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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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21 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

I disagree with that sentiment, they dont like him because he is going to upset the apple cart, he is vowing to sort out the inequality within this country, and the people that are in the PLP have a cushy lifestyle, they want to keep the status quo, they dont want to rock the boat..

Some of the Blairites have said from day one that they will try their best to get rid of him, they have never even given him a chance, why didnt they get behind him and give him a fair chance? they wanted him to fail, and they tried their best to make him fail, if he had been given a fair chance and failed then i would agree with you, i would say yeah he hasnt cut it, but he has never been given a chance, how can people say he isnt good enough when never been given a proper go, but its nothing to do with whether he is good enough, ITS ABOUT WHAT HE STANDS FOR..

Anyways, do you call yourself a socialist?

If he was any use as a leader, he wouldn’t need to be “given a chance”. This isn’t an under10s football team. He needs to lead properly. He doesn’t do that.


As for the silly question about labels, I’m much too complicated to label. But, if Labour really do want to sort out inequality in society, they’ll need me and people like me to vote for them.


That’s not very likely this time round.

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3 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

If he was any use as a leader, he wouldn’t need to be “given a chance”. This isn’t an under10s football team. He needs to lead properly. He doesn’t do that.


As for the silly question about labels, I’m much too complicated to label. But, if Labour really do want to sort out inequality in society, they’ll need me and people like me to vote for them.


That’s not very likely this time round.

OK, i take it your not a socialist, but now moan that a socialist party has a socialist leader...but you want to be in a socialist party that leans to the right...i'm petty confused by what you want Tom.

I am also going to have to disagree with you about not being given a chance, how can he lead a party that has about 50% of its MP's not wanting him as their leader, how does he lead a party when members have openly said they will try their best to get him out, please explain to me how he overcomes that if you can?

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10 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

OK, i take it your not a socialist, but now moan that a socialist party has a socialist leader...but you want to be in a socialist party that leans to the right...i'm petty confused by what you want Tom.

I am also going to have to disagree with you about not being given a chance, how can he lead a party that has about 50% of its MP's not wanting him as their leader, how does he lead a party when members have openly said they will try their best to get him out, please explain to me how he overcomes that if you can?

Seems like I’m pretty much in tune with half of the PLP then, by your estimation.


Im not sure that I have the tools to explain anything to you. I’ve spent a lifetime explaining things to people and helping them to develop. The major thing that I’ve learned over that time is that it is pointless trying to deal with people with closed minds.


I’ll leave you to your “socialist” fantasies. and your leader who doesn’t know how to lead. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us will resent your naivety as we suffer yet another Tory government.


That will be your fault and the fault of your buddies, fair and square.

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6 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Seems like I’m pretty much in tune with half of the PLP then, by your estimation.


Im not sure that I have the tools to explain anything to you. I’ve spent a lifetime explaining things to people and helping them to develop. The major thing that I’ve learned over that time is that it is pointless trying to deal with people with closed minds.


I’ll leave you to your “socialist” fantasies. and your leader who doesn’t know how to lead. 

Meanwhile, the rest of us will resent your naivety as we suffer yet another Tory government.


That will be your fault and the fault of your buddies, fair and square.

Now i understand why you are called Petty Tom

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I saw Ian Austin on the TV yesterday slagging off Corbyn, i saw him on quite a few news channels, but i never saw one news channel point out that Ian Austin is now working for the Tories, i think this is a dereliction of duty to be honest, its hardly fair when they introduce him as an ex Labour MP, but omit out the telling point that he is now in actual fact now working for the Tories, how anyone can be an Mp for Labour and then move over and work for the Tories amazes me, he could have never been in the right party to start with

Apparently he is now Prime Ministerial Trade Envoy to Israel. yeah another one on the Israel payroll, its quite obvious whats going off when you start adding the dots up..

This is an interesting read if they can tear themselves away from the mainstream media brainwashing




he goes on to say....

Following Austin’s vitriolic attack on Corbyn as a racist and anti-semite on BBC Today, he was given eleven full minutes unanswered on BBC Breakfast from 8.56 to 9.07. The presenter stated that they had no official response from the Labour Party.

Yet we are in an election, and under election broadcast rules. The BBC must have known what Austin was going to say – otherwise why invite him on? Why was not another guest invited at the same time Austin was invited, to give balance?


Edited by banjodeano
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2 hours ago, banjodeano said:

I saw Ian Austin on the TV yesterday slagging off Corbyn, i saw him on quite a few news channels, but i never saw one news channel point out that Ian Austin is now working for the Tories, i think this is a dereliction of duty to be honest, its hardly fair when they introduce him as an ex Labour MP, but omit out the telling point that he is now in actual fact now working for the Tories, how anyone can be an Mp for Labour and then move over and work for the Tories amazes me, he could have never been in the right party to start with

Apparently he is now Prime Ministerial Trade Envoy to Israel. yeah another one on the Israel payroll, its quite obvious whats going off when you start adding the dots up..

