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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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5 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

So what is a realistic solution to this problem in your opinion?

Tax the well off. Corbyn plans to raise taxes for those on over £80,000. Not by muuch, a bit more for those on £i00,000, then £150,000 etc.  And collect all the taxes we are owed. No more tax dodging.

Edited by Anna B
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Just now, Anna B said:

Tax the well off. Corbyn plans to raise taxes for those on over £80,000. Not by muuch, a bit more for those on £i00,000, then £150,000 etc.

It won't happen Anna, the well off have way's of hiding their money and working the system. By the same token some people at the bottom do the same too (Working the system that is) where do you draw the line? some people pay more tax in a year than others do in a lifetime, how much more are they expected to pay? What would be the point in being successful if you get penalised for it? 

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11 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

It won't happen Anna, the well off have way's of hiding their money and working the system. By the same token some people at the bottom do the same too (Working the system that is) where do you draw the line? some people pay more tax in a year than others do in a lifetime, how much more are they expected to pay? What would be the point in being successful if you get penalised for it? 

Lucky them. They must be earning / have a great deal of money.


A decent and fair taxation system is a good thing. It helps to support others who need it most and makes the world a more equa,l better place for all. 

Edited by Anna B
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16 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

It won't happen Anna, the well off have way's of hiding their money and working the system. By the same token some people at the bottom do the same too (Working the system that is) where do you draw the line? some people pay more tax in a year than others do in a lifetime, how much more are they expected to pay? What would be the point in being successful if you get penalised for it? 

What a bizarre set of opinions/questions/statements.

Are you saying if people succeed in hiding (? your word?) their money we shouldn't even try to fund the nation?

"where do you draw the line?" = some  'hiding' is okay?

Some people don't pay any tax therefore any tax payer pays more in a year than they do in a lifetime - hardly earth shattering is it?

"What would be the point in being successful if you get penalised for it?  =  Doh! cos you get to keep most of the money you earn.  If you mean 'more than your income' I agree, no point at all. 

Edited by Flanker7
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3 minutes ago, Flanker7 said:

What a bizarre set of opinions/questions/statements.

Are you saying if people succeed in hiding (? your word?) their money we shouldn't even try to fund the nation?

"where do you draw the line?" = some  'hiding' is okay?

Some people don't pay any tax therefore any tax payer pays more in a year than they do in a lifetime - hardly earth shattering is it?

"What would be the point in being successful if you get penalised for it?  =  Doh! cos you get to keep most of the money you earn.  If you mean 'more than your income' I agree, no point at all. 

Do you actually get out of bed in a morning?

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20 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

So what do you suggest? take it off them? it doesn't work like that, they pay their fare share if tax already, some people are well off for a reason.

Poor people work just as hard for far less reward. The rich have usually had advantages, (this has been discussed ad infinitum in the past.) Nothing wrong with that, but paying a slightly higher rate of tax evens things up a bit, and paying  the tax you owe without resorting to dodgy tax avoidancee deals should be a duty in a civilised society. Those on PAYE have to, so should everyone else.


The other sde of the argument is that the government should be trustworthy, honest and diligent in how they spend our taxes, that requires transparency and accountability.


Some  years ago a 'Robin Hood tax' was mooted, and plans drawn up to show how much a tax increase of  .5%  (half of one percent) on the wealthiest would increase government coffers. Even though they wouldn't even miss it, the wealthiest turned it down flat. They simply can never be rich enough. 



Edited by Anna B
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10 hours ago, Anna B said:

Tax the well off. Corbyn plans to raise taxes for those on over £80,000. Not by muuch, a bit more for those on £i00,000, then £150,000 etc.  And collect all the taxes we are owed. No more tax dodging.

Its hard to believe much of Corbyn when he speaks of wealth distribution when he has a £1 million house and  a net worth of £3 million.

9 hours ago, Anna B said:

paying  the tax you owe without resorting to dodgy tax avoidancee deals should be a duty in a civilised society.

Yes, very true........


Labour accused of hypocrisy for £20m property business that has not paid tax for 15 years



Another year, another tax leak – and the usual annual festival of hypocrisy

When it comes to not practising what you preach, the Guardian and the Mirror take the biscuit



Labour-run councils in £12m tax avoidance


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10 hours ago, Anna B said:

Poor people work just as hard for far less reward. The rich have usually had advantages, (this has been discussed ad infinitum in the past.) Nothing wrong with that, but paying a slightly higher rate of tax evens things up a bit, and paying  the tax you owe without resorting to dodgy tax avoidancee deals should be a duty in a civilised society. Those on PAYE have to, so should everyone else.


The other sde of the argument is that the government should be trustworthy, honest and diligent in how they spend our taxes, that requires transparency and accountability.


Some  years ago a 'Robin Hood tax' was mooted, and plans drawn up to show how much a tax increase of  .5%  (half of one percent) on the wealthiest would increase government coffers. Even though they wouldn't even miss it, the wealthiest turned it down flat. They simply can never be rich enough. 



its all very good and well Anna and i agree with what you said, but still no idea why you support brexit, those at the bottom will be worst hit, those at the top wont, and it all started because the EU were bringing in anti tax evasion measures.

Surely as a labour supporter youd agree with this measure?

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