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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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24 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Hmm still didn't work unfortunately - even tried using incognito mode incase my cookies were preventing it. 


Sorry about that - it must be my VPN that gets round the paywall (although I'd think a glaring oversight by the FT if true!)

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If there is not another conference before the next election (very unlikely) Labour has just thrown away any chance of winning that election. As a conference delegate said on Channel Four News, “We are now destined to come third behind the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats”.


One of the reasons that Labour did well in 2017 was the amount of work put in by members on the doorstep. At the next election many, many activists will not be campaigning for a Brexit supporting Labour party.

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6 minutes ago, CaptainSwing said:

The important thing is that (like the other progressive parties, but unlike the LibDems) they're offering a second referendum, now that there is a reasonably concrete proposal for what 'Brexit' might actually mean (i.e. Mrs May's deal, or something similar).


You might not like it, you might not like the reasons for it, but the fact is that the country is divided 50/50 on this issue.  The only way forward that isn't guaranteed to tear the country apart for a generation is to compromise.  This might not ultimately be possible, but at least they're trying.


If Ms Swinson was serious about preventing Brexit, if she really thought that that was the number one most important thing, she'd be offering something like an electoral pact with the progressive parties to campaign together for a second referendum.  But she isn't, therefore she doesn't.

The problem is that I imagine the vast majority of people that want a second referendum are people that would be happy to see Article 50 revoked, therefore there is no reason why they would choose Labour over the Lib Dems. 

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Just to confuse things further, Scottish Labour and Welsh Labour are campaigning as Remain parties in any upcoming election.


So once again, it is England trying to lead the UK as a whole out of the EU. European leaders are right when they describe Brexit as a particular facet of petty English nationalism.

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3 minutes ago, RJRB said:

How on earth can that show of hands be considered backing for Corbyn .

If Britain’s got talent was decided in a similar fashion it would be more fitting,but just as ridiculous.


Faced with an open goal, Corbyn could hit an 80 yard backpass into his own net.

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3 hours ago, Longcol said:

Faced with an open goal, Corbyn could hit an 80 yard backpass into his own net.

I think you're looking at a totally different pitch to me. 


Corbyn has just widened his options.  He doesn't want to lose a huge percent of traditional Labour voters, who are Leavers. 


He's trying to win the traditional heartlands back but unfortunately, Emily Thornberry had already scuppered that for him on Question Time, two weeks ago.

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10 hours ago, RJRB said:

How on earth can that show of hands be considered backing for Corbyn .

If Britain’s got talent was decided in a similar fashion it would be more fitting,but just as ridiculous.


The BBC news report last night about this shows that the party has a serious problem - the show of hands was around 50-50.


Its sad that politics has now become about Brexit, but the Tories and Lib Dems have siezed upon this while Labour dithers about in the middle and loses votes to both sides.  Its leader wants to remain neutral but at the same time has many vocal remainers.



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