ship to step down & seek by-elections as they were voted in on the back of the Labour manifesto. Yet Corbyn himself has been voted into his constituency number the back of Labour manifesto since 1983 & then proceeded to vote against his Party more than 400 time.  Hmmm? 

Edited by Baron99
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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The antisemitism allegations are doing great damage to the party and as deputy leader he should be defending the party's anti racist credentials rather than siding with those behind the allegations.

The fact that they are still hanging around and able to do damage in the first place is what baffles me though.


I don't understand why this issue wasn't nipped in the bud in the first instance, I mean it's not something that requires a great amount of debate over, it's completely unacceptable.

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3 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Tom Watson is a snake.


He is deputy leader of the party and should be standing up for the party not siding with those attacking it and making snidey digs at the leader.

Why?  Wasn't he democratically elected in exactly the same way as Corbyn?  He is quite entitled to have a contrary view to his leader; in fact it makes the party more healthy.

Or does Labour tolerate only Corbyn speak now?

2 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The antisemitism allegations are doing great damage to the party and as deputy leader he should be defending the party's anti racist credentials rather than siding with those behind the allegations.

Alternatively, antisemitism is doing great damage to the party and as deputy leader it is his duty to renounce it as a real problem and deal with it to save the party, rather than pretending it doesnt exist like Corbyn

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One genuine question that a mate of mine raised the other day? 


When exactly did all this talk of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party actually start? 


My earliest memories of Labour are Harold Wilson but I don't recall it being mentioned in the mainstream media until after Corbyn took over or was it just swept under the carpet previously? 

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1 minute ago, Baron99 said:

One genuine question that a mate of mine raised the other day? 


When exactly did all this talk of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party actually start? 


My earliest memories of Labour are Harold Wilson but I don't recall it being mentioned in the mainstream media until after Corbyn took over or was it just swept under the carpet previously? 

It stems largely from the extreme fringes of the party . . Militant Tendency in the early 1980s.  It was suppressed during the Blair years, but the resurgence of extreme left views after the victories of Corbyn and Momentum have brought it to the fore, particularly when everyone's views as so easily checked via FB posts and tweets. That is how most of the worst excesses are coming to light.


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6 minutes ago, bendix said:

It stems largely from the extreme fringes of the party . . Militant Tendency in the early 1980s.  It was suppressed during the Blair years, but the resurgence of extreme left views after the victories of Corbyn and Momentum have brought it to the fore, particularly when everyone's views as so easily checked via FB posts and tweets. That is how most of the worst excesses are coming to light.


Well as someone who does not have a FB, Twitter, Instagram account or whatever, I'll take your word for it in the absence of anything else, unless someone else wants to chuck their twopennth in to disagree? 

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