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14 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Corbyn heckled in Dundee

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been heckled at a rally in Dundee by a supporter of another Scottish independence referendum.

A member of the audience interrupted his speech at the Queens Hotel - in which he said Labour would invest £70 billion in Scotland - asking what he would do about the "will of the Scottish people" and shouting "is this democracy?"


Mr Corbyn said: "It's perfectly democratic when we listen to each other, so I'll listen to you in a moment."


The heckler was removed from the audience.

Except that in the version shown ontonight's news JC is made to look like a lemon standing there as if he is stuck for an answer. which he clearly wasn't.

Another example of careful editing?

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Corbyn's latest zany scheme which is currently being laughed at by everyone:

Labour pledges free broadband for all




BT chief executive Philip Jansen told Radio 4's Today programme Labour had under-estimated the price of its pledge.


The BBC's business editor, Simon Jack, said Labour's proposal had caught BT "off-guard", as Mr McDonnell had said in July that he had no plans to nationalise the telecoms giant.

"Following Labour's announcement, BT's share price initially fell by 3% before recovering slightly."


Great work, Labour.

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49 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Corbyn's latest zany scheme which is currently being laughed at by everyone:

Labour pledges free broadband for all



"Following Labour's announcement, BT's share price initially fell by 3% before recovering slightly."


Great work, Labour.

This is the moment I realised I can never vote for them. Up until now it was a choice for me. But this scheme seems utter insanity. Apparently only one other country has tried this (Australia) and it has been a disaster.

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4 minutes ago, nightrider said:

This is the moment I realised I can never vote for them. Up until now it was a choice for me. But this scheme seems utter insanity. Apparently only one other country has tried this (Australia) and it has been a disaster.

I would have been on board more if they'd said they'd subsidise basic broadband for low or zero income households. 


The internet is a great tool and now essential for job hunting, managing your household and its bills, and I wouldn't be against that, as so many people are penalised for not having e-bills or being able to use comparison sites to get better deals and so on.


But free. For everyone.  No, I can't see it somehow.

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3 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

I would have been on board more if they'd said they'd subsidise basic broadband for low or zero income households. 


The internet is a great tool and now essential for job hunting, managing your household and its bills, and I wouldn't be against that, as so many people are penalised for not having e-bills or being able to use comparison sites to get better deals and so on.


But free. For everyone.  No, I can't see it somehow.

My worry is also that they are happy to drive all BT's competitors out of business, and then think they can run a major telecoms company themselves to a satisfactory standard.


Apparently pensions will be hit by this because many have invested in broadband companies too.

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1 hour ago, nightrider said:

This is the moment I realised I can never vote for them. Up until now it was a choice for me. But this scheme seems utter insanity. Apparently only one other country has tried this (Australia) and it has been a disaster.

It's absolute madness - although I'm sure they'll scoop up some votes from some people naive enough to think it's a good idea.


So, they want to nationalise Openreach. They would also ' guarantee jobs'  for everyone currently working in broadband. Openreach currently employs 32,000 staff and has a wage bill of about £800,000,000 a year. Openreach's operating costs are more than £2billion a year. Annual maintenance costs are between £1billion and £2billion a year. Openreach is responsible for the rollout of full fibre - which is costing £35billion. 


So Labour are going to pay for all that how exactly, when they would be getting no income because they want to give it away for free... 


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The reason BT was privatised in the first place is that every time the telephone network needed major investment the Treasury had kittens about public borrowing and the plans were scaled back and shelved.


There were waiting lists even to share lines; telephones and calls were expensive. And the government got the blame for it all.


Love or hate the current incarnation of BT, they at least brought the phone system up to date and we're not stuck with these hardwired into the wall points:





I think this scheme, which is being widely panned, is Corbyn's "Ed stone" moment


Image result for labour stone tablet

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So Labour promise yet more 'free' stuff.


What a great idea. Corbyn can't control the free press, which is moving more and more online, so he decides to provide 'free' broadband.


Not even looking at the actual cost to the taxpayer, the monopoly it would create, the jobs that would be lost at Sky, Talk Talk, etc.


The Government would control the internet provision to most homes. Who's going to pay for it if Labour provide it for free.


How much censorship would their be over the state controlled internet?


Big brother really would be watching.


If nothing else convinces you to not vote Labour, this should.


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