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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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9 hours ago, banjodeano said:

Sometimes the truth hurts..

The thing that hurts is the way that the Labour Party has been stolen by people like you.


I’ve always voted labour. I’ve been a member and an activist. I’ll probably continue to be a supporter, but I’ll look forward to the day when you and your mates are drummed back into the political wilderness, where you belong

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7 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

The thing that hurts is the way that the Labour Party has been stolen by people like you.


I’ve always voted labour. I’ve been a member and an activist. I’ll probably continue to be a supporter, but I’ll look forward to the day when you and your mates are drummed back into the political wilderness, where you belong

I'm sorry you feel that way Tom i really do, perhaps if you get the chance take a little time to have a look at your membership card, as it clearly states we are a democratic SOCIALIST party, obviously you are not too keen on the party taking a socialist direction, but i can assure you that is its natural roots, it was formed from the struggles of the working classes, not by a right leaning Blairite, perhaps your natural home may be the Libs?

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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

I'm sorry you feel that way Tom i really do, perhaps if you get the chance take a little time to have a look at your membership card, as it clearly states we are a democratic SOCIALIST party, obviously you are not too keen on the party taking a socialist direction, but i can assure you that is its natural roots, it was formed from the struggles of the working classes, not by a right leaning Blairite, perhaps your natural home may be the Libs?

Actually, I resigned my membership as a result of Blair’s policies.


You lot aren’t proper socialists, just a set of bumbling fantasists. You are also going to be responsible for facilitating an ultra-right wing Tory government.


Well done



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10 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Actually, I resigned my membership as a result of Blair’s policies.


You lot aren’t proper socialists, just a set of bumbling fantasists. You are also going to be responsible for facilitating an ultra-right wing Tory government.


Well done



Bumbling fantasists? surely your going to insult people, you could be a little better than that....

So what are you moaning about then? you left because of Blair, and we now have a socialist leader of a socialist party, it contains what it says on the tin, do you even know what you want?

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7 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

Bumbling fantasists? surely your going to insult people, you could be a little better than that....

So what are you moaning about then? you left because of Blair, and we now have a socialist leader of a socialist party, it contains what it says on the tin, do you even know what you want?

I think that bumbling fantasists sums up the Labour front bench perfectly.


How would you describe them?

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1 minute ago, Pettytom said:

I think that bumbling fantasists sums up the Labour front bench perfectly.


How would you describe them?

I think they have done okay considering they have been a party in turmoil, they have had the likes of Watson and Mann stabbing them in the back at every opportunity, they have had the media nearly 100% against them, May thought she was going to wipe Corbyn out at the election and lost her majority, imagine how well they might have done had they got a party fighting the opposition and not Corbyn...yeah i think they are doing well considering..

So do you call yourself a socialist?

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7 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

I think they have done okay considering they have been a party in turmoil, they have had the likes of Watson and Mann stabbing them in the back at every opportunity, they have had the media nearly 100% against them, May thought she was going to wipe Corbyn out at the election and lost her majority, imagine how well they might have done had they got a party fighting the opposition and not Corbyn...yeah i think they are doing well considering..

So do you call yourself a socialist?

Why do you think that the party are fighting the leadership?

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5 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

I think a large proportion of the PLP don’t support Corbyn, because they understand what is required to become elected.

I disagree with that sentiment, they dont like him because he is going to upset the apple cart, he is vowing to sort out the inequality within this country, and the people that are in the PLP have a cushy lifestyle, they want to keep the status quo, they dont want to rock the boat..

Some of the Blairites have said from day one that they will try their best to get rid of him, they have never even given him a chance, why didnt they get behind him and give him a fair chance? they wanted him to fail, and they tried their best to make him fail, if he had been given a fair chance and failed then i would agree with you, i would say yeah he hasnt cut it, but he has never been given a chance, how can people say he isnt good enough when never been given a proper go, but its nothing to do with whether he is good enough, ITS ABOUT WHAT HE STANDS FOR..

Anyways, do you call yourself a socialist?

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