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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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17 hours ago, banjodeano said:

so okay, i will bite, what is the problem and where is your evidence of it?


No biting necessary. The problem is how the Labour Party is  dealing with anti -semitism. The party itself acknowledges it's got a problem but it seems the left don't accept this.

Edited by hobinfoot
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1 hour ago, Anna B said:


They are not obsessed with Israel vs Palestine, it's just constantly being brought to the fore by the media.


Jeremy Corbyn is constantly in trouble for refusing to kow tow to popular opinion on a whole range of international situations. He believes in talking not fighting to find solutions, and is vilified for it every time in the media.


He didn't win the Ghandi peace prize for nothing.

They are obsessed. Hundreds of people demonstrating with pro Palestinian and anti Israel placards at protests. Any of them carrying a placard decrying human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? Or denouncing ISIS? No?

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1 hour ago, banjodeano said:

but the big difference is that the unions are funding the party to make it electable, but the Jewish donors money is funding the likes of watson to make it un electable..


Where is your proof for either claim? 

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1 hour ago, Obelix said:

Has he actually done anything useful Anna, apart from lose an election against the worst Conservative Govt we've seen in decades?


He's not single handedly turned anything. He's the tail wagging on the Momentum dog that's all he is.

I'm sorry when did you become the forum police?


If you want to shut me up on this thread I assume you've been reading from the momentum playbook.

Yet the broken banjo seems to want to stop discussion of the Labour party when it's inconvenient to him...



Now attacks - you never wrote something like " not in the same league as 'Twonk' Grayling. " did you? Oh you did?


Pot kettle black....

what are you talking about shut you up? your imagination is running wild again Obelix, i quite like our jousting competitions, i am sorry you feel that way...

1 hour ago, the_bloke said:

Where is your proof for either claim? 

would this be the proof you require?

Secret video reveals Israeli plot to “take down” UK minister


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1 hour ago, hobinfoot said:

The problem is how the Labour Party is  dealing with anti -semitism. The party itself acknowledges it's got a problem but it seems the left don't accept this.

no - they don't accept it at all. The left thinks the whole palaver of the Labour antisemitism row, is a Jewish conspiracy. 

Edited by blake
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1 hour ago, WiseOwl182 said:

They are obsessed. Hundreds of people demonstrating with pro Palestinian and anti Israel placards at protests. Any of them carrying a placard decrying human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia? Or denouncing ISIS? No?

What, you mean like these people?


Hundreds gather outside Downing Street to protest against Crown Prince's state visit

Hundreds of people gathered outside Downing Street to protest as Theresa May held talks inside with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Protesters chanted “Hands off Yemen - stop the bombing now” and “Stop the killing" as they demanded the UK halt arms sales to the Gulf state, which has been criticised over its bombing campaign in Yemen.

Labour’s Shadow International Development Secretary, Kate Osamor, and Green Party Deputy Leader Amelia Womack were among the speakers.

as for Isis, do you really expect people to stand and demonstrate against isis with placards?

 isnt it just obvious everyone is against isis and a demonstration would be pointless


Just now, blake said:

no - they don't accept it at all. They think the whole palaver of the Labour antisemitism row, is a Jewish conspiracy. 

perhaps it is, or did we all just imagine seeing joan ryan talking to Shai Masot, a senior political officer at the Israeli embassy in London, plotting to “take down”  MP's..?

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5 hours ago, WiseOwl182 said:

And yet I don't see the same people protesting with quite as much veracity against other governments and regimes that are arguably far worse. Places where women get stoned to death for adultery, for example. I wonder why that is? 🤔

then you really ought to open your eyes or get your news from a different source, 

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what you don't realise is that it is nothing at all new. The far left have always, even decades ago, had a reputation for being  appalling antisemites. The only thing new, is that they've never been in prominent positions in such numbers in the Labour party before.  That is why the whole business has blown up now, and yes they provide the stock antisemite response to explain it, just as if they were Nazis  ; 'Jewish conspiracy'. 

Edited by blake
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3 minutes ago, blake said:

what you don't realise is that it is nothing at all new. The far left have always, even decades ago, had a reputation for being  appalling antisemites. The only thing new, is that they've never been in prominent positions in such numbers in the Labour party before.  That is why the whole business has blown up now, and yes they provide the stock antisemite response to explain it, just as if they were Nazis  ; 'Jewish conspiracy'. 

what a complete load of poppycock....the left and the unions were at the forefront of the fight against Mosley blackshirts at Cable street, you are talking none sense sir

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