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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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16 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:

Don't know if anybody has posted this before, but here is Daily Mail columnist Peter Oborne's review (demolition) of Bower's book on Corbyn.  Oborne can, for instance, "find no mention in Bower’s book of Corbyn's sustained parliamentary activity against anti-semitism and in support of Jewish rights".

Yep, I posted about it on post 7550, the Daily Mail gave it a scathing review:


Bower produces no serious analysis of any of the issues which make Corbyn noteworthy


Instead he relies on sneers and distortions, made much worse by numerous errors.


Bower claims, for example, that a certain ‘Cat Stevens, a 30-year-old bisexual republican’ was a supporter of Corbyn in the parliamentary Labour party. Presumably, Bower means Cat Smith, the MP for Lancaster and Fleetwood — not the singer. He asserts that Denis Healey was elected Labour deputy leader under Neil Kinnock. That would be news to Roy Hattersley, who actually won the contest.


Bower’s book is also marred by contradictions. On page 13 he accuses Corbyn of being ‘unable to engage in hard work’. On page 32 he describes him as ‘tirelessly active.’ Only one of the two can be true.


He frequently accuses Corbyn of being a Trotskyite. Elsewhere he states that Corbyn’s ‘personal commitment to Stalinism set him apart from most Labour Party members.’ Trotskyites and Stalinists hate each other, and Stalin ordered Trotsky’s brutal murder. Bower, who, with his knowledge of the far-Left, ought to know you can belong to only one of these two communist factions.


These errors and mistakes are especially important because — unusually for a serious biographer — Bower does not provide any references or citations in order (so he says) to protect sources.


Tom Bower is a distinguished author whose biographies of high profile businessmen, politicians and, most recently, royals (Prince Charles) frequently make headlines. His exploration of how Blair took us to war against Iraq and the subsequent whitewash was of particular merit — unlike this inaccurate hatchet job.


Edited by alchresearch
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On 12/03/2019 at 22:52, Anna B said:

And if Conservatives keep us in the EU against our will, it will also lose millions of votes.

I think it up to everyone to look how their MPs votes, and to judge whether to support them again. i know mine is doing his best for the mandate he got elected on. How many can say that.

Edited by phil752
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3 hours ago, phil752 said:

I think it up to everyone to look how their MPs votes, and to judge whether to support them again. i know mine is doing his best for the mandate he got elected on. How many can say that.

A fair point.


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16 minutes ago, Anna B said:

A fair point.


But it isn't a fair point.  You vote for your MP to make decisions on your behalf on a whole range of issues - not just Brexit.  That is why it's called a representative democracy.  And believe it or not but there is more to being an MP than just this single issue.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

That's after they'd used it with great glee, 7+ pages, and alarmist headlines to rubbish Corbyn.

Corbyn is the most ineffective Leader of The Opposition we've ever had. The Torys have starved the country with austerity, lead us towards disaster with Brexit. ..........................and Corbyn has done nothing. He spouts about wanting a General Election, he actually thinks the country would elect him. I'm a Socialist, have been since I first voted 52 years ago but I have no confidence in the man at all. Every time the press confront him in the street he flaps about and runs away like a fool. He doesn't stand and fight, he's too old, he's 6 days younger than I am.  Hes past his sell-by date just like me, but I realise it. We need a young strong brave leader. Yvette Cooper will do for starters, she's got bigger balls than Jeremy has ever had. Jeremy is a soap-box orator,  nothing more. And its so sad............................ 

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2 hours ago, EUCLID11 said:

Corbyn is the most ineffective Leader of The Opposition we've ever had. The Torys have starved the country with austerity, lead us towards disaster with Brexit. ..........................and Corbyn has done nothing. He spouts about wanting a General Election, he actually thinks the country would elect him. I'm a Socialist, have been since I first voted 52 years ago but I have no confidence in the man at all. Every time the press confront him in the street he flaps about and runs away like a fool. He doesn't stand and fight, he's too old, he's 6 days younger than I am.  Hes past his sell-by date just like me, but I realise it. We need a young strong brave leader. Yvette Cooper will do for starters, she's got bigger balls than Jeremy has ever had. Jeremy is a soap-box orator,  nothing more. And its so sad............................ 

I agree, said it to a certain extent myself. He's an intellectual, reads a lot. But not a fighter, not a decision maker, not a man of action......sadly.

and considering his obsession with a GE they won't win one with him at the helm.

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2 hours ago, EUCLID11 said:

Corbyn is the most ineffective Leader of The Opposition we've ever had. The Torys have starved the country with austerity, lead us towards disaster with Brexit. ..........................and Corbyn has done nothing. He spouts about wanting a General Election, he actually thinks the country would elect him. I'm a Socialist, have been since I first voted 52 years ago but I have no confidence in the man at all. Every time the press confront him in the street he flaps about and runs away like a fool. He doesn't stand and fight, he's too old, he's 6 days younger than I am.  Hes past his sell-by date just like me, but I realise it. We need a young strong brave leader. Yvette Cooper will do for starters, she's got bigger balls than Jeremy has ever had. Jeremy is a soap-box orator,  nothing more. And its so sad............................ 

Ineffective in your opinion. The tories have starved this country etc etc and have got away with it by declaring loud and often that JC is unelectable, rubbish, ridiculous and so on, backed up by the Tory run press, media., and I'm sad to say the Blairite faction in the Labour party who are Tories by another name and will continue in the same vein. They are establishment stooges.  


But JC is hugely popular with the electorate. Since he took charge and because he took charge and changed the dynamics, the Labour party has become the biggest party in Europe. He has the establishment and the Tories running scared which is why they go to such lengths to attack him relentlessly.  And you're falling for it.




As for not having balls and  'he doesn't stand and fight,' what do you think he's been doing all this time? He's taken the Labour party by the scruff of the neck and turned it back to its roots in the face of the most appalling vilification,  character assassination and smears.  He is the only person who could have done that, anyone else would have caved in. Since the banking crash the world has changed. The working man needs someone to fight his corner, do you really think Oxbridge educated Yvette Cooper of Labourlite, has the conviction to do it?  She, who was fined for fiddling MPs expenses yet was criticised by the Child Poverty Action Group for wanting to  expand sanctions and benefit cuts?  


She has already lost to Jeremy Corbyn in a leadership election and  has had to modify her opinions, as has Theresa May to appeal more to the electorate. This is the JC effect. But how genuine is it and would it last if she were in power?  

Jeremy Corbyn is a seasoned fighter. We need him to rectify the balance in politics if you don't want to be ruled by Lobbyists, the super-rich, the mega-Corporations, and those with their own agenda.  

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