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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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7 hours ago, banjodeano said:

what a complete load of poppycock....the left and the unions were at the forefront of the fight against Mosley blackshirts at Cable street, you are talking none sense sir

there are indeed some great examples of parts of the left fighting antisemitism but if you dig into the history of parts of the left then you will find it's littered with antisemitism.


the communist party embraced the hitler-stalin pact and delivered large numbers of jews to the nazis. Stalin launched his own antisemitic project and had he lived longer there would have been another genocide.



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10 hours ago, andyofborg said:

the communist party embraced the hitler-stalin pact and delivered large numbers of jews to the nazis. Stalin launched his own antisemitic project and had he lived longer there would have been another genocide.

There is an argument that Stalin and the totalitarian regime that was the Soviet Union was neither socialist nor part of the left, but that is probably for another thread.

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19 hours ago, banjodeano said:

what are you talking about shut you up? your imagination is running wild again Obelix, i quite like our jousting competitions, i am sorry you feel that way...

would this be the proof you require?

Secret video reveals Israeli plot to “take down” UK minister


No, I asked for proof of either:


a) The unions are giving money to Labour and Jeremy Corbyn to make the party electable

b) That some Jewish donors are giving money to Tom Watson to make the Labour party unelectable


Your link contains nothing about either claim.

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9 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

No, I asked for proof of either:


a) The unions are giving money to Labour and Jeremy Corbyn to make the party electable

b) That some Jewish donors are giving money to Tom Watson to make the Labour party unelectable


Your link contains nothing about either claim.

point  A, why else would the unions give the party money? its not for the weekly shopping, its to fund the party to make it electable, i cant even believe you are asking that question, its kind of stupid...what other reason would they be funding the party for???????

Point B, at least you are acknowledging that Watson is funded by money coming from jewish donors, as are the rest of his cronies, and like the rest of his cronies, they are doing their best to undermine the party or fragment it, either way they are making it un electable, 

What do you think about that Ryan tape where she is discussing with  a senior political officer at the Israeli embassy in London about taking out British  MP's...isnt that proof enough that Israel is involving itself in our politics????????

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20 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

point  A, why else would the unions give the party money? its not for the weekly shopping, its to fund the party to make it electable, i cant even believe you are asking that question, its kind of stupid...what other reason would they be funding the party for???????

Point B, at least you are acknowledging that Watson is funded by money coming from jewish donors, as are the rest of his cronies, and like the rest of his cronies, they are doing their best to undermine the party or fragment it, either way they are making it un electable, 

What do you think about that Ryan tape where she is discussing with  a senior political officer at the Israeli embassy in London about taking out British  MP's...isnt that proof enough that Israel is involving itself in our politics????????

Point A; why else would the unions give the Labour party money? You are making an assumption it's to make them electable. 




In the last four months of 2018 Unite the union gave Labour almost half a million pounds. Here is their reasoning behind donating to Labour:




No where does it say they donate in order to make the party electable. That is your assumption that the influence they have in Labour party policy is actually making a positive difference come a General Election.


Point B; I'm not making any acknowledgement that Tom Watson is funded by Jewish donors, you did earlier in the thread, they are your words. That video still has no specifics that Tom Watson is being paid by some Jewish cabal hiding in the shadows to undermine the party or make it unelectable.


So again can you prove either point?

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2 hours ago, the_bloke said:

Point A; why else would the unions give the Labour party money? You are making an assumption it's to make them electable. 




In the last four months of 2018 Unite the union gave Labour almost half a million pounds. Here is their reasoning behind donating to Labour:




No where does it say they donate in order to make the party electable. That is your assumption that the influence they have in Labour party policy is actually making a positive difference come a General Election.


Point B; I'm not making any acknowledgement that Tom Watson is funded by Jewish donors, you did earlier in the thread, they are your words. That video still has no specifics that Tom Watson is being paid by some Jewish cabal hiding in the shadows to undermine the party or make it undetectable.


So again can you prove either point?

Erm, of course it doesnt, why would it need  to state that? its just obvious that they are funding the party to help get them elected, i cant understand why you are even  arguing this point, common sense tells you that, well it does to most normal thinking  people, i'll ask my question again because you conveniently ignored it , "why else would the unions give the party money"?

Lets looka at your point B..

Watson is funded by Jewish donors, see here, it clearly shows who is funding him..





So now do you acknowledge Watson is funded by Jewish money? its there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

and now we have to ask why they are funding him, and the rest of the labour friends of Israel who all seem to have a problem with Corbyn, its not hard to work out, you just need to join the dots up.


Incidentally i saw that  Israel lobby funders are backing breakaway British MPs, 



this further highlights my point that Jewish money is being put to use to stop labour getting to power.

David Garrard told newspapers he had already donated to the MPs who broke away from the opposition Labour Party and the ruling Conservative Party.

The Independent Group is expected to eventually register as a party.

Garrard has for many years been a major financial backer of Labour Friends of Israel, a front group for the Israeli embassy, and was recently appointed to its board.


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What on earth is going on? 


You've got Laura Murray - the daughter of Andrew Murray, chief of staff to Unite union leader Len McCluskey, moved to handle anti-semitic complaints from her cushy role as a £40K a year "political adviser"


When at the same time she's in the process of being sued for libel for her attacks on Jewish Countdown presenter Rachel Riley, before hurriedly deleting the tweets and closing her account. 



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