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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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Corbyn on the latest Brexit deal:



“It’s worse than Theresa May’s deal, I can’t see it getting the support that he thinks that it will get” 

Jeremy Corbyn says Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposals will “undermine the Good Friday Agreement”


The same Jeremy Corbyn who voted against the Anglo-Irish Agreement & his mate McDonnell who opposed the power-sharing assembly which became the Good Friday Agreement.

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1 minute ago, Top Cats Hat said:

They are part of an ethnic group just as West Indian mothers are part of an ethnic group. Their attitude to children are cultural and historical.

But you could use that argument to dismiss many forms of racist and xenophobic comment. I don't think anyone's attitudes to anything will be down to their race, it will always be historical or cultural.


I agree that the term racist has taken on a bit of a catchall phrase, and now is used to describe things that don't actually pertain to 'race' per se, but that is more of a semantic argument. 

Just now, alchresearch said:

Corbyn on the latest Brexit deal:



The same Jeremy Corbyn who voted against the Anglo-Irish Agreement & his mate McDonnell who opposed the power-sharing assembly which became the Good Friday Agreement.

Corbyn has already said he would vote down any deal that Boris came back with. That position is patently absurd. 

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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

The same Jeremy Corbyn who voted against the Anglo-Irish Agreement & his mate McDonnell who opposed the power-sharing assembly which became the Good Friday Agreement.

You are picking on the wrong target there.


Both Corbyn and McDonnell were doing their bit to find a political solution to the conflict in Ireland when most politicians were still looking at it as a law and order issue.

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8 hours ago, alchresearch said:

I certainly did when she was humiliated yesterday!   Apologies for the link but its the first one I found with the video.


Bercow orders Diane Abbott to sit down as Labour MP forgets number of questions


And now that you have turned up my old mate, do you fancy answering the question i asked you before you disappeared? the question was on post 8781

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On 26/09/2019 at 13:09, banjodeano said:

does .08% sound like a lot to you? 

No.  But its all about putting the figures in context. 


0.08% is 432.  


You have to ask yourself why its in the hundreds, and why you think hundreds are acceptable. And the answer is probably this:


Corbyn, it should be noted, is the first leader of a major British party to explicitly prioritise the rights of Palestinians over Israel’s continuing belligerent occupation of the Palestinian territories.



Edited by alchresearch
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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

No.  But its all about putting the figures in context. 


0.08% is 432.  


You have to ask yourself why its in the hundreds, and why you think hundreds are acceptable. And the answer is probably this:



Thanks for admitting its not a lot, that's what I think as well, 

And now my second question is, where have I said its acceptable? I have never said that, nor to my knowledge has anyone said its acceptable in the Labour party, please produce any links to back up your claim, what I have said on many occasions is that people like you are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, I have never noticed you make similar claims about others parties that have similar problems..for your information since McNicholl has been replaced the party have taken stronger actions than were in place before Corbyn came to power.

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No, 0.08% doesn't sound a lot.  But when you put it into actual figures, it is.  Just one is too many. And its not just the numbers, its the percieved lack of action taken.


Pretty soon you're going to have to accept that Corbyn isn't going to win an election for Labour.    


Your opinion poll ratings are plummetting. 


Fellow opposition parties say they want a caretaker PM, but won't support Corbyn.


Even with the worst Tory government in recent times they're just not making any ground.  


Add in the in-fighting and anti-semitism, its only Corbyn apologists like yourself keeping him in power. 


If it were any other party he'd have been booted long ago, just like when the Lib Dems and the Tories stumbled from leader to leader.  


A new survey conducted by YouGov puts the Tories on 34 per cent while the Lib Dems are now in second place with Labour relegated to third place

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