This is an interesting read if they can tear themselves away from the mainstream media brainwashing




he goes on to say....

Following Austin’s vitriolic attack on Corbyn as a racist and anti-semite on BBC Today, he was given eleven full minutes unanswered on BBC Breakfast from 8.56 to 9.07. The presenter stated that they had no official response from the Labour Party.

Yet we are in an election, and under election broadcast rules. The BBC must have known what Austin was going to say – otherwise why invite him on? Why was not another guest invited at the same time Austin was invited, to give balance?


Haha if this amazes you then you mustn't understand politics very well.. 


He was appointed as a trade envoy by the government, which is an unpaid role, along with 27 other MPs and peers from different parties. It is entirely normal that roles such as that aren't party political, or do you think that only Conservatives should be involved in anything that the government does - there should be no MPs or Peers from other parties on any commission, or scrutiny panel, or as envoys? Madness! 

Edited by Robin-H
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3 hours ago, banjodeano said:

 how anyone can be an Mp for Labour and then move over and work for the Tories amazes me

Robin has already covered this, but I thought I'd stick the boot in for your ignorance too.


Labour MP Frank Field was appointed by David Cameron's coalition government in 2010 to head an independent review into poverty, because his constituency was an area with high unemployment and poverty and he could provide a personal insight into the issue.


He also went on to work for cross party groups on food poverty.


Like a few other ignorant Labour supporters, he was criticised for working with "the enemy", moreso now that he's not afraid to say what he thinks about Corbyn and what he's done to Labour.


And sadly he's been pushed.  The greatest MP that area probably would ever had. Forced out by nasty spiteful people who are too stupid to understand the bigger picture.

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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

Robin has already covered this, but I thought I'd stick the boot in for your ignorance too.


Labour MP Frank Field was appointed by David Cameron's coalition government in 2010 to head an independent review into poverty, because his constituency was an area with high unemployment and poverty and he could provide a personal insight into the issue.


He also went on to work for cross party groups on food poverty.


Like a few other ignorant Labour supporters, he was criticised for working with "the enemy", moreso now that he's not afraid to say what he thinks about Corbyn and what he's done to Labour.


And sadly he's been pushed.  The greatest MP that area probably would ever had. Forced out by nasty spiteful people who are too stupid to understand the bigger picture.

Sometimes you really make me chuckle Alchy lad...

is he really the greatest? really?


Austin was reprimanded by the Speaker of the House of Commons for heckling during Prime Minister's Questions on 18 October 2006, and he was subsequently described by David Cameron as one of Gordon Brown's "boot boys".[15] The following week he was rebuked again by the Speaker for comments made towards the Conservative benches.[16]

On 1 June 2012, he apologised after claiming falsely that a Palestinian human rights group, Friends of Al-Aqsa, had denied the Holocaust happened in an article he wrote on the Labour Uncut website in 2011. He accepted that the material of which he complained had been produced by an unconnected individual.[17]

In June 2014, Deputy Speaker Dawn Primarolo told Austin to apologise after he referred to Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood as an "idiot".[18]

In July 2016, Austin was reprimanded by the Speaker of the House of Commons for heckling Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn by shouting "sit down and shut up" and "you're a disgrace", as Corbyn criticised the 2003 invasion of Iraq in his response to the publication of the Chilcot Inquiry.[19][20]

In July 2018, Austin was put under investigation by the Labour Party for allegedly using abusive language towards the Party Chairman, Ian Lavery.[21] General Secretary Jennie Formby dropped the inquiry in November, although Austin did receive a reprimand from the Chief Whip.[22][23]



In May 2009, The Daily Telegraph reported that Austin had tried to split a claim for stamp duty on buying his second home in London into two payments and tried to claim the cost back over two financial years. This allowed him to claim the majority of the money (£21,559, just £75 short of the maximum) under his second-home allowance in the 2005/06 financial year. He then claimed for the remaining £1,344 stamp duty cost in 2006–2007, together with his legal fees. In all, he went on to claim £22,076 (£34 short of the maximum) in the next financial year.[24]

It also reported that Austin "flipped" his second-home designation weeks before buying a £270,000 London flat, and that he had claimed £467 for a stereo system for his constituency home, shortly before he changed his second-home designation to London. He then spent a further £2,800 furnishing the new London flat.[24]

Austin denied any wrongdoing, and defended his actions in an interview with local newspaper Dudley News.[25]



I think we shall have to disagree on this one Alchy..



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