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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

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4 hours ago, melthebell said:

its all very good and well Anna and i agree with what you said, but still no idea why you support brexit, those at the bottom will be worst hit, those at the top wont, and it all started because the EU were bringing in anti tax evasion measures.

No it didn't start like that. The EU had only adopted the idea 3 days before the referendum and didn't put forward its proposals until October 2016.

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27 minutes ago, apelike said:

No it didn't start like that. The EU had only adopted the idea 3 days before the referendum and didn't put forward its proposals until October 2016.



2015, tell me when the referendum was to take place again? even IF the referendum was given as we believe (cameron bowing to the ERG and right wing extremists in his party, and UKIP taking away votes), some of the leading brextremists couldve been swayed by these rules coming into force since they have some fingers in some very large corporate pies and wouldnt want to be paying more tax come 2020, hence why they are desperate to get out.


March 2015


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22 hours ago, melthebell said:



2015, tell me when the referendum was to take place again? even IF the referendum was given as we believe (cameron bowing to the ERG and right wing extremists in his party, and UKIP taking away votes), some of the leading brextremists couldve been swayed by these rules coming into force since they have some fingers in some very large corporate pies and wouldnt want to be paying more tax come 2020, hence why they are desperate to get out.


March 2015


You are getting mixed up with different bits of legislation and although you talk about anti-tax evasion measures have posted links to tax transparency measures and "fair and efficient corporation taxation measures in the EU."  The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive measures were only proposed in Jan 2016, not decided upon till June 2016 and only implemented in Jan 2019. 




PS. Just found out that the idea put forward by melthebell was from posts on Twitter that have been doing the rounds for a few years and have already been debunked by Fullfact Org and others.

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3 hours ago, convert said:


3 hours ago, Jim Hardie said:

Yes, he should leave the jokes to Boris.

I do hope people take the chance to watch that and read the article, (sadly I fear most people won't.) The comment was tongue in cheek and here taken out of context. But I thought the whole thing is rather inspiring and is the first time I've heard Corbyn mention the regular slaughtering he gets in the media.  I've wondered why he didn't fight back. But then it wouldn't be favourably reported would it? All he asks is that journalists to just report what they actually say.   Once again you have to go to the horses mouth. And a Labour Governnment will go after billionaire Media Barons (5 billionaires own 80% of the media,) like Rupert Murdoch, saying his empire pumps out propaganda to support a rigged system.  


Good on him.



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On 12/11/2019 at 15:46, apelike said:

No it didn't start like that. The EU had only adopted the idea 3 days before the referendum and didn't put forward its proposals until October 2016.

And presumably they'd been discussed for quite a while before that.


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5 hours ago, Longcol said:

And presumably they'd been discussed for quite a while before that.

Yeah, according to the link the proposal was put forward around 6 months earlier on 28th January 2016.


Here is a BBC article that explains a bit about where most of the misinformation and fake news came from.. Yeah, Twitter again!




And another debunking of a twit feed by fullfact org, which is also related.



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Corbyn heckled in Dundee

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been heckled at a rally in Dundee by a supporter of another Scottish independence referendum.

A member of the audience interrupted his speech at the Queens Hotel - in which he said Labour would invest £70 billion in Scotland - asking what he would do about the "will of the Scottish people" and shouting "is this democracy?"


Mr Corbyn said: "It's perfectly democratic when we listen to each other, so I'll listen to you in a moment."


The heckler was removed from the audience.

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