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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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13 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

They didn't vote in the Irish Referendum obviously. Anyone who voted to remain were in the minority, so that makes the 52% of the British who wanted out to be thickos then.

I never expected you to agree with me. Whatever gave you that impression? 

As seems to be the normal attitude to have amongst non Labour supporters, I'm going to adopt a similar 'oh so superior attitude' and tell you ''im right, you’re all wrong''

You're all liars and provide spurious figures to support your cause.

On the Irish referendum re-run, you and your friends are provably wrong, all day long.


On the "anyone who voted to Brexit are thickos", you're wrong so far as I at least am concerned: I've never held or claimed that all Leave voters are thickos. Only a lot of them. And NI ones would feature prominently within that subset, because they amongst all Brits should know how instrumental the UK's membership of the EU has been to their development and prosperity  over the past couple of decades: for indirect proof, though 52% of UK voters in the 2016 referendum voted to Leave, 61% of NI voters in the 2016 referendum voted to Remain.


Unsurprisingly, given that NI would (now will) be the worst-affected part of the UK by any form of Brexit (and I'm not thinking about the security risk here - that's extra).


The government's recently-released no deal impact assessment report will explain to your NI friends how and why that is, if there was any need (still, at this late stage).


After all that, I don't particularly care about how you take the above or my posts: generally I post to inform (often as not with links to factual and objective references), to correct misrepresentations and lies, and to engage in reasoned (and reasonable) debate. If that disturbs posters' cognitive bias too much, the 'ignore' function is very easy to use.

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Shame they can't debate with you either. Horse's mouths, or 'factual references' (yeah, alright)

I'll go with horse's mouth.

Probably the same factual references that tell us the NHS has more doctors and nurses than ever before, 

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8 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

Shame they can't debate with you either. Horse's mouths, or 'factual references' (yeah, alright)

I'll go with horse's mouth.

Probably the same factual references that tell us the NHS has more doctors and nurses than ever before, 

On the notion that the Irish were "made to vote again until they got it right" (your post #7299, which you sought to validate by appealing to the authority of 'Irish friends'), there is nothing to debate whatsover: it's pure and unadulterated, competition-grade horses**t.


Knock yourself out.


Or stick to the horse. But not the mouth end, obviously.

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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

Party membership down too:


Labour membership falls 10% amid unrest over Brexit stance

Concerns about Labour’s record in tackling antisemitism also cited by MPs as driving disillusionment


The faithful will still try to point out that Labour are still the party with the largest membership, or I would have expected them to have done so on here by now...


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On 27/02/2019 at 19:24, Top Cats Hat said:

That is kind of the point Chris Williamson is making. 


Caving into constant allegations of anti-semitism won’t stop the allegations, it will cause them to be increased.

He did a good job of that didn't he

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On 27/02/2019 at 11:37, alchresearch said:

And the anti-semitism problem runs on.  At least Jezza must be happier that the press are going for his party members rather than him.


Chris Williamson: Tom Watson demands Labour suspends MP who claimed party was 'too apologetic' over antisemitism



Labour anti-Semitism figures confirmed on TV as Barry Gardiner claims number is 'tiny'



What I don't understand though is why Tom Watson is dealing with this?   Is it because Jennie Formby hasn't done her job properly?


i very much doubt it, they cant get anything on Corbyn, so they are going for the people that support him, cut off his allies and try to leave him on his own...the accusations of  antisemitism are getting quite ridiculous, 

Whereas the secret video that reveals Israeli plot to “take down” UK minister goes relatively unreported, i wondeer why she was not suspended? its all getting rather bizarre...


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57 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

i very much doubt it, they cant get anything on Corbyn, so they are going for the people that support him, cut off his allies and try to leave him on his own...the accusations of  antisemitism are getting quite ridiculous, 

Whereas the secret video that reveals Israeli plot to “take down” UK minister goes relatively unreported, i wondeer why she was not suspended? its all getting rather bizarre...


Looks like the Mail reported on it, over 2 years ago




Mr Masot also mocks ‘crazy’Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his ‘weirdo’ supporters. Footage shows pro-Israel Labour activists discussing the Jerusalem government’s secret role in backing their activities.

Last night it emerged that Israeli ambassador Mark Regev had made a full apology to Sir Alan for Mr Masot’s ‘completely unacceptable’ comments.

And a spokesman for Boris Johnson said: ‘The Israeli ambassador has apologised and made it clear to us that these comments do not represent the views of the Israeli Embassy or government.’


Care to comment on the other points raised re falling union support and falling membership?

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