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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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4 hours ago, Albert smith said:

Labour has called for a  second referendum,  If that happens Thats me done with voting in this so called democracy.

You do know that you will be allowed to vote in a second referendum, don't you?


The way some leave supporters go on you'd think that they were being excluded from a second vote! 🙄

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4 hours ago, Albert smith said:

Labour has called for a  second referendum,  If that happens Thats me done with voting in this so called democracy.

Comrade Corbyn is been blackmailed by the Remoaners in his idea of the Labour Party.  Thankfully there are some Labour MP's that still uphold the value of democracy and as such will not back this antidemocratic second referendum  vote, if it ever happens.



Edited by ANGELFIRE1
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19 minutes ago, ANGELFIRE1 said:

Comrade Corbyn is been blackmailed by the Remoaners in his idea of the Labour Party.  Thankfully there are some Labour MP's that still uphold the value of democracy and as such will not back this antidemocratic second referendum  vote, if it ever happens.



Do you know what democracy actually is? is it two parties following identikit paths? or is it more democratic to have one following one path and one being a real opposition and offering something completely different to the voter?

Up till now Labour have been hanging onto the tories coat tails hoping for a GE that they wont win, they shouldve been offering this opposition years ago, either a no brexit ticket or at the very least a second referendum. Something of an opposite option for the voters and supporters.

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46 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

It would be more valid based on:


1. The new information we have

2. The chance to run it clean this time, without illegality

3. The chance to take into account the potential malign activities of other states

4. Recognition of the shift in demographics

5. The chance to review participation of Brits overseas who were unfairly excluded last time

6. Acknowledgement of shifting public opinion

7. It augments the democratic process in parliament which has not been effective in resolving how we exit


Above all the process of democracy isn’t static. The very definition of it revolves around what the electorate think now


Its time to consider another vote

Almost all reasons to have a third referendum after the second one. 

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41 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Loving the logic fail of some leave supporters! Have they all fallen down the rabbit hole with Alice?


Explain to me how a second referendum would be undemocratic if everyone is allowed to vote in it?

And I'm reminded of the head leaver himself, Farage, wanting a second referendum if the first one wasn't to his liking.



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19 minutes ago, melthebell said:

or is it more democratic to have one following one path and one being a real opposition and offering something completely different to the voter?

The concept of opposition seems to have gone out of the window with some people!


If an MP thinks that leaving the EU is a bonkers idea before the referendum why on earth should they then suddenly decide that it is no longer a bonkers idea and they will now support it because a majority of people who bothered to vote in a referendum thought otherwise?


If a Labour MP in a leave voting constiuency should support leaving the EU, then shouldn't they also support everything in the Conservative manifesto as the country as a whole voted for a Conservative government?


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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The concept of opposition seems to have gone out of the window with some people!


If an MP thinks that leaving the EU is a bonkers idea before the referendum why on earth should they then suddenly decide that it is no longer a bonkers idea and they will now support it because a majority of people who bothered to vote in a referendum thought otherwise?


If a Labour MP in a leave voting constiuency should support leaving the EU, then shouldn't they also support everything in the Conservative manifesto as the country as a whole voted for a Conservative government?


MPs should support the manifesto that they stood for and were elected on. 

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