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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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10 minutes ago, CaptainSwing said:

Even hardcore Tory journalist Peter Oborne knows that all this "Corbyn is anti-Semitic" stuff is pure propaganda BS:




Oborne is a throwback to that long-vanished time when some Tories still had a modicum of integrity - when, of course, he's not himself doing propagandistic hack work for the Daily Mail!


He also gives a relatively balanced opinion on Labour's economic policies here:




Also an analysis of how the media (including the BBC) have been co-opted to the Tory propaganda machine, specifically by becoming "stenographers-in-chief to anonymous Downing Street advisers":



a fair few people on here pull me down because i call all this antisemitism a load of old tosh, i get accused of being soft on antisemitism, whereas in fact the people who use the fake claims of antisemitism are the ones that are really doing all the harm, its like the story of the boy who cried wolf, after a while people switch off to it, and the real claims go unnoticed, the people who throw these claims  at me i just laugh at them, they are either going along with all this rubbish to score political points, or they must be very blinkered and deluded....

The Israeli minister Amy Goodman actually states that antisemitism is just a trick to silence criticism of Israel.

see here, straight from the horses mouth..


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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

If you think 'Corbyn is a danger to Britain' please take 5 minutes to read this, about how you've been brainwashed by the Establishment controlled media.

Then, if you are still in any doubt, take a look at today's Daily Mail...



Oh wow. An opinion piece from an unidentified writer published on a glorified blog site with a well-known bias against any form of mainstream media.


Yes that really is the kind of source we should be taking seriously 🙄.


Is that really the best you can do.


The only brainwashed round here are the momentum morons and corbynites who cannot deal with well-deserved criticism brought against their glorious leader.


Thankfully the wider population see him for what he is.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, lottiecass said:

Banjo, I wonder if you think Corbyn will cost the party votes. The reason I ask is I have just been speaking to a bright 80 plus man,a lifelong socialist who will not be voting labour while Corbyn is leader. This isn't the first person to say the same to me.

Doubt he even exists let alone a socialist.

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2 hours ago, banjodeano said:

Anna, you know they wont read it, they can't deviate from what they have been spoon fed, how a man of peace who has fought racism all his life can be labelled antisemitic is beyond me, Goebbels would be amazed that the media and establishment have surpassed him

A lifelong socialist? And now we actually  have a socialist he wont vote for one? Did he think Blair was a socialist I wonder..

No need for the question mark , the gist of what his reason was momentum and the centre of the party.

5 minutes ago, Richard 3 said:

Doubt he even exists let alone a socialist.

Would I invent a bloke to ask banjo an honest question. I wouldn't call Corbyn an anti-Semite but a supporter of Palestines cause.

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16 minutes ago, lottiecass said:

No need for the question mark , the gist of what his reason was momentum and the centre of the party.

Would I invent a bloke to ask banjo an honest question. I wouldn't call Corbyn an anti-Semite but a supporter of Palestines cause.

correct....that is just like the 99.9% members of the party as well

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57 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh wow. An opinion piece from an unidentified writer published on a glorified blog site with a well-known bias against any form of mainstream media.


Yes that really is the kind of source we should be taking seriously 🙄.


Is that really the best you can do.


The only brainwashed round here are the momentum morons and corbynites who cannot deal with well-deserved criticism brought against their glorious leader.


Thankfully the wider population see him for what he is.

Unfortunately the wider population see him for what they have been told he is, that's the point. 

And unless they are prepared to dig a bit deeper to look for the truth, that is what he will remain.

That's brainwashing.

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