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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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2 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

And this is the problem in a nutshell.Rather than deal with this problem you attack anyone who says there's is one.

Do you think there's a racist problem in the Tory party that should be equally dealt with?

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29 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Do you think there's a racist problem in the Tory party that should be equally dealt with?


30 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Do you think there's a racist problem in the Tory party that should be equally dealt with?

Do Tory voters think there is a problem?  I think there are a number of the blue rinse Tory activists that will have racist views. I’ve no doubt a reasonable number Tory MPs are racist - Boris walks a fine line, for example and I’m sure there’s are others. Has it made MPs want to quit the party? No. Voters quit the party? Not really. 


Lets be honest, if they were haemorrhaging votes or mps they would  change. They aren’t called the nasty party without reason!

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2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:


Do Tory voters think there is a problem?  I think there are a number of the blue rinse Tory activists that will have racist views. I’ve no doubt a reasonable number Tory MPs are racist - Boris walks a fine line, for example and I’m sure there’s are others. Has it made MPs want to quit the party? No. Voters quit the party? Not really. 


Lets be honest, if they were haemorrhaging votes or mps they would  change. They aren’t called the nasty party without reason!

But then the racism in the Tory party hasn't been hyped up on an almost daily basis with vile sensationalist front page headlines (The Daily Mail actually treated us to a reprint of 14 recent front page 2" headlines like 'Labour's a refuge for Racists!'; 'Corbyn's Hateful New Low!'; 'Corbyn dubbed 'Poster boy of anti-semites.'; Munich Massacre Wdows rage at Corbyn!'; 'Shame on you Mr Corbyn!'; 'The Hatemongers Corbyn will meet!'; Nastier and Nastier! More anti-semitism at Labour Conference,; 'Caught on film, day Corbyn accused Israel of Genocide.')


The media has created a crisis where one didn't exist, egged on by the Tories and Blairites within the party like Margaret Hodge and her News editor daughter.  


Where were the corresponding headlines about Racism in the Tory party?

Edited by Anna B
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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

But then the racism in the Tory party hasn't been hyped up on an almost daily basis with vile sensationalist front page headlines (The Daily Mail actually treated us to a reprint of 14 recent front page 2" headlines like 'Labour's a refuge for Racists!'; 'Corbyn's Hateful New Low!'; 'Corbyn dubbed 'Poster boy of anti-semites.'; Munich Massacre Wdows rage at Corbyn!'; 'Shame on you Mr Corbyn!'; 'The Hatemongers Corbyn will meet!'; Nastier and Nastier! More anti-semitism at Labour Conference,; 'Caught on film, day Corbyn accused Israel of Genocide.')


The media has created a crisis where one didn't exist, egged on by the Tories and Blairites within the party like Margaret Hodge and her News editor daughter.  


Where were the corresponding headlines about Racism in the Tory party?

Of course a Tory supporting newspaper is going to make the most of a scandal in the Labour party. The Guardian and Mirror do it all the time to the Tories too. Is that news? 


The irony with Labour is that they purport to be politically correct, against racism, "progressive", etc. It's hypocritical.


What do the left have against Israel anyway? Why do you hate it so much? 



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42 minutes ago, WiseOwl182 said:

Please, elaborate?

Have a read.




"Labour is correct to recognise that while prejudice against Jewish people is deplorable, criticism of Israel’s government and policies can and must be made".

Edited by Mister Gee
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15 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Have a read.




"Labour is correct to recognise that while prejudice against Jewish people is deplorable, criticism of Israel’s government and policies can and must be made".

And yet I don't see the same people protesting with quite as much veracity against other governments and regimes that are arguably far worse. Places where women get stoned to death for adultery, for example. I wonder why that is? 🤔

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On 01/03/2019 at 22:13, banjodeano said:

well it does make you wonder doesn't it..... do you think the party is institutionally racist?


Just over 1,100 allegations of anti-semitism were referred to the Labour HQ in the past 10 months, since procedures were stepped up to root out any racism in the party. Of these cases, 433 did not involve Labour members. And of the remaining 673 cases, 220 were thrown out due to a lack of evidence to back up the accusations.

This means that there were 453 reports of genuine anti-semitism - in a party of over half-a-million members. And of these cases, 96 resulted in suspensions, with a further 12 expulsions.

Of course, even one racist incident inside our party is one too many. There can be no place for racism and bigotry in our movement. But one swallow does not make a summer. And 453 incidents of anti-semitism in a party of 540,000 - a rate of less than 0.1% 


so would you class that as institutionally racist?


17 hours ago, banjodeano said:

without a doubt, and i think most people with half a brain can now join up the dots..

This is a good link from the Jewish voice for labour, about abuse allegations



Over a six month period Diane Abbott received over 7500  abusive messages, whist any abuse aimed at a Jewish member was far far below that. 

so now you have to ask yourself the question, how come Tom Watson (who is receiving funds from Jewish donors incidentally) doesn't seem to get morally offended by the abuse Abbott is receiving? but he is on the TV night and day moaning that his own party is full of antisemitism.

Tom Watson is a stooge, how else could you explain his great enthusiasm to undermine his own party with such lack of evidence, he and quite a few of his colleagues are the enemy within, they prefer to see a Tory government rather than a socialist one.

Just out of interest, how many of the 7500 messages were from the half million members of her party?


I know the figures in the above quote as these were on QT last week, but I don't know the answer to the bottom question.

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