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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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18 minutes ago, melthebell said:

But his main reason for leaving is to be with his family

So attacking Corbyn’s team by saying,


”blizzard of lies and excuses” and “lack of professionalism, competence and human decency”


This is all irrelevant right?


Bottom line is, he’s jumping from a sinking ship and he stated as much quite definitively. 


Edited by Albert the Cat
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Just watching Corbyn on the Andrew Marr Show.  It's amazing, as LEADER of the Party as to what he knows what going on & what he doesn't know or supposedly knows / doesn't know?  Trying to squirm out of questions by making limp jokes to try & deflect questions doesn't look good when you're put under a bit of scrutiny. 


It's clearly the infighting continues.  Having criticised the Tories for parachuting Johnson into the league role of PM, based on the votes of 160,000 Tory members, in the result of Corbyn, (or future leader) being unable to carry out his duties as leader of the Lab Party, whether that be as Shadow leader or PM the NEC, (around 30 members), want the power to appoint the new leader or PM of THEIR choice in an interim period, although there is no apparent time limit on the interim period. 


Clearly the very Left leaning NEC, are worried about not only Corbyn's future but their own, having grasped a bit of power & influence under Corbyn's tenure & the last thing they want is the likes of Starker, Cooper or Burnham getting the top job & sending them back into the wilderness? 


Also the role of Deputy Leader, which was under threat of being abolished yesterday is now apparently to be expanded to have more than one Deputy Leader, to reflect the diversity & equality of the UK. 


Expect then for Lab to have about 63 deputies then?  A deputy role for everyone.


Tom Watsons' need not apply. 

Edited by Baron99
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5 hours ago, alchresearch said:

If they want to do that, all they have to do is Sack Corbyn, and the ex Labour voters will once again return to the flock.

Not entirely.


Many will still continue to support Farage though, as removing Corbyn will almost certainly make Labour a full on Remain party. One of the reasons Corbyn refuses to answer the ‘what would you campaign for?’ question, is because if Labour votes this week to adopt Remain as a policy, Corbyn would be obliged to step down as party leader.

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3 minutes ago, geared said:

Something needs to happen though, it's becoming quite clear they're stuck in the 70's and support is dwindling fast.

Have you seen the stuff McDonnell came out with at the party conference?


Absolutely barmy.

I've not seen it but I can guess - a fifteen hour working week, minimum wage up, maximum wage down and dress everyone in the same colour boiler suit apart from the party faithful who get black?

They have regressed fast thanks to Corbyn and Momentum - it's stupid because if they actually got their act together then they would obliterate the oppostion at the next election. But Corbyn still wont come clean on brexit and sits on the fence trying to please everyone and succeeding in pleasing no one.

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5 minutes ago, geared said:

Something needs to happen though, it's becoming quite clear they're stuck in the 70's and support is dwindling fast.

Have you seen the stuff McDonnell came out with at the party conference?


Absolutely barmy.

I know, absolutely stark raving mad, wanting to reduce the working week. We should be putting it back to working longer hours for less money..and do away with paid holidays as well...bloody communists

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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

I know, absolutely stark raving mad, wanting to reduce the working week. We should be putting it back to working longer hours for less money..and do away with paid holidays as well...bloody communists

the point is, it all needs paying for, companies need to be able to afford to do them, wheres the money come from? its all good and well waving unicorns around like the tories but it needs to be feasable

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Hilarious watching the Lab Conference today across the BBC & Sky coverage. 


So many factions.  I swear we now have groups chipping in from groups so far Left only dogs can here their moaning & groaning whines. 


Let's face it.  If there was an election tomorrow, the electorate know Johnson & Swinson's views but Corbyn? 


The best the electorate can get from him is I'm not going to tell you ahead of an election but I'll wait to see if I win a majority, then I'll put it too the NEC they'll tell me what to do & you're stuck with it. 


Something suspicious about a leader who won't nail his colours to the post ahead of an election.  


Edited by Baron99
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