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The Labour Party. All discussion here please

Message added by Vaati

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For those who think that privatised utilities are in some way more efficient than publicly owned ones, I’ll just offer you this anecdote.


The lights on my road went off almost two weeks ago. Not one light, but about 12 in a row, both sides of the road. It is a dangerous spot too, dark and a busy road. Northern Power Grid are estimating that they’ll have them fixed by 9th December. That’s a major arterial route through the city, with no lighting for a month. 

I’ve no idea whether a nationalised utility would be any quicker. It is hard to imagine that they could be slower.



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3 hours ago, Pettytom said:

For those who think that privatised utilities are in some way more efficient than publicly owned ones, I’ll just offer you this anecdote.


The lights on my road went off almost two weeks ago. Not one light, but about 12 in a row, both sides of the road. It is a dangerous spot too, dark and a busy road. Northern Power Grid are estimating that they’ll have them fixed by 9th December. That’s a major arterial route through the city, with no lighting for a month. 

I’ve no idea whether a nationalised utility would be any quicker. It is hard to imagine that they could be slower.



Are you sure it's not the council trying to save money?


Anyway a lot of the big Corporate companies that have got the private contracts to do these jobs, like Serco, Amy, Centrica, Openreach etc, are no better than the old system. And they are expected to make a profit for sharehoders where none should exist. 

Edited by Anna B
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Not exactly a ringing endorsement of Corbyn by chair of Leicester East Labour Party, John Thomas, who has just resigned the Labour Party. In his resignation letter he called Corbyn a 'clown', and heavily influenced by the 'Trotskyite Len McCluskey' who has made Labour a laughing stock with his 'hoki coki' leadership. 





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56 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Are you sure it's not the council trying to save money?


Anyway a lot of the big Corporate companies that have got the private contracts to do these jobs, like Serco, Amy, Centrica, Openreach etc, are no better than the old system. And they are expected to make a profit for sharehoders where none should exist. 

But if firms don't make profits what is Jezza going to tax?



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2 hours ago, BoroB said:

But if firms don't make profits what is Jezza going to tax?



He'll tax firms that do make profits like Amazon, who paid just £11.9million on sales of £5.3Billion. That's a lower percantage rate than I pay!

And there are others like them. JC is not going after the small and Medium sized businesses, or the big guys who pay the proper rate, just the one's who are taking the mick.


People who earn less than £80,000 pa have nothing to fear, and a lot to gain by voting Labour. These are the many that Jeremy Corbyn is fighting for. Even those earning more than £80,000 will be treated fairly, and only pay a small exponential increase but will also benefit rom the improved services etc. 

Vote Conservative and only those earning more than 80,000 will gain. 

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

He'll tax firms that do make profits like Amazon, who paid just £11.9million on sales of £5.3Billion. That's a lower percantage rate than I pay!

And there are others like them. JC is not going after the small and Medium sized businesses, or the big guys who pay the proper rate, just the one's who are taking the mick.


Yeah yeah blah blah. Heard it all before Anna.


Of course corporations should be paying less percentage rate than an individual.  The world of business and particularly large corporations employ millions of people, creates investment keeps the economy moving.    Civil service doesn't make money it just spends it.  


I get fed up with this constant simplistic argument that the rich must be taxed more as if it's even that simple.


You say Amazon makes sales of 5.3 billion but where exactly did they make those sales?  How much that sales total resulted in a profit? How much was deemed as loss? How much are overheads?   How much are assets and loans and interest and charges?  What countries has the overall control? What country has the tax collection?  What subsidiary applies to the figures and where is that subsidiary located? 


Amazon just like any other company pays what the law in the relevant jurisdiction says they have to pay.    That law is an extremely complex,  contradictory and confusing world.   Even more so for huge global corporations operating out of multiple jurisdictions with multiple different tax laws.


"... Oh change the laws then..." They all simplisticly scream.    Maybe people need to  go to take a proper look at how that actually happens.   


Some people need a reality check as to how laws are actually made and the parliamentary process.  See how long it actually takes for a bill to be presented, the readings, the debates, the votes, the amendments, second readings, third readings, approval, escalation to the lords, readings, debates,  further amendments, second readings, escalation for royal assent.....


I'm sick to death of Labour's solution to everything being "...tax the rich..."   It's a pathetic cop-out.


Don't you bet your life that he won't go after small and medium enterprises either.  Labour will never be satisfied until they finish spending other people's money.  Even more so when Jezza wakes up to the reality that is not so easy to keep increasing tax on big corporations as he seems to think.


Just like any other sensible organisation who are pushed too far they will simply up sticks and go somewhere else.   See how that plays out to the economy.  See how consumers like it if a their favourite company suddenly stopped operating in the UK.


Typical soundbites.  Just another load of simplistic, unrealistic, impractical load of hot air from an incompetent weak leader.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yeah yeah blah blah. Heard it all before Anna.


Of course corporations should be paying less percentage rate than an individual.  The world of business and particularly large corporations employ millions of people, creates investment keeps the economy moving.    Civil service doesn't make money it just spends it.  


I get fed up with this constant simplistic argument that the rich must be taxed more as if it's even that simple.


You say Amazon makes sales of 5.3 billion but where exactly did they make those sales?  How much that sales total resulted in a profit? How much was deemed as loss? How much are overheads?   How much are assets and loans and interest and charges?  What countries has the overall control? What country has the tax collection?  What subsidiary applies to the figures and where is that subsidiary located? 


Amazon just like any other company pays what the law in the relevant jurisdiction says they have to pay.    That law is an extremely complex,  contradictory and confusing world.   Even more so for huge global corporations operating out of multiple jurisdictions with multiple different tax laws.


"... Oh change the laws then..." They all simplisticly scream.    Maybe people need to  go to take a proper look at how that actually happens.   


Some people need a reality check as to how laws are actually made and the parliamentary process.  See how long it actually takes for a bill to be presented, the readings, the debates, the votes, the amendments, second readings, third readings, approval, escalation to the lords, readings, debates,  further amendments, second readings, escalation for royal assent.....


I'm sick to death of Labour's solution to everything being "...tax the rich..."   It's a pathetic cop-out.


Don't you bet your life that he won't go after small and medium enterprises either.  Labour will never be satisfied until they finish spending other people's money.  Even more so when Jezza wakes up to the reality that is not so easy to keep increasing tax on big corporations as he seems to think.


Just like any other sensible organisation who are pushed too far they will simply up sticks and go somewhere else.   See how that plays out to the economy.  See how consumers like it if a their favourite company suddenly stopped operating in the UK.


Typical soundbites.  Just another load of simplistic, unrealistic, impractical load of hot air from an incompetent weak leader.

You mean like James Dyson, who moved to Singapore without any help from Jeremy Corbyn? 

Seems they leave when the Conservatives are in Charge.

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Clown leading the Party resignation. 





John Thomas is a big mate of Jim the washing machine salesman.



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